Mount Saint Helens Eruption Moving Image Collection, March-May 1980

Overview of the Collection

KATU-TV (Television Station : Portland, Or.)
Mount Saint Helens Eruption Moving Image Collection
March-May 1980 (inclusive)
18 videocassettes
Collection Number
Mic 1
The collection consists of copies of field tapes and studio reporting of the series of eruptions at Mount Saint Helens in Washington state which began in March 1980 and culminated in the eruption of May 18, 1980.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library
1200 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR
Telephone: 503-306-5240
Fax: 503-219-2040
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public for reference viewing.

Additional Reference Guides

The guide prepared by KATU-TV has been cataloged as Ref. 016.55121 M141 KATU 1980.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Funding for preparing this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

Mount St. Helens, about 50 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon, is a composite volcano with a steep-sided, somewhat symmetrical cone made up of ash and lava in alternating layers. It has been active many times during the last two centuries, including a possible eruption in 1800, intermittent eruptions between 1831 and 1857, and possible minor eruptions in 1898, 1903, and 1921. The 1980 eruptions were the first major volcanic eruptions in the conterminous United States since Lassen Peak (Calif.) in 1914.

March and April 1980 were months of intense activity, including more than 10,000 earthquakes, hundreds of small steam explosions and the distension of the north side of the mountain. On May 18, a magnitude 5.1 earthquake triggered the largest landslide in recorded history on the north side of the volcano. The resulting eruption lasted 9 hours and sent ash over several states. The lateral blast leveled miles of forest, and mudflows devastated the Toutle River Valley.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

After 1980, the mountain entered a period of dome-building, constructing a new lava dome in the crater left by the 1980 eruption.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Alternative Forms Available

Preview videotapes are available for all material.

Restrictions on Use

The material has been copyrighted. Requests for reproductions must be sent to KATU-TV, Portland, Oregon.

Preferred Citation

Mount Saint Helens Eruption Moving Image Collection, Oregon Historical Society Research Library. Individual items should be cited by archive number and title.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The videotapes are individually numbered.

Location of Collection

Preview videotapes are available at the Oregon Historical Society Research Library.

Location of Originals

Originals are at KATU television station, Portland, Oregon.

Custodial History

All of the materials were created by the News Department of KATU-TV.

Acquisition Information

Gift of KATU-TV, 1980.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Description Dates
04864: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 1]
Hopkins, Tom Keiter, Jim Zinman, Henry (photographer)
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(62 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: aerial views of the mountain and crater, eruptions, road blocks, interview with geologist, steam plumes, Swift Creek reservoir, ash, interview with Cougar store owner, evacuation.
March 20-April 2, 1980
04865: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 2]
Keiter, Jim Philbin, Bill Stapleton, Don Zinman, Henry ABC News KOMO-TV (Television Station : Seattle, Wash.) (photographer)
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(49 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: sampling ash, aerials of mountain, crater, and surrounding areas, eruptions, spectators along the highway, aviation around the mountain, road blocks, evacuation, Pearson Airpark, ash for sale.
April 2-5, 1980
04866: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 3]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(59 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: still photos of the mountain before the eruptions began, aerials of crater and cracks in ice, Spirit Lake, interview with geologist, traffic and road blocks, eruptions.
March 27-April 3, 1980
04867: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 4]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(28 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: paintings and drawings of earlier eruptions, aerial of steam eruption, landslides, Cascade Mountains, airplanes.
April 2-6, 1980
04868: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 5]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(32 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: snowman, eruptions, aerial of crater.
April 7-10, 1980
04869: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 6]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(32 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: aerials of eruptions, crater, rockslides, ash clouds.
April 10, 1980
04870: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 7]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(32 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: aerials of crater, eruption, mountain range.
April 10-14, 1980
04871: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 8]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(32 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: aerials of mountain, interviews with geologist and evacuee, Toutle River.
May 1-14, 1980
04872: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 9]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(29 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: interview with geologist, aerials of crater and eruptions.
May 6-14, 1980
04873: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 10]
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(32 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tape: aerials of Mt. St. Helens Lodge, crater, north side bulge, convoys of property owners going into restricted area, interviews with property owners, eruption.
May 15-18, 1980
04874: [Mt. St. Helens, no. 11]
Don Stapleton KATU-TV (Television Station : Portland, Or.) KOMO-TV (Television Station : Seattle, Wash.) (photographer)
4 videocassettes (viewing tapes available). : (U-matic)(121 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Field tapes. Tape 1: eruption, aerials of mountain and Toutle River, news personnel, debris, ash plume. Tape 2: eruption, Toutle River, Trojan nuclear power plant, news conference, studio report. Tape 3: eruption, spectators, David Crockett film, airlifting burn victims. Tape 4: interview with geologist, Camp Baker, Toutle River, eruption. Appearing: David Jackson, Richard Ross, Robin Anderson, Tom Bentson, Bob Christensen, Tim Storrs.
May 18, 1980
04875: [KATU Evening News]
Anderson, Alan Olsen, Jeff Stapleton, Don Wikman, Carl (photographer)
2 videocassettes (viewing tapes available). : (U-matic)(53 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
The tape includes a long excerpt from the local evening news broadcast from the day of the main eruption, a short piece from ABC national news broadcast, and a piece from the next day showing the demolished forests. Includes many scenes of the Toutle River. Reporters: KATU: Stan Wilson, Robin Anderson, Essex Porter, Bill Van Amburg, Paul Magers, Tim Storrs, Ken Crockett, Paul Hanson, Fred Jenkins, Jim Hyde; ABC: Tom Jarrel, Tom Schell. Appearing: Bob Christensen, USGS; Jim Unterwagner, USFS; Mike Cairns, air rescue; Bud Graves, NWS; Lois Rasmussen; Harry Truman.
May 18, 1980
04876: Mt. St. Helens: the return of fire mountain
Beard, Phil Dargan, Richard Etheridge, Ray Hopkins, Tom Keiter, Jim Killingsworth, Stanford Lacher, Gary Olsen, Jeff Stapleton, Don Strobeck, Ken Weaver, Bill Zinman, Henry (photographer)
2 videocassettes (viewing tapes available). : (U-matic)(55 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
The tape includes a long excerpt from the local evening news broadcast from the day of the main eruption, a short piece from ABC national news broadcast, and a piece from the next day showing the demolished forests. Includes many scenes of the Toutle River. Reporters: Bill Van Amburg, Essex Porter, Kim Gilbert, Carl Wikman, David Crockett. Appearing: Bob Christensen, USGS; Jim Unterwagner, USFS; Mike Cairns, air rescue; Bud Graves, NWS; Lois Rasmussen; Harry Truman.
04877: The Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
Blodgette, Caleb Strobeck, Ken Fisher Broadcasting, Inc. KATU-TV (Television Station : Portland, Or.) KOMO-TV (Television Station : Seattle, Wash.) (editor)
1 videocassette (viewing tape available). : (U-matic)(27 min.), sd., col. ¾ in.
Documentary on the eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Includes a history of the area, and shows the sequence of eruptions leading up to the major blast of May 18, 1980. Includes President Carter's visit to the area and Harry Truman's sister, Mrs. Gerry Whiting, leaving a wreath on the mountain at the site of Spirit Lake. Also appearing: Harry Truman, Robin Anderson.