Tom McCall photographs collection, 1905-1984

Overview of the Collection

Tom McCall photographs collection
1905-1984 (inclusive)
1966-1975 (bulk)
4.07 cubic feet  :  2734 photographs, 134 slides, and 400 negatives in 6 document boxes, 3 oversize boxes, and 1 oversize folder
Collection Number
Org. Lot 353 (collection)
Images in this collection document the family of Tom McCall (1913-1983), as well as McCall's careers in journalism, radio and television broadcasting, politics, and Oregon state government from 1905-1984, most notably his two terms as governor of Oregon from 1966-1975.
Oregon Historical Society Research Library
1200 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR
Telephone: 503-306-5240
Fax: 503-219-2040
Access Restrictions

The collection is open to the public. Photographic reproductions are available by contacting the Oregon Historical Society Research Library.

Funding for encoding this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Funding for preparing this finding aid was provided through a grant awarded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Biographical NoteReturn to Top

Tom McCall (1913-1983) was born in Egypt, Mass., to Henry McCall and Dorothy Lawson McCall, who moved to Portland in 1909 and soon after to a ranch near Prineville on the Crooked River in central Oregon. McCall was graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in journalism in 1936. He started his career in journalism at the Moscow, Idaho, News Review and subsequently worked at The Oregonian and for KGW radio in Portland. McCall served in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to January 1946 as a war correspondent.

McCall was married to Audrey Owen in 1939, and they had two sons, Thomas, Jr. (Tad), born in 1944, and Samuel, born in 1949. After his war service, McCall returned to Portland, where he hosted a nightly radio talk show on KEX. He continued to work in broadcasting until 1964, using his work as a way to keep in touch with public issues and as a forum for his own ideas. McCall started his political career by joining the Young Republicans. He came to the attention of Gov. Douglas McKay, who hired him as an assistant in 1949, a position he held until 1952. McCall ran for a U.S. Senate seat in 1954, losing to Edith Green. He ran for Oregon Secretary of State and won, serving from 1965 to1967.

McCall then served two terms as Governor of Oregon (1967-1975). He was a popular governor, largely because of his attention to public concerns and his determination to preserve quality of life in Oregon for future generations. He was best known for promoting the nation's first Bottle Bill, cleaning up rivers by controlling industrial pollution, promoting land use controls, and zoning beach areas to preserve public access. McCall also made famous the quote, "Visit, But Don't Stay," a catchphrase intended to keep Oregon's growth at a moderate pace. His words backfired, however, and Oregon population grew rapidly during his two terms.

After leaving the governor's office in January 1975, he returned to KATU television in Portland as a news analyst and traveled around the nation supporting bottle bills in other states. In 1978, he tried once again for the governor's office but lost the Republican primary to Victor Atiyeh. McCall died in 1983.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Images in this collection document the family of Tom Lawson McCall (1913-1983) and his career in journalism, radio and television broadcasting, politics, and the Oregon state government, most notably his two terms as Governor, 1966-1975. In addition to photographs of McCall, the collection includes images of his wife, Audrey, and various family members, including his parents, Samuel W. and Dorothy Lawson McCall, among others; and numerous local, state, and national politicians and government officials, including but not limited to Victor Atiyeh, Neil Goldschmidt, Edith Green, Mark O. Hatfield, Douglas McKay, Wayne Morse, Richard Neuberger, Bob Packwood, Oswald West, and Wendell William Wyatt.

In addition to photographs that came from Tom and Audrey McCall, the collection includes images from the Oregon Journal collection and others that were made for the biography, Fire at Eden's Gate, published by the Oregon Historical Society Press. The Oregon Journal photographs are identifiable by the newsprint captions attached to the verso, and the photographs from the book are marked "FAEG" on the verso. Photographers represented in this collection include Allen J. DeLay, Frank L. Allman, Alfred A. Monner, Nick Mills, and Carl E. Vermilya, among many others.

The photographs in the collection range from small black-and-white and color snapshots to oversize mounted and framed images or collages. Most of the photographs are loose, individual items, but the collection also includes seven albums assembled for various governors' conferences that Tom and Audrey McCall attended or hosted, as well as a few negatives and slides.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

The Oregon Historical Society is the owner of the materials in the Research Library and makes available reproductions for research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Research Library prior to any reproduction useage. The Society does not necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Photographers and publications hold copyright to many images in this collection. Identity of the photographer or publication may be found on the verso of such photographs.

Preferred Citation

Tom McCall photographs collection, Org. Lot 353, Oregon Historical Society Research Library

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


The collection is arranged in the following series and subseries:

  • Series A: Family and Personal Images, 1905-1982
  • Series B: Radio and Television News Analyst, 1944-1964
  • Series C: Assistant to Gov. McKay, 1949-1952
  • Series D: Political Activities, 1954
  • Series E: Secretary of State, 1965-1967
  • Series F: Governor, 1967-1975
    • Subseries 1: Campaigns and Issues
    • Subseries 2: Gov. McCall Portraits and Photographs
    • Subseries 3: Gov. McCall with Staff, Legislators, Officials, and Groups
    • Subseries 4: Gov. McCall with Individuals
    • Subseries 5: Conferences
    • Subseries 6: Building/Dam Designs, Groundbreakings, and Dedications
    • Subseries 7: Fairs, Festivals and Parades
    • Subseries 8: Awards, Ceremonies, Speeches, and Special Visits
    • Subseries 9: Trade Missions
  • Series G: Post-Governorship, 1976-1984
  • Series H: Locations, 1935-circa 1976, n.d.

Acquisition Information

Library accession nos. 16983, 18771, and 24601 and Photo accession no. 1984D160.

Processing Note

Initial processing incorporated photographs from the Oregon Journal newspaper held by the Oregon Historical Society and reproductions of photographs from many sources made for the biography, Fire at Eden's Gate, published by the Oregon Historical Society Press. These additions were retained in the collection during final arrangement and description.

The collection originally included many duplicate images, which were removed. Albums were removed from damaging bindings for preservation, but the album pages were retained in original order. Most framed photographs were unframed for preservation.

Separated Materials

The Tom Lawson McCall Papers are located in MSS 625 in the Oregon Historical Society Research Library Manuscript Collections.

Related Materials

The official records of Tom McCall's service as Secretary of State and Governor are held by the Oregon State Archives in Salem. A guide to the records is available on the agency's website.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.

Series A:  Family and Personal, 1905-1981, undatedReturn to Top

398 items

The series is organized around the chronology of Tom McCall's life, members of his extended family, and his favorite recreational pursuits, primarily golfing and fishing. Includes black-and-white and color photographic prints, 35-mm color slides, and 35-mm black-and-white negatives.

Container(s) Description Dates
Childhood and education
  • McCall Ranch near Redmond, Oregon, on Crooked River
  • University of Oregon
Navy, World War II
1/3, 8/1
Tom and Audrey McCall
  • Dog, Puffy
  • Election, 1964
  • Election, 1966
  • Republican Governor's Conference, 1968
  • National Governor's Conference, 1971, undated
  • Roast, 1975
  • Release of Tom McCall from hospital, 1981
1964-1981; undated
Audrey McCall
  • Mann Home tea, 1968
  • Meier and Frank fashion show, 1968
  • Republican Women's luncheon, 1968
  • Modeling gown for President Nixon's inaugural, 1969
  • Inaugural ball gown, 1973
  • Christening tanker, Chevron Oregon, 1974
  • Color slide portrait, undated
1967-1973; undated
1/5, 6/1, 8/1
Tom McCall and Family
  • Dog, Puffy
  • Inaugural ceremonies, 1967
  • Audrey McCall
  • Heather McCall
  • Samuel McCall
  • Thomas McCall, Jr. (including wedding to Barbara Jean Pyle), 1971
    • Wedding (35-mm black-and-white negatives--see contact sheets for 4 of 5 film rolls in Box 1, Folder 5; no contact sheet for 1 of the 5 film rolls.)
1967-1982; undated
Samuel Walker McCall
Includes family crest (35-mm color slide)
1909-1917; undated
Thomas W. Lawson
Includes Dreamwold, the Lawson estate in Scituate, Massachusetts, and images from Lawson's political career, including Massachusetts governor
1917, undated
Dorothy Lawson McCall
Includes McCall Ranch and autographing her book, Ranch Under the Rim Rock
1905-1981; undated
Tom McCall and Dorothy Lawson McCall
Includes Tom and Dorothy at signing of her book, The Copper King's Daughter
McCall Ranch and Relatives
Includes Smith Rock Park
1970-1971; undated
1/11, 7/1
Tom McCall-- recreation (primarily golfing and fishing)
Identified locations include Hawaii and various Oregon locations, including Cape Kiwanda, Eugene Golf and Country Club, Johnson's Ranch, Oregon State Game Commission's Sand Creek Camp, Waverly Country Club (Portland)
1966-1973, undated
Tom McCall--fishing trip (35-mm color slides), location unidentified
July 1973
Tom McCall--Hawaiian Open golf tournament

Series B:  Journalism Career, 1942, 1948-1964, 1972, undatedReturn to Top

19 items

Covers highlights of Tom McCall's career, with the Oregonian newspaper and then in radio and television, as well as his participation in a 1972 celebration of KGW television's 50th anniversary. Also included are images documenting his participation in community life during this period. The series includes one color photographic print; the remainder are black and white.

Container(s) Description Dates
The Oregonian newspaper sports department
Al Stump, Holly Goodrich, and Tom McCall
Radio and television career
  • Young Republican Convention, 1948
  • Crusade for Freedom campaign, 1951, 1956
  • Portland American Veterans Committee Freedom Award, 1957
  • Oregon Centennial Van of History christening, 1958
  • "Tom McCall's Viewpoint" radio program, 1961
  • Metropolitan Youth Commission (Tom McCall, chairman), 1961
  • Trade Forum, 1962
  • National Retarded Children's Week honorary chairman, 1963
  • National Council of Christians and Jews Brotherhood Award, 1964 February
  • Interviewing Robert F. Kennedy, then chief counsel of U.S. Senate Racketeering Committee, undated
1948-1964, undated
KGW 50th Anniversary
1972 March 15

Series C:  Assistant to Gov. McKay, 1951, 1953Return to Top

5 items

Consists of one folder covering Tom McCall's activities with the Crusade for Freedom during his service with Gov. Douglas McKay and portraits of Gov. McKay, some dating to his service as Secretary of the Interior in President Dwight D. Eisenhower's cabinet All prints in this series are black and white.

Container(s) Description Dates
Assistant to Gov. McKay
1951, 1953, undated

Series D:  Political Activities, 1954Return to Top

16 items

Consists of two folders covering Tom McCall's 1954 campaign for the Third District Congressional seat, which he lost to Democrat Edith Green, and his work as executive secretary to the Legislative Committee on Retirement and Compensation the same year. All prints in this series are black and white.

Container(s) Description Dates
Third District Congressional campaign
Includes McCall's work with Citizens for Eisenhower, appearance with President Eisenhower at McNary Dam dedication, and photographic reproduction of campaign ad featuring Eisenhower
Legislative Committee on Retirement and Compensation

Series E:  Secretary of State, 1964-1967Return to Top

44 items

This series includes two folders of black-and-white photographic prints and 11 black-and-white 2x2-inch negatives for which there are no corresponding prints. The series covers Tom McCall's successful primary and general election campaigns in 1964 for the office of Secretary of State. He defeated Alfred E. Corbett in the general election. Portraits and images of public events represent his service as Secretary of State.

Container(s) Description Dates
Secretary of State campaign
  • Includes photographic reproductions of campaign ads.
  • Negative Lot 359-6 (no print)
Secretary of State
  • With Chet Huntley, 1965 July 12
  • Press conference, 1966 Jan. 5
  • Portland Rainmakers, accepting award for Gov. Mark Hatfield, 1966 April
  • Presentation of carving of Great Seal of Oregon by artist Gordon Watkins, 1966
  • Ribbon cutting, Western Savings and Loan, Portland, Or., 1966

Series F:  Governor Tom McCall, 1966-1975Return to Top

1,683 items
This series, which includes the bulk of the collection, is organized into nine subseries: 1) Campaigns and Issues, 2) Governor McCall Portraits and Photographs, 3) Gov. McCall and Staff, Legislators, Officials, and Groups (including children), 4) Governor McCall and Individuals, 5) Conferences, 6) Building/Dam Designs, Groundbreakings, and Dedications, 7) Parades and Festivals, 8) Awards, Ceremonies, Speeches, and Special Visits, and 9) Trade Missions.
Container(s) Description Dates
Subseries 1: Campaigns and Issues
239 items
Covers Tom McCall's gubernatorial campaigns and some of the major issues and events of his governorship. Arranged chronologically, with undated images at the end, the subseries includes black-and-white and color original prints, twenty-seven 35-mm black-and-white negatives, and prints made from the negatives at the Oregon Historical Society. The collection also includes a color slide show (without script) that covers consequences of growth in Oregon.
1/20, 7/3, 8/2, C/1
Campaign for governor
  • Debate with Robert Straub (includes oversize display board with series of photographs)
  • Portland City Club
  • Press conference, Sheraton Motor Inn, Portland, Or.
  • Roseburg (Or.) parade, riding elephant, 1966 August
  • Tektronix plant
  • Teen coffee house, Portland, Or.
Includes swearing-in ceremony and inaugural ball
1967 January
Extradition of Arkansas prison escapees
Meeting with Robert Scott, Arkansas state legal counsel
1967 February
Apprenticeship program and tax bill--television appearance--35-mm color slides
1967 March
Public vs. private beach controversy
Tom McCall surveying Rockaway Beach and visiting other beaches, including Cannon Beach
1967 May
Ballot Measure 7--property tax campaign
Campaign billboards, Portland, Or.
March on Salem
Includes Cesar Chavez, Walter Cronkite, Eugene McCarthy
1968 May 25
Willamette Valley Air Pollution poster contest
1969 Oct. 17
Cleaner Air Week
1969 October
Campaign for re-election as Governor
Confrontation command center for National American Legion convention
Contact prints made from negatives owned by photographer, Allan J. deLay
1970 Aug. 30
Umatilla nerve gas shipment petition
Oregon Bottle Bill campaign
Hellgate Canyon, Rogue River--Wild and Scenic Rivers dedication
Land donated by Pacific Power and Light Co. to the Bureau of Land Management
1971 Aug. 27
Propane-fueled automobile
Snake River and Hells Canyon--Game Commission trip
1972 July 30
House Bill 2273--bill signing with optometrists
Mandated continuing education for optometrists
1973 June
Energy-efficient car for governor
1974 January
Environmental campaigns
  • Anti-litter campaign
  • Beach clean-up day (first)
  • Clean water campaign
Growth in Oregon--35-mm color slide show (no script)
Political cartoons by William Sanderson
Subseries 2: Gov. McCall Portraits and Photographs
294 items
Includes images in which Gov. McCall is the total or primary focus. Arranged chronologically, the subseries includes original black-and-white and color photographic prints, 35-mm color slides, 35-mm black-and-white negatives and black-and-white prints made at the Oregon Historical Society from the original negatives.
1966-1975, undated
Gov. McCall
  • Rainmakers celebrity roast, 1967 April
  • Signing proclamation closing forest land due to fire danger, 1967 August
  • Tillamook, Or., Kiwanis luncheon, 1967 August
  • Oregon State Penitentiary riot, 1968 March
  • Governor's office, 1968 May
  • Campaigning for Clay Myers for Secretary of State, 1968 May-November
  • Portland International Airport, 1968 June
  • Inspecting Mountain View Hospital, Madras, Or., 1968 September
  • Albina Neighborhood Service Center tour, Portland, Or., 1969 July
Color slides
Gov. McCall
  • Checking debris collected by Bay Area Environmental Committee from Coos Bay, Or., roadsides, 1970 February
  • Voting, with wife Audrey and son Sam, 1970 May
  • Interviewed for Soviet Union documentary, 1972 October
  • Flying Goodyear blimp, 1974 August
  • Governor's office, 1975 January
  • "Tom McCall for President" literature (photographic reproduction), undated
Color slides
1970, 1972, 1973
Tom and Audrey McCall on "AM Northwest," KATU television, Portland, Or.--35-mm color slides
1975 March
Color portraits and photographs
Includes Gov. McCall in front of Oregon state capitol building
2/15-16, 7/4, 8/3
Black-and-white portraits and photographs
  • Bill signing
  • Football game
  • On horse, "Duke," Oregon Volunteer Posse Governor's Guard
  • Portland Mavericks baseball
  • Stable School Finance initiative petition kickoff
  • With tall stack of papers
Subseries 3: Gov. McCall and Staff, Legislators, Officials, and Groups (including children)
242 items
Documents Gov. McCall's interaction with people in government and various constituents. Includes black-and-white and color prints, 35-mm black-and-white negatives and prints made from them at the Oregon Historical Society
Gov. McCall's staff members
Includes Robert Davis assisting Gov. McCall in hospital, August 1973, and portrait of Ed Westerdahl, undated
1973, undated
Ron Schmidt (press secretary and administrative assistant to Governor McCall)
1967, undated
Swearing-in Ceremonies
  • Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dale Parnell, 1968 July
  • Port of Portland Commission, 1969
  • Oregon State Fair Commission, 1971 April
1968, 1969, 1971, undated
Oregon State Legislators
1969, undated
Local, state, national, and international officials, organizations, and politicians
  • Rep. Walter Judd of Minnesota--Governor's Prayer Breakfast, 1967 March
  • Fire chiefs, 1967 May
  • National School Boards Association convention, 1967 April
  • Oregon State Board of Control--investigating Fairview Home, 1967 August
  • Nguyen Cao Ky, South Vietnamese premier, 1967 September
  • Sen. Mark O. Hatfield, 1967
  • Intergovernmental Coordination Committee, 1968 January
  • Republican Governors' Task Force, Portland, Or., 1968 May
  • Charles A. Sprague (former Oregon governor), funeral, 1969 March
  • Oregon State Multi-Service Center, Portland, May 1969
  • Education Commission of States, 1969-1970
  • Columbia River Nitrogen Super Saturation Tri-State Meeting, Portland, Or., 1971 March
  • Gov. William Milliken of Michigan, 1972 October
  • Neil Goldschmidt, Portland mayor--tax reform-school finance campaign, 1973 April, undated
  • Victor Atiyeh, undated
  • Gov. Jimmy Carter of Georgia-- "Meet the Press" television program, undated
  • Sen. Edmund Muskie of Maine, undated
  • Oregon State Board of Governors, undated
  • Oregon State Vocational and Rehabilitation Division, undated
  • Gov. Ronald Reagan of California, undated
1967-1972, undated
McCall Appointees
  • Borden F. Beck, Jr. (Port of Portland Commission), 1969 June
  • Gil W. Bellamy (Exec. Sec. of Oregon Traffic Safety Commission), 1969 June
  • Raymond A. Damerell (purchasing agent, State of Oregon), 1966 May
  • Marko Haggard, undated
  • Leonard G. Hicks (director, State Selective Service), 1967 December
  • Terry Johnson (Parole Board), 1969
  • Charlie Mack (director, Department of Revenue), 1969 June
  • Barney McPhillips (board member, State Sanitary Authority), 1967 April
  • Ursel Narver (Oregon Racing Commission), 1969 January
  • William Newell (Parole Board), 1969
  • Ron Schmidt (McCall's press secretary), undated
  • Kenneth H. Spies (secretary, State Sanitary Authority), 1967 April
  • Jack Wiseman (Parole Board), 1969
McCall and the Press
Includes filming for NBC "Today Show,"1974 January
2/24, 7/5
Children with Gov. McCall
  • Color slide: unidentified group, 1967 May
  • Kammedy Elementary School, Keizer, Or., 1971 May
  • Oregon State Cystic Fibrosis Chapter--poster children Mike Norman, Lonye and Lee Gwynn; executive director, Larry Nolder, 1974 October
  • Richmond School Beauty Bugs with teacher Janet Wing and aide Ellane Grim, 1970 April
  • Mike Sims, 1969 April
  • Youth Temperance Education Week, 1969 April
Children with Gov. McCall
  • Children in wheelchairs
  • Cub Scouts
  • Hispanic group
  • March of Dimes
  • Pendleton Roundup, with Indian girl
  • Peruvian exchange student, Max Aquers
  • Portland Boys Choir
  • Scholarship recipients: Plumbing and Heating Scholars, Valarie Jean McGary, Gervais; Rachael Scott, Lebanon; and Ronald Swisher, Salem, Or.
  • School groups
  • Yamhill County 4-H, Katy Hansell and Paul Raven
Gov. McCall and identified groups
  • American Legion Beaver Boys State, 1969
  • Bank Women's Week Committee, 1973 September
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition re-creation, 1968 August
  • Oregon Council of the Blind, Willamette Chapter, undated
  • Oregon Day of Bread Committee, undated
  • Oregon Mother of the Year reception, 1971 April
  • Oregon State Elks Association, 1968 May
  • Oregon Turkey Improvement Association, 1968 March
  • Oregonians for Go 19 (reducing voting age to 19), 1969 June
  • Pacific Northwest Bell, undated
  • Portland Rainmakers, 1968 December
  • Rotary Club, undated
  • Umatilla Cow Belles, 1971 May
  • University of Portland Board of Governors (photograph mounted on wood plaque), 1967 April
1968-1973, undated
Gov. McCall with American Legion group (print with glass cover sheet)
Gov. McCall with Guide Dogs for the Blind, San Rafael, Calif.
Gov. McCall with military personnel
  • National Guard Association of the State of Oregon--40th general conference, Gearhart, Or., 1967 April
  • Navy Cmdr. Lloyd Bucher, skipper, USS Pueblo, 1969 April
  • Navy Rear Admiral Emmett H. Todd, Southern Oregon Naval Co.--enlistment ceremony, 1972 July
3/2, 8/4
Unidentified Groups
Subseries 4: Gov. McCall and Individuals
137 items
Includes portraits and photographs of individuals, shown with and without Gov. McCall and some with Audrey McCall. People represented include actors and other show business celebrities, astronauts and flyers, politicians, government officials, constituents, personal friends, and family members. A few studio portraits of individuals prominent during McCall's governship predate 1966. A number of portraits are autographed to Tom McCall.
Identified individuals
Actors, entertainers, and other celebrities
  • Rod Anders (KPTV), undated
  • Nova Begay (Miss Indian America), undated
  • Bob Hope (including Portland Rose Festival appearance), undated
  • Paul Newman, 1970
  • Nitty Gritty Direct Band, undated
  • Arnold Palmer, undated
  • Robert Redford, undated
  • Raquel Welch, 1972 May
1970, 1972, undated
Aerospace pioneers--Frank Borman and Charles Lindbergh
Constituents--business and business related
  • W.D. Hagenstein (Industrial Forestry Assoc., Portland, Or.), undated
  • Fred Meyer, 1972
  • Portland Chamber of Commerce representative [unidentified man], undated
1972, undated
Constituents--others (and various friends and acquaintances)
  • Dick Barney, 1973
  • Evelyn Cook, 1967 February
  • D. L. Davies (Astoria, Or.), 1972 August
  • Bill Harvey, 1973 June 26
  • Dr. E. W. Harvey (Astoria, Or.), 1972 August
  • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter [?], 1974 July
  • Kress, E. Vern (and family) from Canada, undated
  • Lois Martz and children, undated
  • James V. Moore, undated
  • Ida McClendon, undated
  • Parent-Teacher Association representative [unidentified woman], undated
  • Paul, Sue, and Pat Podste [?], undated
  • Nita Sandner (Stayton, Or.), undated
  • Lenore Stenbock (Portland, Or.)--artist presenting portrait, 1968 March 28
1967-1974, undated
Foreign dignitaries
  • Robert A. Bitar (and wife, Mabel), Portland consul for Lebanon, undated
  • No. Dogakina, undated
  • Group portrait of representatiaves from Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Senegal and Sweden.
1971, undated
3/8, 7/8
Oregon government officials and politicians
  • Mercedes Diez (Circuit Judge, Multnomah County)--Great Kids Campaign, undated
  • Edith Green (U.S. Congresswoman, Or.), undated
  • Mark O. Hatfield (Oregon Secretary of State, U.S. Senator, and former Oregon governor), 1958, undated
  • Robert Holmes (former Oregon governor), undated
  • Frank Ivancie (Portland, Or., mayor), undated
  • Glenn L. Jackson (chairman, Oregon Highway Commission), undated
  • Clay Meyers, 1966 Nov. 21
  • Monte Montgomery (Oregon Speaker of the House), 1965, undated
  • Wayne Morse (U.S. Senator, Or.), undated
  • Richard Neuberger (U.S. Senator, Or.), undated
  • Bob Packwood (U.S. Senator, Or.), undated
  • Ron Schmidt, undated
  • Elmo Smith (former Oregon governor), undated)
  • Ken Smith, undated
  • Robert F. Smith (Oregon House Majority Leader), 1965
  • Charles Sprague (former Oregon governor), undated
  • Robert Straub (Oregon Governor-elect), 1974 December-January 1975
  • Wendell Wyatt (U.S. Congressman, Or.), undated
1958, 1965-1966, 1973-1975, undated
West, Oswald
Campaign literature (photographic reproductions)
3/10, 7/9, 8/5
United States government officials and politicians
  • John Dellenback (Peace Corps director), 1969
  • Gerald Ford
  • Walter Hickel, undated
  • Malcolm Lovell (U.S. Manpower Commissioner), undated
  • Roger L. MacBride (Libertarian Party presidential nominee), undated
  • Eugene McCarthy, undated
  • Richard Nixon and family (as candidate and president), 1968, undated
  • Charles Percy, 1967 November
  • Eliott Richardson (Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare), 1972, undated
1967-1971, undated
First Lady Audrey McCall with spouses of elected officials
  • Mrs. James Bedingfield (Legislative wife), 1965 May 1
  • Mrs. John Dellenback (Legislative wife), 1965 May 1
  • Mrs. Floyd H. Hart (Legislative wife), 1969 April 25
  • Mrs. Bruce King (wife of New Mexico governor), 1973 Sept. 25
  • Mrs. Douglas McKay (wife of Secretary of State, Or.), 1965 May 1
  • Mrs. Robert E. McNair (wife of South Carolina governor), 1970 March 20
  • Mrs. F.F. Montgomery (wife of Oregon Speaker of the House), 1965 May 1
  • Mrs. Kenneth O'Connell (wife of Oregon Supreme Court justice), 1965 May 1
  • Mrs. William C. Perry (wife of Oregon Supreme Court chief justice), 1967 Jan. 25
  • Mrs. E.D. Potts (Legislative wife), 1969 April 25
  • Mrs. Joe Richards (Legislative wife), 1965 May 1
  • Mrs. Jack Williams (wife of Arizona governor), 1973 Sept. 25
Individuals, unidentified
Subseries 5: Conferences
374 items
Primarily consists of souvenir albums and loose prints, mostly in color but some black and white, documenting national, Republican, and Western governors' conferences that Tom and Audrey McCall attended. These include a sample souvenir album created for the Western Governors' Conference they hosted at Salishan in 1974. The subseries also documents a few other conferences in which Gov. McCall participated.
Government and Political Conferences
National Governors' Conferences
National Governors' Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nev. photograph album
3/15, 7/10
Republican Governors' Conferences
1966-1968, 1974
Republican Governors' Conference, Hot Springs, Ark. photograph album
Republican Governors' Conference, Sun Valley, Idaho photograph album
Republican Governors' Conference, French Lick, Ind. photograph album
1971 winter
Republican Governors' Conference, White Sulphur Springs, W.Va. photograph album
1974 spring
Republican Governors' Conference, St. Louis, Mo. photograph album
1974 winter
Republican National Conventions
1968, 1972
Western Governors' Conferences
1969, 1974
Western Governors' Conference, Salashan, Or.
Sample of souvenir album Gov. McCall presented to attendees
Other Conferences
Associated General Contractors of America Conference, Monterey, Calif.
Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality, Portland, Or.
1971 September
Education Commission of the States, San Diego, Calif.
National Urban League Conference
1967 Aug. 23
Subseries 6: Building/Dam Designs, Groundbreakings, and Dedications
61 items
Documents Gov. McCall's participation in the ceremonies celebrating construction of industrial, business, and public buildings and projects. Includes dedication of the Gov. Tom McCall Oregon Friendship Forest in Israel, 1973.
1968-1974, undated
John Day Dam dedication
1968 September
Norwest Publishing Co. plant groundbreaking, Portland, Or.
1968 September
New industrial site groundbreaking, McMinnville, Or.
1968 October
Western Forest Center design (by John Storis and Associates) and groundbreaking
1969 July
Lane Community College dedication, Eugene, Or.
1969 October
Georgia Pacific Building dedication, Portland, Or.
West Linn-Oregon City Bridge dedication
1970 May
Dedication of Gov. Tom McCall Oregon Friendship Forest, Israel
Timber Operators Council Building dedication--black-and-white prints
1974 December
Timber Operators Council Building dedication--color prints
1974 December
Pacific Power and Light Co. TERA One demonstration house, design by Skidmore Owings and Merrill
SAIF building groundbreaking
Subseries 7: Fairs, Festivals, and Parades
101 items
Covers Gov. McCall's participation in many Oregon parades and in President Nixon's 1969 inaugural parade. McCall appeared in some parades on horseback, most notably during campaign years, and often was accompanied by his wife, Audrey. Arranged chronologically, with unidentified events placed at the end. Includes black-and-white and color prints, 35-mm color negatives, and 35-mm color slides.
1968-1971, undated
Oregon State University Centennial Parade
1968 October
President Nixon's inaugural parade
1969 January
Oregon State Fair
Oregon Day, Washington, D.C.
1970 February
Strawberry Fair Festival, Lebanon, Or.
Includes Gov. McCall campaigning on horseback
1970 June
Timber Carnival parade, Albany, Or.
Gov. McCall campaigning on horseback
Portland Rose Festival Parade
1971 June
Timber Carnival, Albany, Or.
Lumber Festival princesses at Governor's Office, Salem, Or.
St. Paul Rodeo Court
1973 July
Portland Junior Rose Festival Court
Portland Rose Festival Court in Governor's Office, Salem, Or.
Unidentified festival courts in Governor's Office, Salem, Or.
Unidentified fairs--35-mm color slides
By Robert W. Henderson of Oregon State University, Corvallis
1967 August
5/25, 8/6
Unidentified parades
  • Possibly Pendleton Roundup parade, among others
  • Color negatives (no prints), Gov. McCall and California Gov. Ronald Reagan on horseback, Lot 353-14, undated
1970, undated
Subseries 8: Awards, Ceremonies, Speeches, and Special Visits
146 items
Covers Governor McCall's ceremonial duties, speaking engagements, and duties as host to visiting dignitaries, most notably President Richard Nixon, presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller, and California Gov. Ronald Reagan. Each category is arranged and described chronologically, with undated images at the end. Includes black-and-white and color photographs, 35-mm color slides, and an oversized, framed portrait.
5/26, 9/1
Awards and proclamations--presenting and receiving
  • American Association for Conservation Information Award of Merit, 1969
  • National Safety Council Association Safety Award, 1969
  • " Sunset" magazine Distinguished Westerners award (oversized framed portrait with great seal of Oregon, brass plaque), 1969
  • Livable Oregon award (first), Hood River, 1970 May
  • Education Commission of the States Distinguished Service Award, 1974 June
  • Special Civil Engineering Achievement Award, 1974 September
  • Oregon Association of Broadcasters Annual Tom McCall Award, 1974 November
  • Torch of Liberty Award, 1974 November
  • Moore Scholarship, undated
  • Toastmasters Communication and Leadership Award, undated
1969-1974, undated
Ceremonies and other events
  • Governor's Prayer Breakfasts, 1967 March, 1968 March
  • John Day Fossil Beds National Landmark plaque presentation, 1967 March
  • Tree-planting (35-mm color slides), 1967 June
  • Landmark of Quality breakfast, Portland, Or., 1969 April
  • Lloyd Center anniversary, Portland, Or., 1970 July
  • Beauty pageant, unidentified, undated
1967-1974, undated
5/28, 7/13
Graduation ceremonies and other college events
  • Linfield College, 1974, undated
  • Reid College, 1974, undated
  • University of Missouri, Columbia, 1968 February
  • Unidentified colleges--35-mm color slides, 1967
1967-1974, undated
Musical groups
  • Oregon State University Symphony Orchestra, Corvallis, 1969 February
  • Portland Junior Symphony, undated
1969, undated
Farewell banquet roast and toast for Gov. McCall
1975 January
Gov. McCall speaking
5/31, 8/7
  • Convention Awards breakfast, Portland, Or., 1967 September
  • Landmark of Quality conference, 1968 July
  • Oregon's 110th birthday, Lloyd Center, Portland, Or., 1969 Feb. 14
  • Izaak Walton League of America state convention, 1970 April
  • National Conference of Christians and Jews Oregon Region Brotherhood Awards, 1971 March
  • Portland, Or., 1974 June
  • Sam Wilderman funeral eulogy, 1975 January
  • Oregon Ad Club, undated
  • San Francisco, Calif., undated
  • Unidentified, undated
Portland City Club
1972 October
5/33. 7/14, 8/8
Oregon State Legislature, Salem
1969-1975, undated
Visits by Gov. McCall and others
To Oregon by California Gov. Ronald Reagan
1967 February
5/35, 8/9
To Oregon by Nelson Rockefeller
Gov. McCall visiting troops at Fort Lewis, Wash.
1969 August
Gov. McCall and Audrey McCall at Hillcrest Home
1969 December
5/38, 7/15
To Oregon by President Richard Nixon
1971 September
Gov. McCall at Shriners' Hospital for Crippled Children
1972 May
Gov. McCall and Audrey McCall at Alabama Governor's Mansion
1974 April
Subseries 9: Trade Missions
105 items
Documents Gov. McCall's attention to economic development through trade, particularly with Japan, including a Japanese television interview. Includes black-and-white and color prints.
Asian Trade Mission
1968 Nov. 14-Dec. 2
Japanese Governors' delegation
1969 October
Japanese-Oregon Dinner
Trip to Japan
1970 February
Trip to Japan
Oregon Trade Mission, New York City, N.Y.
1971 October
Japanese delegation
Oregon Trade Mission to Japan
1972 February
McCall television interview, NHK Studio 192, Tokyo, Japan
1972 February
Dinner for Ambassador Yasukawa of Japan
1974 January

Series G:  Post-Governorship, 1975-1984Return to Top

39 items

Covers McCall's political and other activities after he left the governor's office, including a failed attempt to win a third Republican gubernatorial nomination. Also included are many tributes to McCall, including the establishment of the Tom McCall Preserve at Rowena by the Nature Conservancy not long before his death from cancer. Includes black-and-white and color prints.

Container(s) Description Dates
Oregon State University--professor
1975 April
Political activities
  • Multnomah County ballot measure No. 5, 1976 April
  • Campaign for Republican gubernatorial nomination, 1978
1976, 1978
Other activities, awards, and events
  • Outdoor Life magazine's conservation award, 1975 October
  • View of tree planted in 1973 at Gov. Tom McCall Oregon Friendship Forest, Israel, 1976 October
  • Broadcast tribute to Robert D. Holmes (former Oregon governor), KOAP studio, Portland, Or., 1976
  • Glenn L. Jackson tribute benefit dinner for Boy Scouts, 1980
  • Society of Native Oregon Born (S.N.O.B.), 1980
  • Karl Meninger speaking, 1981 Jan. 15
  • Northwest Power Planning Council, 1981 April
  • Columbia River Girl Scout Council tour of Willamette and Columbia rivers, 1981 August
  • Oregon Historical Society resolution honoring McCall, 1982 November
The New Oregon Singers with Bob Hope
Rene Dubos (author)
Newberg, Or., parade
Personal life
  • McCall in his study at home in Portland, Or., 1977, 1982
  • Funeral of mother, Dorothy Lawson McCall, 1982 April
  • McCall's cancer treatment, 1982
1977, 1982
Includes McCall with portrait by unidentified artist, undated
1978, 1982, undated
Tom McCall Preserve at Rowena
Established by the Nature Conservancy in 1982

Series H:  Oregon Locations, circa 1890-1976Return to Top

36 items

Contains photographs that were made or collected from various sources, mostly during McCall's governship. Includes black-and-white and color prints, and one 35-mm color slide. Many of the images were made by photographer, Kay Porter.

Container(s) Description Dates
Clatskanie--steamboat G.W. Shaver
circa 1890
Coos Bay--South Slough Nature Conservancy sanctuary
circa 1976
Eugene--fall leaves by Kay Porter
Broken Top, South Sister and Mt. Hood by Kay Porter
Newport, by Kay Porter
Oregon Coast
  • Nestucca Spit, 1966
  • Haystack Rock, Seal Rock, and Yachats by Kay Porter, 1974
1966, 1974, undated
Oregon Coast--erosion series
1972 Dec. 28-1973 Feb. 4
Oregon Coast--Neskowin--art work by Bob Schlicting
  • Old Capitol Building burning, 1935 April
  • Capitol Building and snowy grounds, circa 1955
  • Aerial view--35-mm color slide, 1967 June
1935, circa 1955, 1967
Unidentified locations--scenic views
Willamette River
  • West Linn--mills, 1905
  • Oak Grove beach, circa 1915
  • Portland--aerial view showing sewage effluent flowing into river under Burnside Bridge, 1938
  • Aerial view north of Albany, circa 1970
1905-circa 1970, undated