Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Clarence Bagley papers, 1864-1931
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Bagley, Clarence, 1843-1932
- Title
- Clarence Bagley papers
- Dates
- 1864-1931 (inclusive)18641931
- Quantity
- 9.70 cubic feet (26 boxes) plus one oversized folder
- Collection Number
- 0036
- Summary
- Papers of a pioneer, historian, journalist, author, publisher, collector, and public official of Washington
- Repository
University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections
Special Collections
University of Washington Libraries
Box 352900
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2065431929
Fax: 2065431931 - Access Restrictions
Open to all users.
- Languages
- English
- Sponsor
- Funding for encoding this finding aid was partially provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
From his arrival in Seattle in 1860 until his death in 1932 at the age of eighty-eight, Clarence Bagley was concerned with the growth of Washington as a Territory and State in general, and Seattle's growth as a city in particular. Soon after their arrival and his father's appointment as University Commissioner, Bagley became a clerk in the Surveyor General's office in 1866, shortly after his marriage to Alice Mercer.
This move brought him directly into politics and into the printing trade as well. While working in the Surveyor General's office in Olympia, Bagley came under the tutelage of Randall Hewitt, owner of the Territorial Republican and the Temperance Echo. With L. G. Abbott he bought the Echo in 1868 but sold his interest shortly thereafter and took employment with the Commercial Age, organ of the Republican Party. When this newspaper was discontinued in 1870, he returned to Seattle, remaining until May 1871, when he became deputy in the internal revenue office, holding the position until 1873. While in this office he worked with the Puget Sound Courier, finally buying it in 1873, and emerging as Territorial Printer for the next ten years. He sold the Courier and the printing office in 1884, returning to Seattle to stay in 1885 after a brief interval in Portland as a deputy collector of internal revenue.
By now a confirmed publisher, Clarence Bagley joined with others and purchased the Post-Intelligencer in 1886, which he managed until L. S. J. Hunt took it over that same year. Other ephemeral ventures followed, one in banking and one again in newspapers, joining with Homer Hill for two years in publishing the Daily Press.
In 1890 he was elected to the House of Delegates of the City Council from where he fought open gambling and Seattle's "open town" policy with the result that doors were barred on many of the "gambling hells. " Following upon this experience in elective office he acted as an adviser in writing the 1893 city charter, contributing clauses affecting assessments for local improvements.
From 1893 until his appointment as Secretary of the Board of Public Works in 1900, he worked in the City Comptroller's office. He continued as Secretary of the Board until his retirement in 1929. These experiences in city government and his ever-present concern for governmental efficiency led him to become candidate in 1909 for the Republican nomination for councilman from the Eighth Ward. He announced his candidacy in letters to friends, but did not actively canvass his ward for votes. He stressed his alarm with what, in his opinion, was a growing trend toward mismanagement and extravagance in city affairs. Promising a "square deal, " Bagley felt this could be changed with a business-like economy and management terminating in better, cleaner government.
The election itself, with its many side issues, was unsettling for him as he associated political reporting with what he considered to be honestly partisan, and took exception to the methods used by 1910 newspapermen, not only in his own case but on behalf of all the candidates. He lost the election to Elbert F. Blaine, and explained that the loss was due to his association with the "City Hall Gang, " whom the voters had rejected completely.
Until this point in his career, he appears to have been a public servant first and a historian second. Now his interest in historical writing resurfaced. He had begun two years previously to edit the manuscripts of William I. Marshall's Acquisition of Oregon. Marshall, whom Bagley had met in 1905, had devoted twenty years to disproving the "Whitman Saved Oregon" myth, and after his death in 1906, Bagley and Thompson Coit Elliott, both interested in seeing the work published, joined to edit the manuscript and to assist the widow financially.
Despite feeling that his position with the Board of Public Works took too much time away from historical study, he stayed on as Secretary, editing Marshall's work for publication in his spare time; it appeared in 1911. This was followed by publication of articles in historical quarterlies and journals, and in 1916, The History of Seattle appeared, culminating more than two years of research.
With publication of this work, Clarence Bagley's often-expressed dream of writing the history of his region was becoming a reality. He had little sympathy for writers who romanticized the facts of history into fiction that bore little or no resemblance to actuality. However, his view of "actuality" was restricted by rigid adherence to the "pioneer code" on the one hand and self-imposed limitations on the other, as he illustrated in a letter to Edmond S. Meany in 1911:
"Sometime I shall write a history of Seattle, and while what I shall say will be the truth I shall not give all the truth. I shall rake up no old stories of evil. "
His activities were not confined to writing. He gave his time freely in efforts to organize pioneer societies and similar groups, frequently being called upon for speeches and public appearances in connection with pioneer-inspired celebrations.
In 1905 he had become deeply involved in a dispute between the historical societies of Seattle and Tacoma. Consolidation of effort and location under the aegis of the State was suggested by the Seattle group when its members (including Meany, Cornelius Hanford, Thomas Burke, Roger S. Greene and John P. Hoyt) decided that the Tacoma society was "dead. " Most of the members of the Seattle group had aided in founding the Washington State Historical Society in 1891. But the early years turned into a struggle for mere existence which Bagley et al regarded as a hindrance to accomplishment of the Society's original purposes of collection and preservation of historical source materials. This suggestion revitalized the slumbering rivalry of the two cities and the battle was joined. Bagley became the unofficial spokesman for the Washington University State Historical Society which had been newly founded. In a letter to Professor J.N. Bowman of the State Normal School in Bellingham, he explained:
"Experience had proved that the Societies thus allied with State Universities have done the best work, and that this will be true here."
Proposals of merger were not accepted by Tacoma, and the Washington State Historical Society remained a separate body. Unallied with the Tacoma group in either effort or ideals, Bagley was elected president of the Washington University State Historical Society, and under his leadership the work of collecting and preserving original data was begun. His vision of a central repository for historical research materials was challenged once again in 1915, when the King County Historical Society sought allocation of land on University-owned property.
In a letter to Winlock W. Miller of Seattle, Bagley called for a "concert of action in historical efforts, " insisting that "I have seen so many similar efforts live a precarious existence and finally die from slow decay that I may be permitted to express doubts as to the long life or active work of the present one."
In the public mind Bagley symbolized Pacific Northwest history in many ways. The post-office delivered letters to him addressed merely "Historian, Seattle, Washington;" newspapers of the city began to refer to him affectionately as "Pop, " and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce directed all of its inquiries on historical matters to his desk in City Hall.
In 1929 he brought out his History of King County. With retirement, articles and pamphlets began to appear with regularity. Indian Myths of the Northwest, "compiled, annotated and expurgated" as he wrote to a friend, was published in 1930.
Plans for future publications simmered. Clarence Bagley began 1932 with letters to friends expressing enthusiasm for his many historical projects, and often a small boast regarding his health. He was proud of the two-mile walk he took each day from his home on Seattle's Queen Anne hill "to town, rain or shine. " But a lingering cold developed into pneumonia, and on February 17, 1932, "Pop" Bagley died.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Correspondence, legal documents, historical writings, speeches, and reports 1864-1931. His historical collection includes materials on Washington territorial Indian wars, the Hudson's Bay Company, anti-Chinese sentiment in Seattle, and early banking in Seattle and Puyallup, Washington. Also includes Bagley's copy of his book The Acquisition and Pioneering of Old Oregon, 1924, with clippings and letters pasted within.
Other Descriptive InformationReturn to Top
Major publications of Clarence Bagley:
- The Acquisition and Pioneering of Old Oregon. Seattle, Argus Print, 1924. 41 p.
- Along the Oregon Trail in 1852; Reminiscences of an Overland Journey from Illinois to the Oregon Country 72 Years Ago. [New York City, Motor Travel, 1924] (From Motor Travel, v, xv, nos. 10, 11, 12, January to March, 1924, pp. 13-20, 11-16, 11-18 respectively.)
- History of King County, Washington. Chicago, Seattle, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1929. 3 v.
- History of Seattle from the Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. Chicago, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1916. 3 v. also: Supplement in 1916, "Seattle. "
- In the Beginning: A Sketch of Some Early Events in Western Washington While It Was Still a Part of "Old Oregon." Seattle, Lowman and Hanford, 1905. 90 p.
- Indian Myths of the Northwest. Seattle, Lowman and Hanford, 1930. 148 p.
- Pioneer Seattle and Its Founders. [Seattle? 1924?] 17 p.
- Pioneer Seattle and Its Pioneers. Seattle, 1928. 17 p. [This is the same as Pioneer Seattle and Its Founders but it includes photographs]
- Early Catholic Missions in Old Oregon. 2 vols. Seattle, Lowman and Hanford, 1932.
- Charters of the City of Seattle Beginning With the Original Charter of 1869 and Embracing All Subsequent Charters With Each and Every Amendment Thereto Compiled and Arranged Chronologically. Seattle, Record Publishing Co., 1910.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Creator's literary rights not transferred to the University of Washington Libraries.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Arranged in three accessions:
- Accession No. 0036-001, Clarence Bagley papers, 1864-1931
- Accession No. 0036-002, Clarence Bagley papers, 1924
- Accession No. 0036-003, Clarence Bagley papers, undated
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Accession No. 0036-001: Clarence Bagley papers, 1864-1931Return to Top
- Purchased papers and collected materials
- Donated materials
Scope and Content: Correspondence, legal documents including abstracts, deeds, indentures, and financial records of the Lake Washington Coal Company and the Seattle Coal Company; historical writings; speeches; and reports reflecting his career as historian and collector; Territorial printer, 1873-84; newspaper publisher, 1868-89, and secretary of the Seattle Board of Public Works, 1900-29. His historical collection includes materials on Washington territorial Indian wars, the Hudson's Bay Company, anti-Chinese sentiment in Seattle, and early banking in Seattle and Puyallup, Washington.
Sharp delineation of young Clarence Bagley's character and activities, as well as the social and economic motivations that inspired them, may be found in the voluminous correspondence between father and son during the twenty-odd years when Clarence Bagley was in Olympia. Weekly letters, exchanged from 1862 until the middle 1870s, are rich in commentary on politics, business, and society. Here the researcher will discover a tempestuous, impatient and often hot-headed son urging his father into political activity and real estate ventures (the Bagleys were part-owners of a coal mine on which they hoped to realize a profit by selling their interests at the opportune time; and both father and son speculated on property in King and Thurston Counties); while letters from Reverend Bagley to his son contain steadying advice and occasional urgings to declare his allegiance to the Church.
Hints of what actually transpired between Clarence Bagley and Selucius Garfielde, as the latter's political career waned, are found in the letters which Garfielde wrote to Bagley. Although Bagley did not consistently preserve his outgoing correspondence until 1903, there are many of the details of the earlier years in letters to his father and in the retrospective exchange of letters with Edward Huggins (former Hudson's Bay Company employee and later owner of the Puget Sound Agricultural Company). Although Huggins was older and their contacts had been few during the time of Huggins's residence at Fort Nisqually, the younger Bagley in later years came to regard him as a contemporary. They had shared an experience, as pioneers, that set them apart from friends met later in life. Between 1903 and Huggins's death in 1907, more than three hundred letters passed between them. As a result, the Huggins-Bagley exchange of letters is a rich source of historical and anecdotal material about many of the more prominent figures of early Puget Sound history.
Shortly after Huggins's death, Bagley acquired another, equally prolific correspondent in Thompson Coit Elliott. Their previously mentioned partnership in editing and publishing Marshall's Acquisition of Oregon soon developed into a warm friendship. Elliott was an investment banker in Walla Walla, president of the Inland Empire Historical Society, and treasurer of Whitman College from 1895 to 1900. Because of his involvement with Bagley in publication of Marshall's work, Elliott drew bitter criticism from officials at Whitman College, who were at that time attempting to acquire the Fort Walla Walla site for further expansion of the school. Elliott held that the college was trading on the Whitman myth to accomplish what he termed a "land grab. "
From about 1911 onward, a temperate moderating spirit seems more evident in Clarence Bagley's letters. With the exception of issues on the national level of politics, he became mellow and tolerant to a degree that amazed even himself.
"... I am a very strong partisan, but of late years am more inclined to look on both sides of the ticket, except on National questions. There I am a bed rock Republican and it would be a very bad nomination indeed to make me not vote the ticket straight. "
Although he never yielded to his father's promptings to join the Methodist Church, he had been raised in an atmosphere of prejudice and dislike for missionaries of the Roman Catholic Church and agents of the Hudson's Bay Company. Beginning as early as the family's stay in Salem, the young Bagley had become fast friends with the children of the early Protestant missionaries, and had imbibed their slanted opinions regarding both Catholics and Hudson's Bay Company people. Yet in his later correspondence, Bagley seemingly could not resist pointing to the humor of his situation. He had just completed writing and editing a publication for the Roman Catholic Church, and in a note to George H. Himes, president of the Oregon Historical Society, describing his work, he concluded, "... all of this done by a son of a Protestant Clergyman will have Bishop O'Dea's approval. "
In his correspondence with Himes, he displays a natural and relaxed approach. Subtle wit, with himself often its prey, pervades the letters. His undiluted opinions on national politics, which had replaced local politics in his thoughts after 1914, appear most frequently in his letters to Himes. If he had labeled himself a "bed rock Republican" in 1904, by the end of the war he had become even more firmly entrenched in his ideas of Americanism when the specter of "Bolshevism" seemed to materialize in the strikes and riots of 1918 and 1919. Perhaps in reaction to the General Strike of 1919, which had just shaken Seattle's complacency, he mounted an attack on the alien element in the population. He declared to Himes:
"... Every 'Red,' I. W. W., Bolshevic [sic], or whatever the traitors or enemies of our government go by, they should be deported at once, and laws passed so stringent that they and their kind can never again come here. "
In municipal affairs Bagley grew uneasy about the growth of City Light under J. D. Ross' driving leadership. He really did not approve of municipal ownership of electric power, so two years after his retirement, he congratulated Mayor Edwards for firing Ross and volunteered support in the event of a recall movement being instigated against Mayor Edwards. (The Mayor was recalled.)
The varied paths which Clarence Bagley followed in his eighty-eight years, most of which are illuminated in his papers, lead to a unique distillation of another, in many ways less complex, era of American life and enterprise. It is the purpose of this necessarily limited exposition of the many facets of the Bagley papers to provide the researcher with an adequate introduction to their potential as a source of Puget Sound and Northwest history.
Digital Content/Other Formats: View selections from this collection in digital format.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Acquisition Info: Purchased from Clarence Bagley in February in 1919, and donated by the Bagley-Mercer Company on April 6, 1959.
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Purchased papers and collected materials
Arranged in 7 series:
Acquisition Info:
Purchased from Clarence Bagley in 1919.
correspondence |
Individual name
folders |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
1/1 | 0036-001 | Abernethy, Alexander
Smith 4 letters
1878 |
1/2 | 0036-001 | Allen, Carrie
L. 4 letters
1900, 1906 |
1/3 | 0036-001 | Allen, J.S. 3 letters
1906 |
1/4 | 0036-001 | Allen, John Beard,
1845-1903 4 letters
1882, 1883, 1887 |
1/5 | 0036-001 | Andrews, Clarence Leroy,
1862-1948 10 letters
1898, 1903-1905 |
1/6 | 0036-001 | Andrews, Lyman Beach,
1829-1913 12 letters
1865-1875 |
1/7 | 0036-001 | Bancroft, Hubert Howe,
1832-1918 16 letters
1882-1895 |
1/8 | 0036-001 | Barnard, William
E. 1 letter
1866 |
1/9 | 0036-001 | Bartlett, N.H. 1 letter
1876 |
1/10 | 0036-001 | Beach, Louis P.,
1833-1873 4 letters
1867-1868 |
1/11 | 0036-001 | Berry, Haidee
L. 3 letters
1883-1884 |
1/12 | 0036-001 | Brents, Thomas Hurley,
1840-1916 8 letters
1880, 1883 |
1/13 | 0036-001 | Brown, Beriah 3 letters
1873, 1874 |
1/14 | 0036-001 | Burke, Thomas,
1849-1925 3 letters
1903, 1908, 1916 |
1/14b | 0036-001 | B Miscellaneous |
1/15 | 0036-001 | Carr, J. Tyler 9 letters
1863-1871 |
1/16 | 0036-001 | Carr, Ossian J. 4 letters
1875 |
1/17 | 0036-001 | Chapman, Memory Noble,
1845-1889 7 letters
1865-1877 |
1/18 | 0036-001 | Coulter, Samuel,
1831- 6 letters
1870-1873 |
1/19 | 0036-001 | Davies,
Griffith 3 letters
1883 |
1/20 | 0036-001 | Eells, Edwin 21 letters
1905-1917 |
1/21 | 0036-001 | Eells, Myron,
1843-1907 10 letters
1902-1906 |
1/22 | 0036-001 | Elder, A.R. 3 letters
1869-1874 |
1/23 | 0036-001 | Evans, Elwood,
-1898 4 letters
1868, 1882 |
1/24 | 0036-001 | Feinler, Franz
J. 3 letters
1910, 1911 |
1/25 | 0036-001 | Ferry, Elisha Peyre,
1825-1895 2 letters
1894 |
1/26 | 0036-001 | Frost, Robert 4 letters
1894-1906 |
1/27-28 | 0036-001 | Garfielde, Selucius,
1822-1881 29 letters
1866-1874 |
1/29 | 0036-001 | Gowey, John F. 1 letter
1889 |
1/30 | 0036-001 | Graham, David 3 letters
1864-1875 |
1/31 | 0036-001 | Greene, Roger Sherman,
1840- 8 letters
1916-1926 |
1/32 | 0036-001 | Grubbs, F.H. 9 letters
1905-1909 |
1/33 | 0036-001 | Hammond,
William 1 letter
1873 |
1/34 | 0036-001 | Hanford, Clarence,
1857- 3 letters
1880 |
1/35 | 0036-001 | Hayden, James R.,
1837- 3 letters
1870-1889 |
1/36-44 | 0036-001 | Himes, George
H. 143
1880-1931 |
2/1 | 0036-001 | Hopkins, C.B. 13 letters
1889-1898 |
2/2 | 0036-001 | Howay, Frederick
William 6 letters
1913-1926 |
2/3 | 0036-001 | Hoyt, John P. 2 letters
1896 |
2/4-17 | 0036-001 | Huggins, Edward,
1832-1907 186
General Notes:
letters in 14 folders
1903-1907 |
2/18 | 0036-001 | McElroy, Harry B.,
-1928 6 letters
1896-1919, 1923 |
2/19 | 0036-001 | McGilvra, Oliver C.,
1867- 4 letters
1904, 1907 |
2/20 | 0036-001 | McGraw, John Harte,
1850-1910 4 letters
1903-1908 |
2/21 | 0036-001 | McMicken, William,
1827-1899 3 letters
1877-1898 |
2/22 | 0036-001 | McNaught, James 1 letter
1881 |
2/23 | 0036-001 | Mann, Champion B.,
1844-1929 17 letters
1895-1905 |
2/23b | 0036-001 | Marshall, William I. 8 letters
1905-1914 |
2/23b | 0036-001 | Marshall, (Mrs.) William I 62 letters
1905-1914 |
2/24 | 0036-001 | Meigs, George Anson,
1820-1897 2 letters
1862, 1870 |
2/25 | 0036-001 | Milroy, V.A. 1 letter
1900 |
2/26 | 0036-001 | Minor, Thomas T.,
-1889 2 letters
1876, 1881 |
2/27 | 0036-001 | Moore, C.W. 11 letters
1895, 1909, undated |
2/28 | 0036-001 | Murphy, John
Miller 8 letters
1886-1913 |
2/29 | 0036-001 | Oliphant, E P. 1 letter
1870 |
2/30 | 0036-001 | Oregon Historical
Society 3 letters
1905, 1921 |
2/31 | 0036-001 | Owings, Nicholas
H. 5 letters
1880-1899 |
2/32 | 0036-001 | Parker, John G. 4 letters
1903-1904 |
2/33 | 0036-001 | Porter, Nathan
S. 3 letters
1903 |
2/34 | 0036-001 | Power, James 4 letters
1874-1880 |
2/35 | 0036-001 | Prosch, Thomas Wickham,
1850-1915 3 letters
1899-1906 |
2/36 | 0036-001 | Rasin, V.M. 1 letter
1889 |
2/37 | 0036-001 | Reed, Thomas M 7 letters
1867-1903 |
2/38 | 0036-001 | Richardson, Edwin
C. 8 letters
1867-1894 |
2/39 | 0036-001 | Richmond,
Francis 6 letters
1904-1905 |
3/1 | 0036-001 | Seattle,
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition 3 letters
1909 |
3/2 | 0036-001 | Sahm, S.P. 1 letter
1875 |
3/3 | 0036-001 | Sinclair, William
B. 1 letter
1870 |
3/4 | 0036-001 | Squire, Watson C.,
1838-1926 2 letters
1890 |
3/5 | 0036-001 | Stevens, Hazard,
1842-1918 3 letters
1901, 1910 |
3/6 | 0036-001 | Stone, Corliss P.,
1838- 5 letters
1870, 1895 |
3/7 | 0036-001 | United States Internal
Revenue Service, Washington (Territory) 11 letters
1865, 1866 |
3/8 | 0036-001 | United States World's
Columbian Commission 1 letter
1893 |
3/9 | 0036-001 | Washington (State),
University 4 letters
1908, 1921 |
3/10 | 0036-001 | Washington (State)
miscellaneous 2 letters
1889, 1923 |
3/11 | 0036-001 | Washington State Historical
Society 11 letters
1905, 1906 |
3/12 | 0036-001 | Weir, Allen,
1854- 5 letters
1880-1903 |
3/13 | 0036-001 | Whitworth, George Frederic,
1816-1907 7 letters
1866-1870 |
3/14 | 0036-001 | Wisconsin State Historical
Society 3 letters
1906, 1911 |
3/15 | 0036-001 | Wyckoff, Ambrose Barkley,
1848- 3 letters
1908-1909 |
3/16 | 0036-001 | Yesler, Henry L.,
1810-1892 3 letters
1866 |
Miscellaneous name
Scope and Content:
One letter per name unless otherwise indicated.
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
3/17 | 0036-001 | Adams, Edward
F. |
1884 |
3/17 | 0036-001 | Albertson, Robert
Brookman |
1901 |
3/17 | 0036-001 | Alden, A.E. |
1882 |
3/17 | 0036-001 | Angle, Grant E. |
1886 |
3/17 | 0036-001 | Atkinson, John
F. 2 letters
1875, 1907 |
3/17 | 0036-001 | Atwood, A. |
1904 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Bagley,
Katherine 2 letters
1884 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Barnes, G.A. |
1867 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Beal, C. |
undated |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Bigelow, D.R. |
1867 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Bingham, Kate
Stevens |
1901 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Blaine (E.P.) &
DeVries, [attorneys] Seattle |
1894 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Bradshaw, Charles
Miner |
1891 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Brainerd,
Erastus |
1904 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | British Columbia,
Provincial Archives [R.E. Gosnell] |
1908 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Brown, D.B. 2 letters
1867 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Brown and Son,
Seattle |
1876 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Bryan, E. 2 letters
1867, 1870 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Buchanan, Thomas
F. |
1870 |
3/18 | 0036-001 | Buifinch, James
T.A. 2 letters
undated |
3/19 | 0036-001 | Calhoun, George
V. |
1893 |
3/19 | 0036-001 | Callow, William 2 letters
1886 |
3/19 | 0036-001 | Carrere |
1890 |
3/19 | 0036-001 | Cavanaugh, Thomas
H. |
1889 |
3/19 | 0036-001 | Chapman, Jennie [Mrs.
Memory N.] |
1905 |
3/19 | 0036-001 | Cook, Francis
H. 2 letters
1879, 1880 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Davis, Brad W. |
1889 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Denny, David T. |
1901 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Denny, Rolland
H. |
1905 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Dodge, John |
1866 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Dolph, Joseph
N. |
1884 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Donaldson, Thomas
Blaine |
1903 |
3/20 | 0036-001 | Dunbar, R.O. |
1889 |
3/21 | 0036-001 | Eells, W.C. |
1906 |
3/21 | 0036-001 | Elliott, Thompson
Coit 2 letters
1919, 1924 |
3/21 | 0036-001 | Everett, City
Clerk |
1903 |
3/22 | 0036-001 | Faray, W.P. |
1890 |
3/22 | 0036-001 | Fares, Joseph 2 letters
1866, 1867 |
3/22 | 0036-001 | Fenton, William
D. |
1905 |
3/22 | 0036-001 | Finkboner, C.C. |
1875 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Gale, J.N. |
1887 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Galliher, Milas |
1893 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | George, M.C. 2 letters
1922 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Gill, John K. |
1909 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Gilliam, William
H. |
1901 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Gordon, Elden
M. |
1919 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Grant, Frederick
James |
undated |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Grant (Frederick James)
Memorial Association |
1896 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Greer, G.H. |
1871 |
3/23 | 0036-001 | Guyot, Fred |
1897 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Harris, George
W. |
1870 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Henry, J.D. 2 letters
1903 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Hewitt, R.H. |
1864 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Hicks, W.E. 2 letters
1903 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Hill, Nathaniel
D. |
1903 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Hill, William
Lair 2 letters
1893 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Horton (Dexter) and
Company, Seattle |
1881 |
3/24 | 0036-001 | Hunt, Leigh
S.J. |
undated |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Jenner, Charles
K. 2 letters
1888, 1890 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Jones, William
P. |
1882 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Joslyn, A.J. |
1912 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Joslyn, E.S. |
1870 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Kellogg, G. |
1916 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Kendrick, Rodney
C. |
1895 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Ketzler, P.C. |
1904 |
3/25 | 0036-001 | Kubel, E.F. |
1879 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | Lansing, Grace
Moffett |
1908 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | Leggett (Thomas B.) &
Company, New York |
1861 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | Lindsley, (Mrs.) A.
Denny |
1904 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | LittleJohn,
A.J. |
1903 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | Lewis, Perry |
1904 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | Lord, Harry C. |
1917 |
3/26 | 0036-001 | Lowman and Hanford
Stationery and Printing Company, Seattle |
1908 |
3/27 | 0036-001 | McMicken,
Maurice |
1907 |
3/27 | 0036-001 | Magee, (Mrs.)
Charles 2 letters
1903 |
3/27 | 0036-001 | Mapel, R. |
1882 |
3/27 | 0036-001 | Marsh, (Mrs.) Robert
J. |
1905 |
3/27 | 0036-001 | Marshall, (Mrs.) William
I. |
1906 |
3/27 | 0036-001 | Maxwell, G.G. |
1869 |
3/28 | 0036-001 | Mills College,
California |
1889 |
3/28 | 0036-001 | Monson, Fred W. 2 letters
1893, 1894 |
3/28 | 0036-001 | Moore, H.H. |
1903 |
3/28 | 0036-001 | Moore, Miles
Conway |
1889 |
3/28 | 0036-001 | Moores, Charles
B. 2 letters
1911, 1927 |
3/29 | 0036-001 | Moultray, W.R. |
1880 |
3/29 | 0036-001 | Myrick, M.L. |
1905 |
3/29 | 0036-001 | Newland, R.G. |
1880 |
3/29 | 0036-001 | New York
University |
1912 |
3/29 | 0036-001 | Northern Pacific Railroad
Company |
1883 |
3/29 | 0036-001 | Oregon Railway and
Navigation Company, Portland |
1880 |
3/30 | 0036-001 | Parker, Frank
J. 2 letters
1913, 1920 |
3/30 | 0036-001 | Pierce County Pioneer and
Historical Association |
1931 |
3/30 | 0036-001 | Piper, Thomas
H. 2 letters
1897, 1898 |
3/31 | 0036-001 | Rabnett, L.S. |
undated |
3/31 | 0036-001 | Radebaugh, R.F. |
1884 |
3/31 | 0036-001 | Reitze, Chester
N. |
1923 |
3/31 | 0036-001 | Roberts, W.H. 2 letters
1884 |
3/31 | 0036-001 | Rogers, E.R. |
1903 |
3/31 | 0036-001 | Runez, Carl H.
[?] |
1925 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Saunders, H.M. |
1877 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Schafer, Joseph |
1903 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Scott, Harvey
W. 2 letters
1890, 1903 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Seattle Civil
Service |
1896 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Seattle Board of Public
Works |
1899 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Seattle Labor
Carnival |
1903 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Seattle Chamber of
Commerce |
1904 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Seattle Post |
1880 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Seattle Savings
Bank |
1894 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Shackelford, (Mrs.)
R.S. |
1904 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Shannon, George
S. |
1886 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Shaser, W.S. |
1910 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Smith, H.A. |
1867 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Snowden, Clinton
A. |
1910 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Snyder, Alfred |
1879 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Steel, George A |
1879 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Stone, Fred P. |
1883 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Stone, N.J. |
1895 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Steward, G.H. |
1878 |
3/32 | 0036-001 | Struve, Henry
G. |
1874 |
3/33 | 0036-001 | Talkington,
H.L. |
1916 |
3/33 | 0036-001 | Thomas, C.E. |
1928 |
3/33 | 0036-001 | Treadway, A.J. 2 letters
1867, 1868 |
3/33 | 0036-001 | Treen, L.A. |
1884 |
3/33 | 0036-001 | Trimble, W.J. |
1914 |
3/33 | 0036-001 | Trumbull, C.G. |
1910 |
3/34 | 0036-001 | Vawter, William |
1881 |
3/34 | 0036-001 | Venen, L.P. |
1894 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Wahkiukum County
Auditor 2 letters
1876, 1877 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Walling, A.G. |
1888 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Ward, Dillis B. 2 letters
1867, 1868 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Ward, Mark R. |
1880 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Weed, G.A. |
1883 |
3/35 | 0036-001 |
The West Shore [magazine],
Portland. |
1883 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Wheat, Jonathan
R. |
1881 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Whitworth, J.E. |
1869 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Whitworth, John
M. 2 letters
1869, 1873 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | Williams,
George |
1905 |
3/35 | 0036-001 | World's Work |
1905 |
3/36 | 0036-001 | Yantis, John V. |
1876 |
3/36 | 0036-001 | Young, A.B. 2 letters
1869, 1876 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
3/37 | 0036-001 | Letter from an unidentified
author 1 letter
1908 |
3/38 | 0036-001 | Letters in which Bagley is
referred to 5 letters
1869-1910 |
3/39 | 0036-001 | Letters introducing
Bagley 5 letters
1862, 1890 |
3/40 | 0036-001 | Fragments of letters, memos,
etc. 8 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
4/1-20 | 0036-001 | Outgoing
correspondence 20 folders containing 323 letters
Arranged chronologically
General Notes:
The outgoing correspondence series of Part 2: Donated
materials, should be used in conjunction with this series.
1867-1931 |
Legal documents |
1865-1897 | ||
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/1 | 0036-001 | Power of attorney, John A.
Suffern to Arthur A. Denny, notarized by Bagley |
1865 |
5/1 | 0036-001 | Agreement between Samuel
Coulter (agent for
Commercial Age Printing and
Publishing Association) and Bagley
Scope and Content:
Regarding publication of
Commercial Age newspaper for the
interests of the Republican Party and Selucius Garfielde.
1869 |
5/1 | 0036-001 | Acknowledgement of
indebtedness, Bagley to Susannah R. Bagley |
1882 |
5/1 | 0036-001 | Memorandum of agreement
between Bagley and Homer M. Hill regarding Press Publishing Company,
Seattle |
1891 |
5/1 | 0036-001 | Memorandum of receipt of
goods from Hubert H. Bancroft |
1897 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/2 | 0036-001 | Mining Companies 9 items
Scope and Content:
Papers of the Lake Washington Coal Company, Seattle Coal
Company and stock certificates in other mining companies.
circa 1868-1870 |
Scope and Content:
Miscellaneous writings by Bagley.
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/2a | 0036-001 | Manuscripts of various
addresses by Bagley 4 items
undated |
5/3 | 0036-001 | Articles regarding Chief
Seattle, Angeline, first settlement at Alki Point, notes on early printers in
the Territory, criticism of Whitman Myth. 4 items
undated |
5/4 | 0036-001 | Oregon Trail
articles 2 items
undated |
5/5 | 0036-001 | Pioneer reminiscences;
missionary notes, etc.; notes regarding sale of University lands. 6 items
undated |
Pioneer letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Alexander, William
(Whidbey Island) |
1862 |
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Anderson, J.W.
(Olympia); To: Marsh, Edwin |
1862 April 29 |
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Applegate, Jesse
(Yoncalla); To: Allan, George T. |
1854 May 31 |
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Armstrong, Martha
(Vancouver, Washington Territory); To: Castro, Abbie |
1862 February 16 |
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Armstrong, Martha
(Columbia County, Oregon); To: Castro, Abbie |
1862 April 6 |
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Atkins, H.A.; To:
Horton, Dexter |
1868 February 4 |
5/6 | 0036-001 | From: Avery, John W.
(Sacramento); To: Plummer, George |
1863 April 24 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Bagley Susannah Rogers
(Salem, Oregon); To: Whipple, Andrew |
1855 May 8 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Ball, Harry M.
(Tacoma); To: Nichol, W.H. |
1892 January 18 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Battle, C.C.
(Brownsville, Tennessee); To: Lane, Joseph |
1854 December 17 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Beach, L.P. (Portland);
To: Struve, Henry G. |
1873 February 3 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Begg, Alex (Tacoma);
To: Henry, Francis |
1889 September 13 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Bonser, Rebecca
(Columbia County, Oregon); To: "Dear Children" |
1862 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Brannan, Joseph
(Seattle); To: Simmons, Michael T. |
1862 December 26 |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Beach, Louis P.
(Umatilla, Oregon) |
undated |
5/7 | 0036-001 | From: Barnard, William E.
(Seattle); To: Blinn, Marshall : photocopy
1865 October 2 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Cain, A.J. (Madison,
Indiana) |
1857 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Carr, Ossian J.
(Seattle); To: Dickenson, O. |
1880? January 23 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Carr, Ossian J.
(Seattle) |
1856? |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Cashmere, Joseph
(Olympia); To: Chisholm, Collin |
1870 Septmeber 10 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Chappellier, Joseph
(Cowlitz Prairie) |
1866 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Clagett, Charles W.
(Washington, D.C.); To: Denny, Arthur A. |
1893 August 22 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Clancey, Charles K.
(Olympia); To: Baldwin |
1866 May 13 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Clarke, J.P. (Olympia);
To: Boone, Edward D. |
1870 March 26 |
5/8 | 0036-001 | From: Cullom S.M.
(Washington, D.C.); To: Pinkham, A.J. |
1898 December 20 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Denny, Arthur A.
(Seattle); To: Chapman, W.W. |
1857 October 12 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Denny, Arthur A.
(Olympia); To: Mercer, Thomas |
1862 February 14 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Denny, Arthur A.
(Olympia); To: Mercer, Thomas |
1862 March 17 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Denny, Arthur A.
(Olympia); To: Plummer, George |
1864 November l |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Denny, D.T. (Seattle);
To: North End Bank |
1893 July 26 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Dickson, Campbell &
Company (Victoria, British Columbia); To: Wright, Thomas |
1863 January 7 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Dowell, B.F.
(Jacksonville, Oregon Territory); To: United States District Court |
1855 August 4 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Doyle, James A.; To:
Drew, Michael S. |
1871 January 5 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Drummond, Willis
(Washington, D.C.); To: United States General Land Office, Olympia |
1871 November 15 |
5/9 | 0036-001 | From: Dubeau, L.L. (Cowlitz);
To: McFadden, O.B. |
1870 November 10 |
5/10 | 0036-001 | From: Edna; To: Andrews,
Clarence L. |
1893 July 14 |
5/10 | 0036-001 | From: Eells, Thomas
(Washington, D.C.); To: Mercer, Thomas |
1879 March 7 |
5/10 | 0036-001 | From: Fay, R.C. (Coupeville);
To: Munsen, J.H. |
1869 May 25 |
5/10 | 0036-001 | From: Gove, Warren (Union
City) |
1875 |
5/10 | 0036-001 | From: Graham, Walter (Paso
Robles) |
1870 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Hall, S.W. (Olympia);
To: Evans, Elwood |
1873 January 21 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Haller, George M. (Port
Townsend); To: United States Post Office, Seabeck, Washington
Territory |
1876 July 27 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Halstead,
A. |
1864 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Hill, John (Elm
Grove) |
1857 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Hill, W. Lair (Oakland,
California); To: Folger, ? |
1893 March 1 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Horton (Dexter) &
Company (Olympia); To: Pickering, William |
1875 October 12 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Huntington, C.A.
(Olympia) |
1866 |
5/11 | 0036-001 | From: Huntington & Son
(near Monticello, Washington Territory); To: Judge Lombard |
1869 June 11 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Jones, Daniel
(Seattle); To: Moore, C.W. |
1895 January 14 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Jordan, John T.
(Seattle); To: King County Probate Court |
1867 February 2 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Jordan, John T.
(Vallejo, California); To: Hubbs, Paul V. |
1869 January 7 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Kennedy, James K.
(Walla Walla); To: Beach, Louis P.? |
1870 April 2 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: King, David
(Burgh-Hill, Ohio) |
1861 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Ladd, Reed &
Company (Portland); To: Smith, A.C. |
1860 June 20 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Lea, Jason B. (Mount
Coffin, Washington Territory); To: Henry, Frank |
1878 February 15 |
5/12 | 0036-001 | From: Loveland, William R.
(Mokelumni City, Washington Territory); To: Holstead, John |
1864 November 2 |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: McBride, John R.
(Washington, D.C.); To: Adams, E.M. |
1862 February 17 |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: McGuire, M.A.
(Crawford, Pennsylvania) |
undated |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: Marsh, Edward
(Olympia); To: Scarburer, David |
1868 January 25 |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: Marsh, Edward
(Olympia); To: Scarburer, David |
1868 February 21 |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: Mattice, George
W. |
188? |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: Minto, John (Oak Mills,
Oregon Territory); To: Crockett, Samuel D. |
1854 September 18 |
5/13 | 0036-001 | From: Minto, John (Salem,
Oregon); To: Prosch, Thomas |
1909 October 3 |
5/14 | 0036-001 | From: Naher, Charles
(Seattle); To: United States Post Office, Seabeck, Washington
Territory |
1884 November 27 |
5/14 | 0036-001 | From: Nash, L.B.
(Seattle) |
1879 |
5/14 | 0036-001 | From: Newkirk,
W.L. |
undated |
5/14 | 0036-001 | From: Owings, Nathaniel H.
(Olympia); To: Holton, Charles H. |
1879 October 30 |
5/15 | 0036-001 | From: Pearce, Thomas
(Eola) |
1866 |
5/15 | 0036-001 | From: Percival, S.W.
(Olympia); To: Marsh, Edward |
1863 May 21 |
5/15 | 0036-001 | From: Phillips, David
(Seattle) |
1855 |
5/15 | 0036-001 | From: Pickering, William
(Olympia); To: Lincoln, Abraham |
1863 December |
5/15 | 0036-001 | From: Pumphrey, W.H.
(Seattle); To: Walker, (Mrs.) J.M. |
1879 April 11 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Richmond, T. (Tyndall,
South Dakota); To: Atwood, A. |
1904 December 12 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Robinett, L.S.
(Crawfordsville, Oregon) |
undated |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Rupell, T.S. (Seattle);
To: United States Post Office, Seabeck, Washington Territory |
1860 August 24 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Sander, F.E.
(Puyallup); To: Hartman, John P. |
1894 September 8 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Schwabacher Brothers
(Seattle); To: Miller, Mary M. |
1882 June 12 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Smith, Albert C.
(Olympia); To: Marsh, Edward |
1862 May 18 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Smith, Albert C.
(Olympia); To: Tilton, James |
1858 September 16 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Smith, Victor (Port
Angeles); To: United States Post Office, Seabeck, Washington
Territory |
1862 November 14 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Struve, Henry G.
(Portland); To: Scott, ? |
1873 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Stuart, C.E.; To:
Douglas, James |
1851 December 8 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Titlow, A.R. (Tacoma);
To: Hartman, John P. |
1894 September 14 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Turner, L. (Seattle);
To: Hartman, John P. |
1894 August 29 |
5/16 | 0036-001 | From: Turner, L. (Seattle);
To: Hartman, John P. |
1894 September 1 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States General
Land Office (Washington, D.C.); To: United States Land Registry Office,
Olympia |
1872 February 13 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States General
Land Office (Washington, D.C.); To: United States Land Registry Office,
Olympia |
1882 June 26 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Office of
Indian Affairs (Washington, D.C.); To: Bell, William N. |
1883 July 23 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Burrows, Matilda |
1885 April 30 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Holstead, John |
1872 October 4 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Colfax); To: Mattice, G.W. |
1883 March 16 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Morgan, David W. |
1884 November 29 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Morgan, David W. |
1886 October 14 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Pickering, William |
1863 November 28 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Purcell, James C. |
1879 September 10 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Purcell, James C. |
1880 March 22 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Land
Office (Olympia); To: Strickler, W.A. |
1871 December 2 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Post
Office (Washington, D.C.); To: Owings, N.H. |
1873 July 14 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Post
Office (Washington, D.C.); To: Owings, N.H. |
1873 January 21 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Post
Office, Post Gamble (Port Gamble, Washington Territory); To: United States Post
Office, Seabeck, Washington Territory |
1871 July 10 |
5/17 | 0036-001 | From: United States Post
Office, Post Gamble (Port Gamble, Washington Territory); To: United States Post
Office, Seabeck, Washington Territory |
1877 July 5 |
5/18 | 0036-001 | From: Vaillant, J. (Folsom,
California); To: Sinclair, William B. |
1860 September 23 |
5/18 | 0036-001 | From: Washburn, Andrew; To:
United States Land Registry Office, Olympia |
1869 February 27 |
5/18 | 0036-001 | From: Washington Surveyor
General (Washington Territory); To: Jameson, William |
1875 October 18 |
5/18 | 0036-001 | From: Williamson &
Kellogg (Seattle); To: [Warin] William |
1881 September 6 |
5/18 | 0036-001 | From: Wollweber, Otto
(Reardon, Washington); To: Eells, Edwin |
1911? February 11 |
5/18 | 0036-001 | From: Wright, C.W. (Seattle);
To: United States Post Office Seabeck, Washington Territory |
1879 April 28 |
5/19 | 0036-001 | Cruise of U.S.S. New Orleans,
written to
Seattle Times.
General Notes:
1916 |
5/20 | 0036-001 | Excerpts from two letters of
Henry H. Spalding
General Notes:
1866 |
5/21 | 0036-001 | Letters regarding Hudson's
Bay Company 19 letters
Scope and Content:
Including letters to James Douglas, Angus McDonald, Peter
Skene Ogden, Isaac Ingalls Stevens; and letters from Douglas, Charles E.
Stuart, Amory Holbrook, George Simpson.
1841-1884 |
5/22-22A | 0036-001 | Letters collected and copied
by Bagley regarding Indian Wars |
1850-1887 |
5/23 | 0036-001 | Letter from Reverend Myron
Eells to
Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
"The Object of Dr. Whitman's Famous Midwinter Journey" 20 pages
1881 May 28 |
5/24 | 0036-001 | Three writings by Maurice
Scope and Content:
undated |
Other pioneer
materials |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
5/25 | 0036-001 | Bills and receipts relating
to Edward Huggins, Hudson's Bay Company, etc. 20 items
1853-1869 |
5/26 | 0036-001 | Documents relating to
anti-Chinese demonstrations in Seattle |
1886 |
5/27 | 0036-001 | Financial miscellany
concerning various parties approximately 15
1855-1871 |
5/28 | 0036-001 | Fragments of
diaries 3 items
1841, 1848 |
5/29 | 0036-001 | "History of Indian Affairs
Among the Nez Perces" by Henry H. Spalding. 51 pages
Scope and Content:
Copied from
Pacific, May 25, 1865, by
William I. Marshall.
circa 1865 |
5/30 | 0036-001 | Legal miscellany concerning
various parties 18 items
1847-1880 |
5/31 | 0036-001 | Miscellany 5 items
undated |
5/32 | 0036-001 | Nomination of Joseph M.
Glasgow for municipal judge by King County Republican Party |
1892 October 11 |
5/33 | 0036-001 | Petition by employees of
Isaac Carson's logging camp, Steilacoom, disclaiming "political purpose" as
reason for their employment. |
circa 1870 |
5/34 | 0036-001 | Renton (William) and Howard,
King County, Washington Territory claim for loss against Henry L.
Yesler. |
1858 February 15 |
5/35 | 0036-001 | Seabeck, subscription
lists |
1854, 1868 |
5/35 | 0036-001 | Seabeck, poll book |
1867 June |
5/36 | 0036-001 | Seattle, list of Union League
members |
undated |
5/36 | 0036-001 | Seattle, subscription list |
1854 October 31 |
5/37 | 0036-001 | Shipping documents relating
chiefly to Hudson's Bay Company approximately 25
Scope and Content:
Including deposition of H.A. Goldsborough regarding seizure
of the steamer
Beaver, dated November 19,
1849-1865 |
5/38 | 0036-001 | Two articles by Ezra
Meeker : carbon copies
Scope and Content:
1851 |
6/1 | 0036-001 | Bound volume of miscellaneous
indentures, deeds, etc. concerning various parties. |
undated |
6/2 | 0036-001 | Account book,
Seattle First National Bank
1 volume
circa 1883 |
6/3 | 0036-001 | Letter press book,
Seattle First National Bank
1 volume
1894 March 10-1985 April 3 |
Donated materials
Arranged in 14 series:
Acquisition Info:
Gift of the Bagley-Mercer Company and Cecil Bagley in 1959.
correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
7/1 | 0036-001 |
(magazine) 6 letters
1920-1930 |
7/2 | 0036-001 | Allbright, Amy 4 letters
1915-1928 |
7/2 | 0036-001 | Allen, Carrie L. 4 letters
1928 |
7/4 | 0036-001 | Allen (Geo. W.) & Conner,
Seattle 3 letters
1931 |
7/5 | 0036-001 | Allied Printing Trades
Council, Seattle 4 letters
1931 |
7/6 | 0036-001 | Anderson, Ellen 4 letters
1925-1931 |
7/7 | 0036-001 | Andrews, Clarence Leroy,
1862-1948 15 letters
1894-1932 |
7/8 | 0036-001 | Andrews, Judge
Rowley 4 letters
1913-1916 |
7/9 | 0036-001 |
The Argus (magazine)
Seattle 5 letters
1905-1931 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | A Miscellaneous 28 letters
Scope and Content:
1 letter per name unless otherwise noted
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
7/10 | 0036-001 | Abbott, M.D. |
1908 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Aberdeen Superintendent of
Schools |
1931 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Agnew, James 2 letters
1897-1898 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Albertson, A.H. |
1931 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Albrecht, F.E. |
1926 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Alki School,
Seattle |
1928 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Alki Women's Improvement
Club |
undated |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Allen, M.C. (Mrs. John
Beard) |
1915 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Allen, Orrin
Peer 2 letters
1906 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Allmond,
Douglass |
1928 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Alverson, Blanche
Treen 3 letters
1929 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | American Legion, Department
Adjutant |
1929 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | American Necropolis
Company 2 letters
1916 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | American Surety Company of
New York |
1931 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Ames, Mrs. H.H. |
1928 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Anderson,
Edmund |
1929 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Anderson, George
P. |
1926 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Anderson, J.W. |
1922 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Anderson, Phoebe
Prosch |
1923 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Art Marble Company,
Seattle |
1924 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Ashton, James
M. |
1911 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Atkinson,
Edward |
1909 |
7/10 | 0036-001 | Atkinson, John |
1907 |
7/11 | 0036-001 | Babson, Joseph
Ney 5 letters
1896-1910 |
7/12 | 0036-001 | Backus, Manson Franklin,
1853-1935 2 letters
1930 |
7/13-16 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Alice Mercer,
1848-1926 78 letters
1866-1905, undated |
7/17-30, 8/1-16 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Daniel,
1818-1905 60 letters
1862-1885, undated |
8/17 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Ethel |
1890-1899 |
8/18 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Myrta 4 letters
1882-1890 |
8/19 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Rena 16 letters
1879-1893 |
8/20-22 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Susannah Rogers,
1819-1913 55 letters
1866-1883 |
8/23 | 0036-001 | Bailey, Almira 5 letters
1928-1931 |
8/24 | 0036-001 | Barkhuff, William
D. 4 letters
1924-1928 |
8/25 | 0036-001 | Ben Franklin Club,
Seattle 6 letters
1924-1929 |
8/16 | 0036-001 | Bixby, J.W. |
1892 |
8/27-28 | 0036-001 | Blethen, Alden Joseph,
1846-1915 30 letters
1903-1914 |
8/29 | 0036-001 | The Bon Marche,
Seattle 4 letters
1924-1931 |
8/30 | 0036-001 | Bonney, William Pierce,
1856- 19 letters
General Notes:
See also: Washington State Historical Society
1915-1931 |
8/31 | 0036-001 | Boulet, J.B. 4 letters
1908-1915 |
8/32 | 0036-001 | Bowman, J.N. 9 letters
1904-1906 |
8/33 | 0036-001 | Brainerd, Erastus,
1855-1922 2 letters
1905, 1906 |
8/34 | 0036-001 | Brosnan, C.J. 6 letters
1917-1924 |
8/35 | 0036-001 | Brown, Ashmun Norris,
1872-1948 3 letters
General Notes:
See also: Mead, Albert E.
1906-1908 |
8/36 | 0036-001 | Bulfinch, John
T.A. 3 letters
1910 |
8/37 | 0036-001 | Bullen, Henry L. 5 letters
1908-1911 |
8/38 | 0036-001 | Bush, A.N. 8 letters
1916-1926 |
8/39-40 | 0036-001 | B Miscellaneous 43 letters
Scope and Content:
1 letter per name unless otherwise noted
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Alice
Claire |
1929 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Horace |
1925 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bagley, Martha |
1865 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bailey, E.H. |
1911 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Baker, Gertrude
Johnson |
1931 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Baker, Jonathan
W. 2 letters
1926 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Baker, Richard
D. |
1931 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Balch, Albert |
undated |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Ballard High School,
Seattle |
1927 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Banks, Lyman T. |
1924 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Banks, Mary 2 letters
1903, 1914 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bass, Daniel W. |
1923 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bates, James
H.S. |
1931 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Batwell, E.A. |
1927 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Beals, Walter
B. |
undated |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Beeler, Adam |
1926 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bell, John B. |
1903 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bertelson, Ernest
B. |
1932 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bierschenk, H.
Madeline |
1924 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bissett, C.P. |
1913 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Blankenship, George
E. |
undated |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bogue, Elizabeth
Frye |
1911? |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bolton, Frederick
E. |
1932 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Boston Public
Library |
1923 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bothwell, James |
1903 |
8/39 | 0036-001 | Bouillon, A.V. |
1928 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bourne, Edward
G. 2 letters
1903, 1905 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bowlby, John Quincy
Adams |
1906 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bowles, George
H. |
1926 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Boyce, Robbin 2 letters
1909, 1918 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bringhurst, Harry
W. 2 letters
1916, 1922 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Brady, James H. |
1910 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Brown, M.F. |
1929 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bruce, Robert 2 letters
1931 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bryan, J. |
1870 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Bucklin,
Sanford 2 letters
1927 |
8/40 | 0036-001 | Butterfield, Ida
K. |
1917 |
9/1 | 0036-001 | Carr, J. Tyler 5 letters
1864-1869 |
9/2 | 0036-001 | Carr, Lucie W. 14 letters
1862-1875 |
9/3 | 0036-001 | Carr, Ossian J. 11 letters
1863-1882 |
9/4 | 0036-001 | Chapman, Jennie (Mrs. Memory
Noble) 3 letters
1889-1912 |
9/5 | 0036-001 | Chapman, Memory Noble,
1845-1889 |
1874 |
9/6 | 0036-001 | Chehalis Free Public
Library 3 letters
1910-1911 |
9/7 | 0036-001 | Clark, Guy F.,
-1923. 5 letters
1918-1920 |
9/8 | 0036-001 | Clise, Herbert R.,
1859- 1 letter
1909 |
9/9 | 0036-001 | Cotterill, George Fletcher,
1865-1958. 1 letter
1906 |
9/10 | 0036-001 | The Counting House,
Boston 4 letters
1931 |
9/11 | 0036-001 | Coutant, Sara
Eastman 4 letters
1929-1932 |
9/12 | 0036-001 | Curtis, Edward S. 5 letters
1904-1912 |
9/13-15 | 0036-001 | C Miscellaneous 54 letters
Scope and Content:
1 letter per person unless otherwise noted
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/13 | 0036-001 | Cadmus Book Shop, New
York 2 letters
1923, 1930 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Calhoun, George
V. |
1893 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Canada Department of Marine
and Fisheries |
1910 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Cannon, Joseph |
1908 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Cannon, Miles |
1921 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Canse, J.M. 2 letters
1911, 1919 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Carde, Mrs.
William 2 letters
1927 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Carey, Charles
H. |
1927 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Carkeek, Vivian
M. |
1908 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Carkeek, Emily
L. |
undated |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Carroll, P.P. |
1905 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Case, Otto |
1913 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Case, R.A. 2 letters
1918, 1919 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Caton, Gladys
Mann |
undated |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Carroll, Harry
W. |
1920 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Century History Company,
Inc., New York |
1922 |
9/13 | 0036-001 | Chamberlain, George
E. |
1918 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Chandler, Frederick
B. |
1912 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
Paul and Pacific Railroad Company |
1928 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Children's Orthopedic
Hospital, Seattle 3 letters
1923, 1929 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Christian Science
Publishing Society |
1926 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Civil Service League,
Seattle |
1927 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Clark (Arthur H.) Company,
Glendale, California |
1931 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Clark, Grace
Hawley |
undated |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Clark, J.E. |
1884 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Clarke, M.M. |
1911 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Clarke, W.F. |
1909 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Collins, Josiah |
1911 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Community Hotel Corporation
of Seattle |
1924 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Congdon, George
Clinton |
1923 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Conner, W.W. |
1928 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Conover, Douglas
C. |
1914 |
9/14 | 0036-001 | Continental Coal Company,
Seattle 2 letters
1928, 1929 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Cooper, Mrs.
Thomas |
1921 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Covington, L.J. 2 letters
1910 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Coryell, G.K. |
1909 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Costello, Gilbert
S. |
1919 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Cranston, Lida
E. |
1909 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Crawford, Clara
M. |
undated |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Crawford,
Clayton |
1923 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Creagh, Harry |
1924 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Crittenden, Byrd
Mock |
1912 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Crow, Louise |
1928 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Crowell Publishing
Company |
1929 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Curtis (Asahel) Photo
Company, Seattle |
1930 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Curtis Publishing
Company |
1923 |
9/15 | 0036-001 | Cushman, Francis
W. |
1908 |
9/16 | 0036-001 | Denman, A.H. 6 letters
1929 |
9/17 | 0036-001 | Denny, Arthur Armstrong,
1822-1899 1 letter
1865 |
9/18 | 0036-001 | Dill, Clarence C. 1 letter
1924 |
9/19 | 0036-001 | Dix, I.F. 2 letters
General Notes:
See also: Pacific Telephone & Telegraph; Seattle
Chamber of Commerce
1929-1930 |
9/20 | 0036-001 | Donthit, Mary
Osborn 3 letters
1904 |
9/21 | 0036-001 | Doubleday, Page &
Company, Publishers, New York 3 letters
1905 |
9/22 | 0036-001 | Drury, Wells,
1851-1932 12 letters
1870-1931 |
9/23 | 0036-001 | Dovell, W.,
1843-1932 2 letters
1907 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | D Miscellaneous 21 letters
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/24 | 0036-001 | Daniel, Sister 3 items
1930 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Daughters of the American
Revolution |
1920 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Daughters of the Pioneers
of Washington, Pasco |
1928 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | David, O.J. |
1929 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dawson's Book Shop, Los
Angeles |
1928 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Denny, Lenna |
1908 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dexter Horton National
Bank |
1927 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dickerson, Mahlon
A. 2 items
1926 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dolph, Joseph
M. |
1882 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Donaldson, Thomas
Blaine |
1903 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Donworth,
George |
1915 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dort, Sophia
Frye |
undated |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Driscoll, William
D. |
1924 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dudley, Mrs.
E.L. |
1888 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | DuPont (E.I.) de Nemours
& Company, Tacoma 2 items
1914, 1921 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dupont Woman's
Club |
1921 |
9/24 | 0036-001 | Dye, Eva Emery 2 items
1905 |
9/25 | 0036-001 | Edwards, Frank,
1874- 2 letters
1931 |
9/26 | 0036-001 | Elder (Paul) & Company,
San Francisco 3 letters
1931 |
9/27-36 | 0036-001 | Elliott, Thompson Coit,
1862-1943 191 letters
1905-1932 |
9/37 | 0036-001 | Ellis, Glenn S. 6 letters
1924-1925 |
9/38 | 0036-001 | Ellison, R.S. 3 letters
1924-1927 |
9/39 | 0036-001 | Erskine, Robert Chase,
1876- 3 letters
1912 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | E Miscellaneous 9 letters
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/40 | 0036-001 | Eberstadt (Edward), New
York |
1928 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | Eckstein,
Nathan |
1930 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | Engh, Flora
Pearson |
1930 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | Engle, Mabel 2 items
1928 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | Epstein, Henry |
1899 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | Evesmith,
Hansen 2 items
1925 |
9/40 | 0036-001 | Ewing (Henry C.) &
Company, Seattle |
1926 |
9/41 | 0036-001 | Fares, Henry 3 letters
1920, 1922 |
9/42 | 0036-001 | Frederick & Nelson,
Seattle 3 letters
1925, 1927 |
9/43 | 0036-001 | Freemasons, Daniel Bagley
Lodge, Seattle 2 letters
1921, 1925 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | F Miscellaneous 20 letters
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/44 | 0036-001 | Falk, Nancy Ann |
undated |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Farrar, Victor
J. 2 items
undated |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fedderly, E.O. |
1930 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Federation of State and
Provincial Societies of Long Beach, California 2 items
1926 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | First Methodist Episcopal
Church, Seattle |
1925 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fish, M.A. 2 items
1855 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fisher, R.J. |
1909 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fishers, S.A. |
1890 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fitts, J.W. |
1912 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Flick, James P. |
1927 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fort Dalles Historical
Society |
1908 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Foster and Kleiser
Company |
1922 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Fowler, Charles
A. |
1928 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Freeman, Miller |
1923 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Frost, Nellie 2 items
1918 |
9/44 | 0036-001 | Frye, Charles
H. 2 items
1916 |
9/45 | 0036-001 | Ganzert, Frederick
W. 4 letters
1929 |
9/46 | 0036-001 | Gill, Hiram C.,
1866- 1 letter
1914 |
9/47 | 0036-001 | Gilman, Luthene Clairmont,
1857-1942 2 letters
General Notes:
See also: Great Northern Railway Company
1925 |
9/48 | 0036-001 | Gilstrap, William
H. 5 letters
1904-1914 |
9/49 | 0036-001 | Ginet, Joseph H. 4 letters
1916-1928 |
9/50 | 0036-001 | Gleason, Charles S.,
1861- 3 letters
1903, 1905, 1910 |
9/51 | 0036-001 | Gosnell, R.E. 3 letters
1908-1909 |
9/52 | 0036-001 | Graham, David 12 letters
1866-1906, undated |
9/53 | 0036-001 | Great Northern Railway
Company 7 letters
1926-1930 |
9/54 | 0036-001 | Green, Joshua,
1869- 2 letters
1928-1929 |
9/55 | 0036-001 | Greene, Roger Sherman,
1840- 1 letter
1916 |
9/56 | 0036-001 | Griffith, Frank
S. 2 letters
1896, 1913 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | G Miscellaneous 22 letters
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
9/57 | 0036-001 | Galer, William |
1905 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gannett, Henry |
1904 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gardner, Grace
Christiansen |
1932 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | George, M.C. |
1924 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gilbert, J.J. |
1910 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gill, John |
1913 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gill, (J.K.) Company,
Portland |
1930 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Glass, (Mrs.)
R.C. 2 items
1926, 1929 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gordon, Charles |
1928 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gordon, Elden
M. 2 items
1919, 1928 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gorham Manufacturing
Company, Providence, Rhode Island |
1912 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gorman, T.J. 2 items
1910, 1911 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gowen, Herbert
H. |
1917 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gunn, W.
Chalmers 3 items
1931 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Grant, Vernon |
1923 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Gundlach, Eva
C. |
1896 |
9/57 | 0036-001 | Guy, G.O. |
10/1 | 0036-001 | Hadley, Roy O. 7 letters
1923-1929 |
10/2 | 0036-001 | Hammons, Frederick
Dent 11 letters
1918-1927 |
10/3 | 0036-001 | Hanford, Cornelius Holgate,
1849-1926 3 letters
1915-1926 |
10/4 | 0036-001 | Himes, George H. 8 letters
1908-1932 |
10/5 | 0036-001 | Holcomb, Ira G. 7 letters
1919-1929 |
10/6-7 | 0036-001 | Holman, Frederick Van
Voorhies, 1852-1927 30 letters
1908-1925 |
10/8 | 0036-001 | Howay, Frederick
William 17 letters
1910-1929 |
10/9-10 | 0036-001 | Huggins, Thomas 30 letters
1908-1930 |
10/11 | 0036-001 | Hull, Roy C. 9 letters
1921-1931 |
10/12 | 0036-001 | Humphrey, William E.,
1862-1934 16 letters
1903-1916 |
10/13 | 0036-001 | Hunt, Herbert,
-1917 3 letters
circa 1916-1917 |
10/13 | 0036-001 | Hylebos, P.F. 45 items
1908, 1910 |
10/15-16 | 0036-001 | H Miscellaneous |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hadley, Lin H. |
1924 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hall, May |
1921 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hallinen, Thomas
F. |
1909 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Halstead,
Elizabeth |
1865 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hamburger-Davis Benefit
Committee |
1923 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hanford, Ada
Levering |
1926 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hanson, Howard
A. |
1928 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hardie,
Marjorie |
1911 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Harris, Warren |
1866 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hartman, John
P. 2 items
1903, 1911 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hayden, John L. |
1917 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hazeltine, Miron
J. |
1890 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Heaton, George 2 items
1912 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Heine Piano Company,
Seattle |
1900 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Henry, Laura
Hewitt |
1928 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hesketh, Robert
B. |
1926 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hill, E.K. |
1895 |
10/15 | 0036-001 | Hill, Samuel 2 items
1908, 1921 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hitchman, Robert
B. 2 items
1927 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hoge, James D. |
1916 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Holcomb, Marguerite
E. |
1921 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Holman, Alfred 2 items
1919, 1923 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hopkins, C.B. 2 items
1900, 1907 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hough, Emerson |
1923 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Horrell, Nell |
1930 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Howd, Cloice R. 2 items
1923, 1924 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Howell (John) Books, San
Francisco |
1931 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hoyt, John P. |
1889 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hubbart, Mrs. James
E. |
1925 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Huber, Val 2 items
1920, 1922 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Huggins, Mrs.
Edward |
1907 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hunt, Harry I. |
1926 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hurst, Mrs.
P.F. |
1930 |
10/16 | 0036-001 | Hutchinson, Charles
J. |
1925 |
10/10-17 | 0036-001 | Johnson, Albert
W. 3 items
1931-1932 |
10/18 | 0036-001 | J Miscellaneous 3 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/18 | 0036-001 | Jenner, Earle
R. |
1909 |
10/18 | 0036-001 | Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Church, Utah |
1925 |
10/18 | 0036-001 | Jory, John W. |
1932 |
10/19 | 0036-001 | King County Board of
Commissioners 3 items
1928-1931 |
10/20 | 0036-001 | King County Graduate Nurses
Association 3 items
1925-1926 |
10/21 | 0036-001 | Kinnear, George,
1836-1912 1 item
1911 |
10/22 | 0036-001 | K Miscellaneous 8 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/22 | 0036-001 | Kee, Clara |
1931 |
10/22 | 0036-001 | Kennedy, M.H. |
1890 |
10/22 | 0036-001 | Kind Words Club,
Seattle 2 items
1923, 1924 |
10/22 | 0036-001 | Kitchell, Laura
Hall |
1930 |
10/22 | 0036-001 | Knights of Pythias, Grand
Lodge of Washington 2 items
1928 |
10/22 | 0036-001 | Kruse, Irene M. |
undated |
10/23 | 0036-001 | Lister, Ernest,
1870-1919 1 item
1913 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | L Miscellaneous 11 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/24 | 0036-001 | Lamping (Sam G.) Harris
& Wilton, Seattle |
1923 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Latimer, Earl
H. |
1929 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Lee, Guy
Carleton 2 items
1903 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Lee, William H. |
1905 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Libby, Mrs.
S.D. |
1869 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Lincoln High School,
Seattle |
1908 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Livesley, Mrs. Pessis
A. |
1931 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Longsworth,
M.A. 2 items
1905 |
10/24 | 0036-001 | Lowman & Hanford,
Seattle |
1923 |
10/25 | 0036-001 | McCormick, Robert Laird,
1847-1911 2 items
1905-1906 |
10/26 | 0036-001 | McElroy, Harry B.,
-1928 11 items
1922-1927 |
10/27 | 0036-001 | McGilvra, Oliver C.,
1867- 3 items
1923-1925 |
10/28 | 0036-001 | Mack International Motor
Truck Corporation 5 items
1923-1927 |
10/29 | 0036-001 | McMicken, William,
1827-1899 1 item
1887 |
10/30-31 | 0036-001 | Mann, Champion B.,
1844-1929 46 items
1869-1929 |
10/32 | 0036-001 | Marquis (A.N.) Company,
Chicago 3 items
1931 |
10/33 | 0036-001 | Marsh, E. (Registers Office,
Olympia) 1 item
1868 |
10/34 | 0036-001 | Marshall, (Mrs.) William
I. 12 items
1922-1927 |
10/25 | 0036-001 | Masters, Joseph
G. 3 items
1930-1931 |
10/36 | 0036-001 | Mead, Albert Edward,
1861-1913 5 items
1906, undated |
10/37-38 | 0036-001 | Meany, Edmond Stephen,
1862-1935 31 items
1903-1932 |
10/39 | 0036-001 | Meeker, Ezra,
1830-1928 2 items
1909 |
10/40 | 0036-001 | Miller, John Franklin,
1862-1936 7 items
1916-1929 |
10/41 | 0036-001 | Miller, Winlock W.,
Sr. 1 item
1915 |
10/42 | 0036-001 | Miller, Winlock W.,
Jr. 6 items
1928-1931 |
10/43 | 0036-001 | Molloy, (Mrs.)
C.H. 3 items
1924 |
10/44 | 0036-001 | Monson, J.A. 9 items
1868-1919, undated |
10/45 | 0036-001 | Moore, Charles M 4 items
1923-1931 |
10/46 | 0036-001 | Moran, Robert,
1857-1943 1 item
1915 |
10/47 | 0036-001 | Moreland, J.C. 2 items
1912 |
10/48-50 | 0036-001 | M Miscellaneous 55 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
10/48 | 0036-001 | McAdam, William |
1922 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McAlister, Carrie
L. |
1926 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McArdle, L.D. 2 items
1911, 1912 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McClure, Elizabeth
A. |
1928 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McClurg (A.C.) &
Company, Chicago 2 items
1911 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McCullough, Fred
D. |
1911 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McElroy, Carrie
M. |
1928 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McGee, J.G. |
1909 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McGill, Maude
H. |
1921 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McGuire, M.A. |
undated |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McNaught, M. |
undated |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McNeff,
Katherine |
1906 |
10/48 | 0036-001 | McWilliams,
Mary |
1927 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Macy, George |
1929 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Marion, Armand
F. |
1931 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Marquette, Ruby
R. 2 items
1929 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Martens, Owens |
undated |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Martin, Vira W. |
1921 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Mason County
Auditor |
1903 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Martin (M.R.) &
Company, Tacoma |
1926 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Massachusetts Society of
Mayflower Descendants |
1913 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Mayfield, R.N. |
1927 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Meisinger,
E.F.G. 2 items
1912 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Merriam, C.
Hart |
1917 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Metropolitan Business
Club 2 items
1928 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Metropolitan Press Printing
Company, Seattle 2 items
1930, 1931 |
10/49 | 0036-001 | Minnesota Historical
Society, St. Paul 4 items
1912, 1925, 1931 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Monson, F.H. |
1918 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Monson, Lillian 2 items
1894, 1899 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Montana State
Library |
1906 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Montgomery,
Robert |
1925 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Moores, Charles
B |
1904 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Moore, William
Hickman |
1916 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Moran Brothers Company,
Seattle |
1902 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Morrison, L.
Gertrude |
1931 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Morse, Mary G. |
1925 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Moulton, Martha |
1926 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Mt. Pleasant Cemetery
Company, Seattle |
1906 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Mountaineers Club,
Tacoma |
undated |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Munday, Charles
F. |
1927 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Munson, Albert
J. |
1924 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Murphy, Charles
B. |
1913 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Murphy, Ignatius
I. |
1932 |
10/50 | 0036-001 | Museum Book Store,
London |
1930 |
11/1 | 0036-001 | National Geographic Society,
Washington, D.C. 3 items
1931 |
11/2 | 0036-001 | New York Public
Library 16 items
1913-1931 |
11/3 | 0036-001 | Northern Pacific Railway
Company 6 items
1928-1930 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | N Miscellaneous 10 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/4 | 0036-001 | National Aeronautical
Association, Seattle Chapter |
1929 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | National Aeronautical
Association |
1930 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | National Bank of Commerce,
Seattle |
1915 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | Nettleton,
Clark |
1918 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | Niendorff, Hazel
Wood |
1929 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | North Coast Transportation
Company, Tacoma |
1927 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | North Dakota State
Historical Society 2 items
1915 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | Northrup, B.L. |
1880 |
11/4 | 0036-001 | Nudd, Ben F. |
1928 |
11/5 | 0036-001 | O'Dea, Edward John,
1856-1932 3 items
1909-1931 |
11/6 | 0036-001 | Oleson, Frank,
-1932 6 items
1905-1932 |
11/7 | 0036-001 | Olympic Hotel,
Seattle 4 items
1924-1926 |
11/8 | 0036-001 | O'Neil, Mary A. 14 items
1912-1928 |
11/9 | 0036-001 | Oregon Historical
Society 3 items
General Notes:
See also: Young, Frederick G.
1903-1912 |
11/10 | 0036-001 | Oregon Improvement Company,
Seattle 2 items
1897 |
11/11 | 0036-001 | Oregon State Library,
Salem 4 items
1912-1924 |
11/12 | 0036-001 | Ostrander, A.B. 3 items
1925 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | O Miscellaneous 7 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/13 | 0036-001 | Ober, Sara
Endicott 2 items
1931, 1932 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Optomist Club,
Seattle |
1923 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Oregon Trail Memorial
Association, Inc. 2 items
1931 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Osborne, Carrie
M. |
1930 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Owings, Nicholas
H. |
1896 |
11/14 | 0036-001 | Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company, Seattle 17 items
1923-1931 |
11/15 | 0036-001 | Park, George
Hamilton 20 items
1910-1931 |
11/16 | 0036-001 | Parker, Frank J. 27 items
1908-1923 |
11/17 | 0036-001 | Parry, Will H.,
1864-1917 4 items
1913 |
11/18 | 0036-001 | Parsons, Flora 4 items
1905 |
11/19 | 0036-001 | Pell, Monte 4 items
1929-1930 |
11/20 | 0036-001 | Pendexter, Hugh,
1875-1940 3 items
1924 |
11/21 | 0036-001 | Phelps, Byron,
1842- 2 items
1925, 1928 |
11/22 | 0036-001 | Pierce, Frank Richardson,
1887- 2 items
1920 |
11/23 | 0036-001 | Piles, Samuel Henry,
1858-1940 2 items
1908 |
11/24 | 0036-001 | Pinkham, A.S. 3 items
1909 |
11/24 | 0036-001 | Pioneer Association of the
State of Washington 7 items
1903-1927 |
11/26 | 0036-001 | Plowden, W.D. 13 items
General Notes:
See also: Statute Law Book Company
1911-1916 |
11/27 | 0036-001 | Poindexter, Miles,
1868-1946 1 item
1910 |
11/28 | 0036-001 | Porter, Nathan S. 1 item
1915 |
11/29 | 0036-001 | Prosch, Edith 6 items
1915-1918 |
11/30 | 0036-001 | Prosch, Thomas Wickham,
1850-1915 7 items
1908-1914 |
11/31 | 0036-001 | Puget Mill Company, Port
Gamble (Edwin G. Ames) 1 item
1903 |
11/32 | 0036-001 | Puget Sound Power & Light
Company, Seattle 4 items
1922-1929 |
11/33-34 | 0036-001 | P Miscellaneous 41 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pacific Coast Coal Company,
Seattle 2 items
1928 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pacific Coast Syrup
Company, Seattle |
1913 |
11/13 | 0036-001 |
Pacific Fisherman magazine,
Seattle |
1916 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Palladino, L.B. 2 items
1911 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Palmer, Victor
E. |
1902 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Palmer, W.D. |
1881 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pan-American Exposition,
1901 |
1901 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Parker, F.N. |
1918 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pasco, Daughters of the
Pioneers of Washington |
1927 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Patton, William 2 items
1911, 1912 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Payne, Thomas |
1906 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Peirce, W.H. 2 items
1896, 1899 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pelly, B. |
1908 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pendleton, Oregon,
Commercial Association |
1925 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Percival, H.A. |
1924 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Peterson, H.F. |
1903 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Philadelphia Free
Library |
1913 |
11/13 | 0036-001 | Pickering, William
W. 2 items
1930 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Pierce, Frank |
1893 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Pigott, H. C. |
1923 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Pigott-Washington Printing
Company, Seattle |
1928 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Pioneer Association, Pierce
County |
1915 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Piper, Edgar B. |
1923 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Piper, O.A. |
1929 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Piper, Thomas
H. |
1899 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Pirret, (P.K.) &
Company, Tacoma |
1929 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Place, W.N.G. |
1925 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Polk (R.L.) & Company,
Publishers |
1911 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Pratt, John W. |
1903 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Presbytery of Puget
Sound 2 items
1908 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Preston, H.A. 2 items
1904 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Prindle, E.H. |
1903 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Protzman, Eugene
C. |
1907 |
11/34 | 0036-001 | Puget Sound Bridge and
Dredging Company |
1929 |
11/35 | 0036-001 | Quick, Wilbur
F.S. 5 items
1927-1931 |
11/36 | 0036-001 | Railway & Marine News
Publishing Company, Seattle 3 items
1916-1931 |
11/37 | 0036-001 | Rich, J.M. 3 items
1930-1931 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | R Miscellaneous 7 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
11/38 | 0036-001 | Rainier Printing Company,
Seattle |
1929 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | Raker, John E. |
1925 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | Raymond, Edna
D. |
1905 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | Reid, F.W. |
1868 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | Rhodes, Seattle |
1931 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | Ross, Thomas |
1931 |
11/38 | 0036-001 | Rourke, F.J. |
1914 |
12/1 | 0036-001 | Schafer, Joseph,
1867-1941 4 items
1903-1915 |
12/2 | 0036-001 | Seattle Board of Public
Works 2 items
1931 |
12/3 | 0036-001 | Seattle City
Council 4 items
1913-1930 |
12/4 | 0036-001 | Seattle Civil Service
Employee's Retirement System 2 items
1929 |
12/5 | 0036-001 | Seattle Law Department (Scott
Calhoun, Corporation Counsel) 2 items
1906, 1911 |
12/6 | 0036-001 | Seattle Mayor's
Office 4 items
1904-1928 |
12/7 | 0036-001 | Seattle Chamber of
Commerce 22 items
1924-1931 |
12/8 | 0036-001 |
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
5 items
1903-1930 |
12/9 | 0036-001 |
Seattle Times
3 items
General Notes:
See also: Blethen, A.J.
1903-1927 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | S Miscellaneous 32 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/10 | 0036-001 | St. Paul Public
Library |
1911 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | St. Regis Hotel, New
York |
1930 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Salvation Army,
Inc. |
1932 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Schafer Brothers Logging
Company, Montesano |
1932 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition |
1909 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle, Brighton
School |
1928 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Health
Commissioner |
1909 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Young Men's
Republican Club |
1929 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle and Renton
Railway |
1900 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Dexter Horton
National Bank (First) |
1930 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Genealogical
Society |
undated |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Historical
Society 2 items
1918, 1924 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Press
Club 2 items
1912, 1925 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle, Port
of |
1918 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Public
Schools |
1928 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Seattle Real Estate
Board |
1932 |
12/10 | 0036-001 |
Seattle Star
newspaper |
1927 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Shackelford,
R.S. |
1906 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Shaw, George C. |
1931 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Shelton, Mary
E. |
1880 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Simmons, C.C. |
undated |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Smith, Adeline
H. |
1931 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Southern Pacific
Lines |
1928 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Sparks, C.A. |
1923 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Sportsmen's Association of
Seattle |
1931 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Starr,
Frederick |
1925 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | State Mutual Life Assurance
Company, Seattle |
1931 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Statute Law Book
General Notes:
See also: W.A. Plowden correspondence
1916 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Stevenson, W.A. |
1927 |
12/10 | 0036-001 | Stratton, Lewis &
Gilman, Seattle |
1894 |
12/11 | 0036-001 | Thurston County Pioneer and
Historical Society 5 items
General Notes:
See also: Weir, Allen
1912-1915 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | T Miscellaneous 9 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/12 | 0036-001 | Temple, Virgil and
Richard |
1931 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Temporary Washington
Monument Committee |
1931 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Thexton, Thomas |
1922 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Thomas, E.H. |
1931 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Thurston County Pioneer's
Association |
1930 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Toronto
University |
1911 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Toronto University
Library |
1912 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Trick and Murray,
Seattle |
1927 |
12/12 | 0036-001 | Tucker (Wilmon) and Hyland,
Attorneys, Seattle |
1915 |
12/13 | 0036-001 | United States Post Office,
Seattle (C. M. Parsons, Postmaster) 3 items
1932 |
12/23 | 0036-001 | University of Washington
Alumni Association 10 items
1925-1930 |
12/24 | 0036-001 | University of Washington
Library 10 items
1903-1931 |
12/25 | 0036-001 | University of Washington
Regents 1 item
1905 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | U Miscellaneous 12 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/14 | 0036-001 | Union Oil Company,
Seattle |
1931 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United Pacific Casualty
Insurance Company, Seattle |
1931 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States Interior,
Department of, Reclamation Service 2 items
1915 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States Library of
Congress |
1913 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States Navy, Branch
Hydrographic Office, Seattle |
1928 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States Navy, Bureau
of Construction and Repair |
1921 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States War
Department, Adjutant General's Office |
1926 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States War
Department, District Engineer, Portland 2 items
1915 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States War
Department, Quartermaster General |
1926 |
12/14 | 0036-001 | United States Chamber of
Commerce |
1929 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | University of Washington
undated |
12/33 | 0036-001 | University of Washington
Law School |
1927 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | University of Washington
Printing Department 2 items
1915 |
12/15 | 0036-001 | V Miscellaneous 3 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/15 | 0036-001 | Vagel, Kate |
1864 |
12/15 | 0036-001 | Vincent, W.D. 2 items
1928 |
12/16 | 0036-001 | Walkinshaw, Robert Boyd,
1884- 9 items
1929-1931 |
12/17-19 | 0036-001 | Ward, Dillis Burgess,
1838- 55 items
1862-1885 |
12/20 | 0036-001 | Washington Mill Company,
Hadlock, Washington 1 item
1894 |
12/21 | 0036-001 | Washington State Historical
Society 19 items
General Notes:
See also: Bonney, Will P.
1906-1930 |
12/22 | 0036-001 | Washington State
Library 4 items
1906-1912 |
12/26 | 0036-001 | Watt, Roberta
Frye 3 items
1931 |
12/27 | 0036-001 | Wehn, James A.,
1882- 2 items
1928, 1930 |
12/28 | 0036-001 | Weir, Allen,
1854- 3 items
General Notes:
See also: Thurston County Pioneer & Historical
1903-1915 |
12/29 | 0036-001 | Wheeler, O.D. 4 items
1911-1912 |
12/29 | 0036-001 | Whipple West,
Jane |
undated |
12/30-31 | 0036-001 | Whipple, Wayne 34 items
1903-1931 |
12/32 | 0036-001 | Whitworth, George F.,
1816- 9 items
1869-1894 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Wickersham, James,
1857-1939 1 item
1904 |
12/34 | 0036-001 | Wilder's (Frank J.) Bookshop,
Boston 6 items
1914-1922 |
12/35 | 0036-001 | Williams, John H. 9 items
1914-1916 |
12/36 | 0036-001 | Woodruff, Samuel
C. 3 items
1908, 1925, 1929 |
12/37 | 0036-001 | Worthington & Jenner
Agency, insurance, Seattle 3 items
1930 |
12/38-40 | 0036-001 | W Miscellaneous 52 items
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/33 | 0036-001 | Waltham Watch Company,
Waltham |
1928 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Ward, Clarence |
1929 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Ward, Mrs. Kirk
C. |
undated |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Washington State College
Library |
1911 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Washington (State) Bureau
of Statistics |
1909 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Washington (State)
Education Department 2 items
1923 |
12/33 | 0036-001 | Washington (State)
Efficiency Department |
1924 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Webb, George W. |
1925 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Welch, Berniece |
1931 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Wells Fargo & Company,
Express |
1918 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Wells, Lillian
Sykes |
1926 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | West, Ella J. |
1929 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | West, William
F. |
1867 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | West Coast Lumbermen's
Association 2 items
1928, 1929 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Western Public Works
Contractors Association 2 items
1927, 1928 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Western Union Telegraph
Company |
1928 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Wheeler, Walter
S. |
1927 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whipple, A.J. |
undated |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whipple, Attis
Andrew |
1928 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whipple, B.T. |
1905 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whipple, Clara |
1869 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whitcomb, R. |
1926 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | White, Clarence
L. |
1926 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | White, Harry 2 items
1905 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | White, Roy W. |
1926 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whitney, Alfred
C. 2 items
1912 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whitworth, F.H. |
undated |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Whitworth,
Nancy |
1872 |
12/39 | 0036-001 | Who's Who in Washington
State |
1927 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Willard, Daniel
E. |
1912 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Willis, Park
Weed |
1929 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Winchell, F.G. |
1918 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Winders, C.H. |
1920 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Winship, P.D. 2 items
1923, 1925 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Wisconsin State Historical
Society 2 items
1912, 1927 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Wittier, E.F. |
1901 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Women's City Club,
Seattle |
1928 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Woodmen of the
World |
1928 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Woods, Henry |
1911 |
12/40 | 0036-001 | Wyckoff, Ambrose
Barkley |
1909 |
12/41 | 0036-001 | Young, Frederick George,
1858-1929 11 items
General Notes:
See also: Oregon Historical Society
1904-1913 |
12/42 | 0036-001 | Y Miscellaneous |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/42 | 0036-001 | Yakima County,
Engineer |
1930 |
12/42 | 0036-001 | Young, J.
Arthur |
1932 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | Enclosures 14 items
Filed by name of recipient
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Andrews, Clarence
Leroy; From: Telegraph & Telephone Age, New York |
1927 November 21 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Barry, (Rev.) J.
Neilson; From: Hays, Samuel H |
1912 February 20 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Denny, Rolland H; From:
Million, E. C. (attorney) |
1900 December 18 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Denny, Rolland H; From:
Dickerson, Mahlon A. |
1926 September 23 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Graves, A.J.; From:
Seattle, A-Y-P Exposition |
1908 June 13 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Hadley, Roy O.; From:
Beriah Brown |
undated |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Harper, Paul C; From:
Harper (Wm P.) & Son |
1907 May 23 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Hassenmiller, K.
Lyndon; From: Douglas, Paul Howard |
1923 July 12 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Mann, Champion B; From:
Hitchcock, D.W. |
1901 July 23 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Pioneer Printing
Company, Seattle.; From: Morse, Mary G. |
1925 April 9 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Snowden, Clinton A;
From: Cushman, Francis W. |
1908 February 9 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Thompson, Reginald
Heber; From: Blackman, John W.B. |
1915 August 2 |
12/43 | 0036-001 | To: Thompson, Reginald
Heber; From: Blackman, John W.B. |
1915 August 7 |
12/44 | 0036-001 | Letter of
Scope and Content:
Written to Marion E. Hay from Pliny L. Allen
1912 |
12/45 | 0036-001 | Letters from unidentified
parties 28 items
various dates |
Box | Accession | ||
13-15 | 0036-001 | Outgoing
correspondence approximately 1500
Arranged chronologically.
1864-1932 |
Box/Folder | |||
16/1 | 0036-001 | Sale documents 4 letters
Scope and Content:
Papers relating to the sale of the Bagley Collection to the
University of Washington Library in 1919. Includes bill of sale and itemized
list of books.
16/2-4 | 0036-001 |
miscellany 13 bound
circa 1877-1918 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
16/2-4 | 0036-001 | Check registers 13 volumes
1908-1918 |
16/2-4 | 0036-001 | Invoices approximately 25
various dates |
16/2-4 | 0036-001 | Receipts approximately 40
various dates |
16/2-4 | 0036-001 | Tax notices, tax
receipts approximately 30
circa 1877-1917 |
16/5-6, 17/1-2 | 0036-001 | Legal documents approximately 85 items;
4 folders (1 folder pre-1889)
Scope and Content:
Miscellaneous abstracts, deeds, indentures, etc., concerning
Bagley and various parties.
various dates |
17/3-5 | 0036-001 | Memorabilia approximately 120
Scope and Content:
Clippings, photos, invitation, programs, etc.
undated |
17/6 | 0036-001 | Memoranda 14 items
Scope and Content:
Miscellaneous memos, etc.
undated |
Notes |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
17/7 | 0036-001 | Clippings, notes, etc.,
regarding Bagley's work on the Whitman Myth |
various dates |
17/8 | 0036-001 | Clippings, photos, etc.,
regarding Chief Seattle |
various dates |
17/9-18 | 0036-001 | Extracts from printed
material approximately 130
various dates |
18/1-11 | 0036-001 | Historical notes by
Bagley approximately 150
various dates |
18/12 | 0036-001 | 12 historical notes copied by
Bagley 2 items
various dates |
18/13 | 0036-001 | Historical notes;
genealogies 11 items
various dates |
18/14 | 0036-001 | Historical writings, "Hall
& Holliday" with copy of article by Ezra Meeker |
various dates |
18/15-16 | 0036-001 | Material on Chief Seattle and
Princess Angeline |
various dates |
18/17-19 | 0036-001 | Miscellaneous historical
writings |
various dates |
19/1 | 0036-001 | Regarding Seattle
history |
various dates |
19/2 | 0036-001 |
The Chiricahua, manuscript of a
novel |
various dates |
19/3 | 0036-001 | Unsigned manuscripts,
probably by Bagley. |
various dates |
19/4 | 0036-001 | Loo-Low-Can -- Lo-Kout by
Bagley |
various dates |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/5 | 0036-001 | Speeches and
reports 10 items
various dates |
19/6 | 0036-001 | Bagley as Secretary of Board of
Public Works, Seattle, Washington approximately 25
Scope and Content:
Miscellaneous correspondence, etc., relating to Board of
Public Works
various dates |
Bagley family
papers |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/7a | 0036-001 | Statement (genealogical)
about Susannah Rogers Bagley by Clarence Bagley |
undated |
Bagley, Alice Mercer
(1848-1926) |
Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/7b-9 | 0036-001 | Incoming from Susannah
Rogers (Whipple) Bagley |
circa 1867-1883 |
19/7b-9 | 0036-001 | Incoming from various
parties 23
circa 1867-1926 |
19/7b-9 | 0036-001 | Outgoing to various
parties 27
1867-1884 |
Bagley, Cecil C. |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/10 | 0036-001 | Incoming correspondance
from various parties 2 items
1922, 1928 |
19/11 | 0036-001 | Miscellany concerning Cecil
Bagley |
various dates |
Bagley, Susannah Rogers
(Whipple), 1819-1913 |
correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/12 | 0036-001 | Anna 5
undated |
19/13 | 0036-001 | Bogan, Edna 3
1887-1890 |
19/14 | 0036-001 | Carr, Lucie 11
1864-1903 |
19/15 | 0036-001 | Carr, Myra 5
1880-1903 |
19/16 | 0036-001 | Mann, Champion
B. 4
1864, 1904-1905 |
19/17 | 0036-001 | Thompson, Bertha
W. 3
1898-1906 |
19/18 | 0036-001 | West, Ella J. 7
1897-1909 |
19/19 | 0036-001 | West, Jane 3
1873 |
19/20 | 0036-001 | Whipple, Ambrose
J. 11
1883-1906 |
19/21 | 0036-001 | Whipple,
Hannah 3
1906, 1912 |
19/22 | 0036-001 | Whipple, N. 3
1867 |
19/23-24 | 0036-001 | Miscellaneous
parties 33
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/25 | 0036-001 | Outgoing correspondence to
various parties 3 letters
undated |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
19/26-28 | 0036-001 | Correspondence, incoming to
and from various members of the Bagley family approximately 60 letters
undated |
Collected materials |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/1 | 0036-001 | Letter to Samuel Royal
Thurston from Daniel H. Lownsdale regarding disputed territorial claims with
the Judson's Bay Company 35 pages
General Notes:
1849 August 10 |
Meeker, Ezra M.,
1830-1928 |
Correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/2 | 0036-001 | From: Howard, Minnie
F. |
1926 February 3 |
20/2 | 0036-001 | From: Lutz, J.
E. |
1913 January 8 |
20/2 | 0036-001 | From: McLoughlin Union
High School |
1927 February 5 |
20/2 | 0036-001 | From: Meeker,
Jerry |
1904 May 28 |
20/2 | 0036-001 | From: Miller, Daniel
B. |
1924 December 19 |
20/2 | 0036-001 | To: Allen, H.P. et al.;
19?? February 27 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/3 | 0036-001 | Legal documents
Scope and Content:
Relating to Ezra and members of the Meeker family (titles,
deeds, etc.)
circa 1877-1896 |
Mercer, Thomas,
1813-1898 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/4 | 0036-001 | Letter from Mercer to "Dear Children" |
undated |
20/4 | 0036-001 | Indenture from Thomas Mercer to David S. Maynard
regarding purchase of land in Town of Seattle |
1857 October 26 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/5 | 0036-001 | Miller, Mary M.
Scope and Content:
7 letters directed to or concerning Mrs. Miller
1882-1886 |
Pioneer materials collected
by Bagley |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/6 | 0036-001 | Financial
miscellany 4 items
Scope and Content:
Including account book of Denny (A.A.) Iron Mine with
Dexter Horton & Company, and balance sheet of Stringham (T.H.) &
1873 |
Legal documents |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/7 | 0036-001 | Bankruptcy notice, Gardner Kellogg |
1873 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Land sale between Charles W. Lawton and
Washington (Territory) University |
1872 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Land sale between Christopher C. Thompson and
Sarah V. Brannan |
1860 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Easement agreement between G.L. Keller and John
Langston |
1882 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Land sale between John Miller and Anna
Wadleigh |
1882 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Indenture between John F. Lynch and William D.
Wood |
1883 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Indenture between Hunt O. Hills and Henry
Bankson |
1867 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Land sale between Benjamin F. Ball and J.M.
Johns |
1874 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Land sale between William and Sarah Renton and
L. R. Buiberson |
1882 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Cemetery deed for William L. Barnard at Washelli
Cemetery |
1886 |
20/7 | 0036-001 | Extract from the law of February 28,
1891 |
1891 |
Letters |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/8 | 0036-001 | To: Beardsley, R.T.; From: Kips, W.
Ingraham |
1867 September 20 |
20/8 | 0036-001 | To: Denny, Arthur Armstrong; From: Clagett
Charles W. |
1893 June 7 |
20/8 | 0036-001 | To: General Land Office Commissioner; From:
United States Interior Deptartment |
1890 December 19 |
20/8 | 0036-001 | To: Kelly, Michael; From: Kellogg,
Gardner |
1873 June 12 |
20/8 | 0036-001 | To: Nichol, W H.; From: Washington (State)
Horticulture Board |
1892 August 30 |
20/8 | 0036-001 | To: Robens, Joseph; From: Pierce,
Thomas |
1881 February 19 |
Puyallup, First National
Bank, correspondence |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/9 | 0036-001 | Incoming |
circa 1890-1895 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/9 | 0036-001 | Bisson, F., South Prairie |
1982 October 12 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Boatman, E.A., Orting |
1894 April 24 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Crowley, Sullivan & Grosscup, Tacoma,
attorneys |
1895 July 11 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Cudahy (Michael) Packing Company,
Seattle |
1895 July 15 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Horton (Dexter) & Company,
Seattle |
1890 October 18 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Lee (Frank P.) & Bowden,
Seattle |
1892 December 14 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | National Bank of Commerce, Tacoma |
1891 May 25 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Northern Pacific Railroad Company,
Lakeview |
1892 October 10 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Ouimette, E.N. |
1894 March 26 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Sumner Bank, (Paulhamus, William H.,
cashier) |
1894 April 23 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | Wells, Fargo & Company, San
Francisco |
1890 December 15 |
Outgoing |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/9 | 0036-001 | To: Vaughn & Morris, Tacoma [with
reply] |
1894 March 21 |
20/9 | 0036-001 | To: Horton (Dexter) & Company,
Seattle |
1894 April 13 and 20 |
Box/Folder | Accession | ||
20/10 | 0036-001 | Transcript of letters
regarding pre-emption claim of William A. Jepson 6 pages
circa 1865 |
20/11 | 0036-001 | Translation of
Notice on the Territory and on the
Mission of Oregon, by A.M. Blanchet 3 copies
circa 1847 |
20/12 | 0036-001 | Tribute to John H. Mitchell
by Henry G. Struve 4 pages
undated |
20/13 | 0036-001 | Ward, Dillis
Scope and Content:
2 letters from Ward to "Brother and Sister", 1863; 1
incoming letter to Ward from the Oregon Historical Society
1863, 1922 |
selections |
Volume 1 |
Box | Accession | ||
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from the
Missionary Herald
Scope and Content:
Includes information on the Hudson's Bay Company; Henry H.
Spalding; William H. Gray; Marcus Whitman and the Whitman massacre; letters
dealing with missionary life, and relations with the Indians.
circa 1836-1882 |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from
Niles Register
Scope and Content:
Regarding Oregon territory and settlers.
circa 1823-1844 |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from
Annals of Congress
Scope and Content:
Regarding exploration and claiming of Oregon
1820-1846 |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from
Wilke's Explorations
Scope and Content:
Wilke's special report on Oregon.
1841 |
21 | 0036-001 | Two letters from Charles
Wilkes to the Secretary of the Navy
General Notes:
1841 May 15; 24 November 24 |
21 | 0036-001 | Miscellaneous reviews from
English papers
Scope and Content:
Regarding Oregon exploration and settlement of the
circa 1832 |
21 | 0036-001 | Missionary letters (with
index) |
circa 1838-1847 |
Volume 1A |
Box | Accession | ||
21 | 0036-001 |
Pioneer reminiscences , by
Samuel Hancock
General Notes:
Copy - typescript
Scope and Content:
Written at Whidbey's Island, Washington Territory.
1860 February 17 |
21 | 0036-001 | Letter fromWilliam Fraser
Tolmie to Fayette McMullan,
Scope and Content:
Regarding Leschi, a chief of the Nisqually. Duplicate in
Volume 9.
1858 January 12 |
21 | 0036-001 |
Indian War in 1855-1856, in
Washington and Oregon, by Granville Haller.
Scope and Content:
Original with Haller papers, Mss H142.
Volume 2 |
Box | Accession | ||
21 | 0036-001 | Addresses to the Pioneer
Association relative to the markers on the Oregon Trail typescript
Scope and Content:
Addresses by Clarence B. Bagley, George H. Himes, Edmond
S. Meany
21 | 0036-001 | Letters concerning the
Indian wars
Scope and Content:
Isaac I. Stevens, James Tilton, Michael T. Simmons, Elwood
Evans, Francis A. Chenoweth, etc.
1857 February 1-August 13 |
21 | 0036-001 | Jason Lee diary
1844 July 25-September12 |
21 | 0036-001 | Copy of "Memorial to
Congress adopted by Provisional Government of Oregon, June 28, 1845.
Scope and Content:
Labeled "documentary evidence" in Hudson's Bay Company
versus United States of America.
1845 |
21 | 0036-001 | "From the Diary of Mary R.
Walker (Fort Boise) " typescript
1838 August |
21 | 0036-001 | "From the Diary of Rev. Elkanah Walker (Fort
Colville)" |
1838 September-1842 November |
21 | 0036-001 | Letter to the Rev. David Greene typescript
1843 January 23 |
21 | 0036-001 | Lectures by the Reverend
Henry H. Spalding, "Early Oregon Missions..." 9 lectures ( typescript)
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Letter to "Editor,
Statesman" from William
McBean typescript
1866 March 12 |
21 | 0036-001 | Note on Jason Lee, from the
works of Stephen Olin, late president of Wesleyan University |
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Report of Jason Lee to
Missionary Board, New York
1844 July 23 |
21 | 0036-001 | Letter Jason Lee to
Missionary Board, New York
1844 July 23 |
21 | 0036-001 | Copy of articles in
New York Daily Tribune
relating to "Mercer Girls" expedition
1865 October 6 and 1866 January 18 |
21 | 0036-001 |
Protestant Missionary Labors in
Oregon- (Quotes from Dr. Stephen Olin.) Extracts from
Sketch of the Cowlitz
Mission, 5 February 1840, by the Rev. M. DeMers; also 1844, 1847.
Whitman massacre, 28 November 1847; resume of Catholic missionary efforts in
Oregon. |
various dates |
21 | 0036-001 | Extract from Rush's
residence at the Court of London, regarding United States claim to Oregon
Territory. |
undated |
Volume 2A |
Box | Accession | ||
21 | 0036-001 | Typescript of extracts from
The Great Company, by
Beckles Willson, concerning the Hudson's Bay Company |
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Excerpts from Daniel
Williams Harmon's Journal
1800-1819 |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from
Narrative of a journey across the
Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River, etc. , by John K.
Townsend typescript
1839 |
21 | 0036-001 |
Territorial Growth of the United States, by
Bagley |
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from newspapers,
documents, letters, etc., regarding early days in Oregon Territory
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from
St. Louis Republican
regarding early overland trips |
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Various letters to William
I. Marshall, relative to collection of pioneer material. |
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Reprints of letters from
M.M. McCarver, Peter H. Burnett |
1843 |
21 | 0036-001 | Extract from New Orleans
1843 November 21 |
21 | 0036-001 | Copies of letters from the
Oregon Territory appearing in the
New York Herald
1844-1845 |
21 | 0036-001 | Extracts from
Christian Advocate and
Journal regarding Mission to Flat Head Indians-Jason Lee,
etc. |
1833-1840 |
Volume 3 |
Box | Accession | ||
21 | 0036-001 |
Who Saved Oregon, by F.H.
undated |
21 | 0036-001 | Chronicle of land
acquisitions to United States from 1783 typescript
undated |
21 | 0036-001 |
History of Indian Affairs among the
Nez Perces, by Henry H. Spalding, from
1865 |
21 | 0036-001 | Proceedings of the Fox
Island Reservation Treaty typescript
1856 August 4 |
21 | 0036-001 | Statement of operations of
Washington Territory Volunteer forces regarding Cedar River
Watershed |
1856-1857 |
21 | 0036-001 | Department of Interior
instructions to Governor Isaac I. Stevens typescript
1853 May 9 |
21 | 0036-001 | 2 letters from G.H.
Atkinson to American Board of Missions, Oregon City, regarding disposition of
mission properties typescript
1858 November 20; 1859 September 7 |
Volume 4 |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 | Cornelius Holgate Hanford's
opinion on Missionary Stations in Oregon (United States Circuit Court, District
of Washington, Western Division) copy
1890 |
22 | 0036-001 | The State of Washington
Addition to Seattle
Scope and Content:
Legal documents relating to acquisition of original
University properties. Dedication of original grant to Seattle for
establishment, location and maintenance of the University.
1891 |
22 | 0036-001 | Auction bill for sale of
Puget Sound Agricultural Association wool in London |
1848 July 3 |
22 | 0036-001 | Speech of William E.
Humphrey in House of Representatives
Scope and Content:
Text of report from Charles Wilkes, commander of exploring
expedition (to Puget Sound and Washington Territory), 1840-1842, to Navy
Department. Printed in the Congressional Record at Humphrey's request. (Also
typewritten copy of Wilkes report)
1911 July 15 |
22 | 0036-001 | Letters from the Reverend
Elkanah Walker to the Reverend David Greene
1843 January 23, 1842 October 3 |
22 | 0036-001 |
Our First Indian War, by
Clarence B. Bagley.
Scope and Content:
Including typescript of letter from James Douglas to
George Abernethy, dated December 8, 1847.
undated |
22 | 0036-001 |
Chief Seattle was of the Nisqually
Nation, by Clarence B. Bagley; excerpts from
Contributions to North American
Ethnology, by George Gibbs
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Tribute to memory of
Commissioner Grahame of the Hudson's Bay Company, written by Roderick
Campbell typescript
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | 2 letters from Peter Skeen
Ogden and James Douglas to William Fraser Tolmie typescript
1846 May 22, 1847 July 27 |
22 | 0036-001 | Article written to the
Tacoma Ledger by C. B.
Bagley: "State Historical Matters " |
1905 |
22 | 0036-001 | William Fraser Tolmies
diary typescript
1833 May 2-August 10, 1833 August 10 |
22 | 0036-001 | Letter from Ezra Meeker to
the House Committee on Libraries, Pittsburg, regarding erection of granite
markers on the Oregon Trail
Scope and Content:
Typescript of address by Meeker to citizens of Seattle
(circa 1906-1907), detailing his pilgrimages to inspire people to donate to the
1908 February 5 |
22 | 0036-001 | Brief history of founding
of the University of Washington, by Clarence B. Bagley
Scope and Content:
Includes detailed accounts of people involved in the
establishment of buildings, etc.
undated |
Volume 4A |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 | Address on Washington and
Oregon history by Clarence B. Bagley |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 |
Account of an Early Visit to the
Present Site of Seattle and Vicinity, by Colonel Isaac N.
Ebey typescript
Scope and Content:
In form of a letter to Michael T. Simmons, dated September
1, 1850.
1850 |
22 | 0036-001 |
Oregon Mission, typescript
of articles from
The Friend
1846 |
22 | 0036-001 | Letter from Daniel H.
Lownsdale to Samuel R. Thurston, with introduction by C. B. Bagley |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Biographical sketch of
Thomas Stowell Phelps, (1822- )author of
Reminiscences of Washington
1882 |
22 | 0036-001 | Translation of an address
from the French (on Canadians in Willamette Valley), translated by P.J.
Frein. |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Petition to the city
council of Olympia from Dudley S.B. Henry typescript
undated |
22 | 0036-001 |
Eliza and the Nez Perce
Indians, by the Reverend Eels |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Introduction to the
Biography of George Bush, by
Professor Ayer |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Resume of Newspaper History
in Washington and Oregon Territory, by C. B. Bagley. |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | "The First Settler" :
Letter from John P. Richmond to Editor,
Seattle Weekly Chronicle
1883 September 11 |
Volume 5 |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 | Letter to unidentified
party from Edward Jay Allen typescript
1916 |
22 | 0036-001 | Miscellaneous newspaper
clippings regarding Coast Indian tribes, habits, etc. |
undated |
Volume 6 |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 | "Mercer Girls"
Scope and Content:
Including letter from Asa S. Mercer to Clarence B. Bagley,
dated November 12, 1901. Also list of members of the Mercer party.
1901 |
22 | 0036-001 | Henry Villard history in
Washington Territory by C. B. Bagley |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 |
Early settlers in Puget Sound Area , by C.
B. Bagley. |
undated |
Volume 7 |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 |
The Indian War of 1855-1856 in Washington and
Oregon, by Granville O. Haller, (in 4 parts)
General Notes:
Original manuscript in author's handwriting.
undated |
22 | 0036-001 |
The Early Impressions and Later
Confessions of a Native Puget Sounder, by Mrs. Sarah Allister McAdams.
Original manuscript in Author's handwriting. |
undated |
Volume 8 |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 | Washington donation
claims-alphabetical and geographical lists |
various dates |
Volume 9 |
Box | Accession | ||
22 | 0036-001 | Address by Ezra Meeker,
March 2, 1903, on 50th anniversary of Washington Territory, and miscellaneous
speeches by Miles C. Moore, T. M. Vance, Herman D.C.row, William E. Humphre,
Glen N. Ranck. |
1903 |
22 | 0036-001 | Typescript of Medicine
Creek Treaty
Scope and Content:
Includes ratification by Senate and President Franklin
Pierce. Joint resolution by Territorial government (16 January 1857) relative
to Gov. Stevens proclamation of martial law in Pierce and Thurston counties
1854 December 26 |
22 | 0036-001 |
A Reminiscence of '56 : How a Port
Townsend Man Offered, Unaided, to Build the Northern Pacific Railroad,
by James G. Swan
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Excerpt from
Tacoma Daily News
Scope and Content:
"John Flett reviews some statements of an alleged
1884 March |
22 | 0036-001 | Excerpts from Hudson's Bay
Co. journal of 1839, regarding site and building of the Indian Mission at
Nisqually. |
1839 |
22 | 0036-001 | Oregon Missions-excerpts
from the New York
Christian Advocate and
1839-1841 |
22 | 0036-001 | Pacific Pine Lumber
Company, San Francisco. Trade agreement for Pine Manufacturer's
Association |
1880 December |
22 | 0036-001 |
How the boys went to St. Elias-fiction,
author unknown. |
undated |
22 | 0036-001 | Application of Lee Fong for
a writ of habeas corpus |
circa 1902 |
22 | 0036-001 | Letter to Robert Harris,
President, Northern Pacific Railroad, 20 January 1887, from John Jay McGilvra
(?). |
1887 20 January |
22 | 0036-001 | Letter to George W.
Manypenny, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, from Isaac Stevens, regarding
Medicine Creek Treaty |
1854 December 30 |
22 | 0036-001 | Records of the proceedings
of the commission to hold treaties with the Indians in Washington Territory and
Blackfoot country |
1854 December 7 |
22 | 0036-001 | Letter to Fayette McMullan
from William Fraser Tolmie, 12 January 1858, regarding Leschi. [Duplicate of
copy in Volume 1A] |
Box | Accession | ||
23 | 0036-001 | Bill heads |
undated |
Oversized materials |
package:oversize | Accession | ||
24 | 0036-001 | Scrapbook of
Manuscripts |
undated |
24 | 0036-001 | Testimonial from Seattle
Board of Public Works |
undated |
Box | Accession | ||
25 | 0036-001 | Notes
Scope and Content:
Notes of city and county expenditures relating to personnel
and contractors, health department and epidemics, and maintenance of properties
and cemeteries.
1853-1930 |
Accession No. 0036-002: Clarence Bagley papers, 1924Return to Top
Scope and Content: Bagley's book The Acquisition and Pioneering of Old Oregon, 1924, with clippings and letters pasted within. Letters comment on errors in spelling and dates, and also include biographical information on Bagley. Correspondents include Robert Bruce, George H. Himes, Frederick V. Holman, and Clarence Mulford.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Accession No. 0036-003: Clarence Bagley papers, undated (1863 originals)Return to Top
Scope and Content: Photostatic copies of three letters in the collection of Clarence B. Bagley. The letters are from Henry L. Yesler to his partner in San Francisco, George F. Plummer, dated May 15, August 30, and November 16, 1863. The letters pertain to the expansion of their sawmill, the product of which was traded for merchandise in San Francisco. These goods were in turn traded from their general store to the populace for logs, grain and cash. Their grist mill converted grain into flour. Another partner in the business was Arthur A. Denny, also one of the founders of Seattle.
Restrictions on Access: Open to all users.
Custodial History: These photostatic copies were framed for display when received, one frame of which included a typed caption. The originals of the letters are not a part of the Clarence Bagley papers, although the provenance and date appear to be the same as those of the original collection.
Acquisition Info: Donor: Bagley-Mercer company, 1956
Processing Info: Partially processed. Removed from frames and stored in oversize folder
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Banks and banking--Washington (State)--History--Sources
- Chinese--Violence against--Washington (State)--Sources
- Frontier and pioneer life--Washington (State)--Sources
- Historians--Washington (State)--Seattle--Archives
- Pacific Coast Indians, Wars with, 1847-1865--Sources
- Personal Papers/Corporate Records (University of Washington)
Personal Names
- Bagley family--Correspondence
- Bagley, Alice Mercer, 1848-1926--Correspondence
- Bagley, Clarence, 1843-1932--Archives
- Bagley, Daniel, 1818-1905--Correspondence
- Bagley, S. R. (Susannah Rogers), 1819-1913-- Correspondence
- Elliott, T. C. (Thompson Coit), 1862-1943--Correspondence
- Garfielde, S. (Selucius), 1822-1883--Correspondence
- Huggins, Edward, 1832-1907--Correspondence
- Marshall, William I. (William Isaac), 1840-1906-- Correspondence
- Plummer, George E.--Correspondence
- Ward, Dillis Burgess, 1838-1922--Correspondence
- Yesler, Henry L. (Henry Leiter), 1810-1892--Correspondence
Corporate Names
Geographical Names
- King County (Wash.)--History--19th century--Sources
- Seattle (Wash.)--History--19th century--Sources
- Washington (State)--History--19th century--Sources
Titles within the Collection
- Acquisition and pioneering of old Oregon