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University of Utah College of Letters and Science records, 1947-1967
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- University of Utah. College of Letters and Science
- Title
- University of Utah College of Letters and Science records
- Dates
- 1947-1967 (inclusive)19471967
- Quantity
- 8 linear feet
- Collection Number
- Acc0050
- Summary
- The College of Letters and Science was established in 1958 from the former University College and comprised the traditional departments of the liberal arts and sciences. In July 1970 it was divided into the Colleges of Humanities, Science, and Social and Behavioral Science. This collection contains annual reports, correspondence, memoranda, statistical summaries, and budgets. Principal subjects are curricula, scholastic standards, research, and activities within individual departments.
- Repository
University of Utah Libraries, University Archives and Records Management
University Archives and Records Management, J. Willard Marriott Library
University of Utah
666 Guardsman Way
Salt Lake City, UT
Telephone: 8015818242 - Access Restrictions
Materials must be used on-site; advance notice suggested. Access to parts of this collection may be restricted under provisions of state or federal law.
- Languages
- English
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
This collection contains annual reports, correspondence, memoranda, statistical summaries, and budgets. Principal subjects are curricula, scholastic standards, research, and activities within individual departments.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Initial Citation: University of Utah College of Letters and Science records, Acc. 050, Box [ ]. University Archives and Records Management. University of Utah, J. Willard Marriott. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Following Citations:Acc. 050.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Absentee Reports to Anthropology DepartmentReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 1
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Absentee Reports |
1958-1960 |
2 | Abstracts - Staff Papers |
1957 |
3 | Academic Dishonesty - Meeting Minutes |
1959 |
4 | Academic Freedom |
1949 |
5 | Academic Planning Committee - Minutes |
1959 |
6 | Academic Policy Advisory Committee |
1965 |
7 | Academic Vice President |
1958-1964 |
8 | Academic Year Institute |
1957-1962 |
9 | Accrediting |
1950 |
10 | Admission and Retention Policies |
1955-1958 |
11 | Advanced Placement |
1961 |
12 | Advancement of Education Fund |
1951 |
13 | Advisory Committee on Teacher Education |
1957 |
14 | Advisory Council Meeting - Minutes |
1956-1964 |
15 | AFROTC - Annual Inspection Report |
1957 |
16 | AFROTC - Functional Chart |
undated |
17 | AFROTC - History |
1950 |
18 | Aims and Objectives - G. Homer Durham |
1954-1955 |
19 | Air Pollution - Graduate Training Program |
1967 |
20 | Air Science Department |
1957-1966 |
21 | Alumni Association |
1964 |
22 | Anderson, Robert |
1954 |
23 | Anesthesiology - (Proposed M. S. Degree |
1964 |
24 | Annual Reports - College of Letters and Science |
1956-1963 |
25-27 | Anthropology Department |
1948-1959 |
Anthropology Department to Biological Sciences, Division ofReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 2
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-4 | Anthropology Department |
1959-1967 |
5 | Appointments and Promotions |
1948-1953 |
6 | Archaeological Conference - Great Basin |
1954 |
7 | Architectural Psychology Program |
1965-1966 |
8 | Army ROTC - General Military Science Program |
1954 |
9 | Asiatic Studies Courses |
1955 |
10 | Assemblies and Convocations Committee - 5 Year Summary |
1958-1963 |
11 | Association on American Indian Affairs |
1948-1954 |
12 | Astrophysical Research |
1949 |
13 | ASUU |
1952-1957 |
14 | Average Teaching Loads |
1954-1955 |
15 | B. A. and B. S. Degrees - Conferred and Requirements |
1947-1965 |
16 | Beeley, Arthur L. - Publications |
undated |
17 | Biochemistry |
1966 |
18 | Biological Sciences, Division of - Executive Committee Functions and Organizational Chart |
1963 |
19 | Biological Sciences, Division of - Executive Committee Meeting Minutes |
1959-1961 |
20 | Biological Sciences, Division of - Zoology and Entomology Research Proposal |
1961 |
Biology Division to Building #234Return to Top
Container(s): Box 3
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Biology Division |
1948-1967 |
3 | Biology Division - Executive Committee Minutes |
1955-1957 |
4 | Biology - General & Early History |
1948-1953 |
5 | B' nai B' rith Scholarship |
1957 |
6 | Borst, Lyle B. |
1951-1954 |
7 | Budget |
1957-1967 |
8 | Budget Requests |
1951-1957 |
9 | Budget Requests - Appropriations |
1957-1963 |
10 | Building #234 - Proposed Alterations |
1953 |
Carbon College to Community Education CenterReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 4
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Carbon College |
1960 |
2 | Centennial Celebration Concert |
1950 |
3 | Center for Intercultural Studies |
1959-1963 |
4 | Center for Excellence |
1966-1967 |
5 | Certificate Program |
1957 |
6 | Central General Education Committee - Meetings and Reports |
1957-1966 |
7-9 | Chemistry Department |
1953-1967 |
10 | Chemistry Department - Architectural Planning Guide |
1960 |
11 | Chemistry Department - Reports |
1948-1951 |
12 | China Institute in America |
1955 |
13 | Clinical Psychology |
1956-1957 |
14 | College - Faculty Meeting Minutes |
1955-1961 |
15 | Committee on Credits and Admissions |
1960-1961 |
16 | Committee on Curriculum in Religion |
1955 |
17 | Committee on English |
1954-1955 |
18 | Committee on Increased Enrollment - Minutes |
1964 |
19 | Communication , Basic - Course Outline |
undated |
20 | Community Education Center |
undated |
Conference on Foundations of Major Legal Systems to Departmental Annual ReportsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 5
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Conference on Foundations of Major Legal Systems - Proposal |
undated |
2 | Conference on World Law |
1952 |
3 | Cost Per Student Credit Hour |
1960-1962 |
4 | Cottam, Walter P. |
1952 |
5 | Counseling Center - Annual Reports |
1957-1965 |
6 | Counseling Center - Study |
1961 |
7 | Criminology Courses |
1958-1960 |
8 | Curriculum Committee Report |
1966 |
9 |
Daily Utah Chronicle
1959-1960 |
10 | Dean of Students |
1961 |
11 | Deans' Council |
1960-1961 |
12 | Dean's Office - Letters and Science |
1957-1966 |
13 | Department Heads - Correspondence |
1958-1960 |
14 | Department Heads - Meeting Minutes |
1961-1966 |
15 | Department of State University Exchange Program |
1965 |
16-19 | Departmental Annual Reports |
1958-1960; 1962-1963 |
Departmental Ten-Year Plans to Enrollment SummariesReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 6
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Departmental Ten-Year Plans |
1966-1967 |
3 | Dibble, Charles |
1954 |
4 | Distinguished Visiting Scholars |
1967 |
5 | Distribution of Professional Ranks |
1947-1957 |
6 | Drop-Out Study |
1964 |
7 | Dykstra, Daniel J., Vice President - Miscellaneous |
1961-1962 |
8 | Early Admissions Program |
1955-1956 |
9 | Economics Department |
1966-1967 |
10 | Education - Faculty Offering Work Toward Ed. D. |
undated |
11 | Education Department |
1957-1963 |
12 | Educational Television |
1957 |
13 | Engineering, College of - Reports and Proposals |
1962 |
14 | Engineering, School of - Curriculum Discussion |
1948 |
15 | English Department |
1954-1967 |
16 | Enrollment Figures - Language Department |
1962-1963 |
17 | Enrollment Summaries - Autumn Quarter |
1948-1953 |
Evaluation Committee to Hinckley Institute of Practical PoliticsReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 7
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Evaluation Committee - Reports |
1966 |
2 | Evening Lectures on Religion |
1959 |
3 | Evening Residence |
1955 |
4 | Experimentation on Human Subjects
(Folder 4 is restricted.)
1966 |
5 | Extension Division - Miscellaneous |
1964 |
6 | Extension Division - Summer School Advisory Council - Meeting Minutes |
1961-1964 |
7 | Extension Division Advisory Council - Meeting Minutes |
1957-1961 |
8 | Extension Division: R Courses - Report |
undated |
9 | Eyring, Henry |
1956 |
10 | Facilities Report |
undated |
11 | Faculty Bibliography |
1939-1950 |
12 | Faculty Club - President's Report |
1965-1966 |
13 | Faculty Minutes |
1956-1967 |
14 | Faculty Publications Lists |
1953-1955 |
15 | Family Day |
1955 |
16 | Fine Arts College - Daytime Enrollment |
1949-1950 |
17 | Fine Arts College - Degree Requirements |
1962-1964 |
18 | Fine Arts College Faculty Meeting Minutes |
1960-1964 |
19 | Fletcher, James C. - Inauguration |
1964 |
20 | Fraternity Scholarship and Membership - Report |
1961-1964 |
21 | General Education Courses - Enrollment |
1952-1957 |
22 | General Education Courses - Grade Distribution |
1956 |
23 | General Education Program - Reorganization |
1949 |
24 | Geography Department |
1950-1959 |
25 | Grade Distribution - Department Ranking by GPA |
1962-1964 |
26 | Grades - Lower Division Classes - Spring Quarter
(Folder 26 is restricted.)
1948 |
27 | Graduate Assistants - Pay Rates |
1957-1958 |
28 | Graduate Council - Meeting Minutes |
1954-1964 |
29 | Graduate Council Members |
1968-1969 |
30 | Graduate Programs and Research in Utah Universities |
1960-1966 |
31 | Graduate School - 15th Anniversary |
1961 |
32 | Graduate School - Miscellaneous |
1947-1960 |
33 | Graduate Students - Daytime Enrollment |
1961-1963 |
34 | Graduation Summaries |
1950-1953 |
35 | Guidance Center - Reports |
1952 |
36 | Health Sciences Advancement Award Program |
1966 |
37 | High School Day |
1960-1964 |
38 | High School Writing Contest |
1956 |
39 | Hinckley Institute of Practical Politics |
1966 |
History Department to Junior Science & Humanities SymposiumReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 8
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | History Department |
1955-1967 |
2 | History Department: Medieval Studies - Proposal |
1964 |
3 | Hochman, Benjamin - Course Evaluations |
1962 |
4 | Hoebel, E. A. - Dean |
1953 |
5 | Home Economics Department |
1948-1960 |
6 | Home Study - Registrations |
1953-1954 |
7 | Honors Program - Miscellaneous |
1962-1965 |
8 | Honors Program Committee - Report |
1957 |
9 | Human Genetics Lab |
undated |
10 | Humanities |
1951 |
11 | Independent Study - Committee Report |
1963 |
12 | Institute of American Studies |
1956-1960 |
13 | Institute of Environmental Biological Research - Proposal |
1959-1967 |
14 | Institute of Government |
1946-1963 |
15 | Institute of International Studies |
1955-1962 |
16 | Institute of World Affairs |
1950-1957 |
17 | Institutional Studies |
1965-1967 |
18 | Intermountain Training Lab - Report |
1955 |
19 | International Education, Division of |
1966 |
20 | International Relations Program |
1966 |
21 | International Research Institute |
1950 |
22 | Jarrett, James L. |
undated |
23 | Jennings, Jesse |
1948-1955 |
24 | Journalism Department |
1952-1967 |
25 | Junior Science and Humanities Symposium |
1962 |
Language Examinations to McMurrin, Sterling M.Return to Top
Container(s): Box 9
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Language Examinations - M. A. and Ph. D. Candidates |
undated |
2-3 | Languages Department |
1952-1967 |
4 | Languages Department - Ad hoc Committee Meeting Minutes |
1962-1963 |
5 | Letters and Science - Employment Statistics |
undated |
6 | Letters and Science, College - Proposed Reorganization |
1965 |
7 | Library |
1962-1963 |
8 | Life Science Center |
1956-1958 |
9 | Long-Range Plans and Projections |
1959-1967 |
10 | Lower Division - Reports |
1945-1948 |
11-12 | Mathematics Department |
1955-1966 |
13 | Mathematics Department - Policy on Appointments and Promotions |
undated |
14 | McMurrin, Sterling M. |
1961 |
Medical School Performance of University Students to Physical Science AreaReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 10
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Medical School Performance of University Students |
1966 |
2 | Medical Technology Department |
1955 |
3 | Medical Technology Training Committee Meeting Minutes |
1961 |
4 | Merrill, Dr. Reed M. |
1958 |
5 | Military Science |
1955-1957 |
6 | Model United Nations Assembly |
1956 |
7 | Museum of Anthropology |
undated |
8 | Museum of Natural History - Prospectus |
1956-1958 |
9 | N. A. E. B. Radio Program |
1951 |
10 | National College Sophomore Testing Program |
1954 |
11 | National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education - Report |
1964 |
12 | Naval Science - Curricula |
1947-1952 |
13 | Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program - Study |
undated |
14 | Navy ROTC - Curricula |
1948-1954 |
15 | NROTC - Unit Regulations |
1957 |
16 | Official Statistics - Reports |
1949-1954 |
17 | Olpin, A. Ray |
1951-1959 |
18 | Olpin Plan - Area Studies |
1958 |
19 | Peace Corps |
1961-1966 |
20 | Philosophy Department |
1956-1963 |
21 | Physical Science - Reports |
1948-1951 |
22 | Physical Science Area - Report |
1947-1954 |
Physics Department to Public Relations CommitteeReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 11
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1-2 | Physics Department |
1953-1955 |
3 | Physics Department - Architectural Planning Guide |
1959 |
4 | Political Science - Dr. Peel and Dr. Schick |
1954-1961 |
5 | Political Science - Honors Program |
1951 |
6-7 | Political Science Department |
1954-1967 |
8 | Pre-Medical Course of Study |
1953-1967 |
9 | Promotion Policies |
undated |
10 | Proposed Capital Improvement List |
1961 |
11 | Proposed Cooperative Program Between U. of U. and Primary Children's Hospital |
undated |
12 | Psychiatry - Proposed Masters Degree |
1954 |
13 | Psychiatry - Recommened Courses for Medical Students |
1957 |
14-15 | Psychology Department |
1948-1967 |
16 | Psychology Department - Research Proposals |
1954-1957 |
17 | Public Relations Committee - Minutes |
1954 |
Registrar's Office to ROTCReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 12
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Registrar's Office - Institutional Studies |
1959-1960 |
2-5 | Registrar's Office - Quarterly Summaries |
1957-1965 |
6 | Relationship of College Students to Military Services |
1951 |
7 | Religion Courses |
undated |
8 | Remodeling - Thomas Library and Stewart School |
1966 |
9 | Research Committee - Meeting Minutes |
1963-1964 |
10 | Research Reports |
undated |
11 | Retention and Tenure |
1961 |
12 | ROTC - General Information |
1955-1964 |
Salaries to Science Development ProposalReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 13
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Salaries |
1960-1967 |
2 | Salary Scale - Comparative |
undated |
3 | Salary Surveys |
1966-1967 |
4 | Scholastic Standards Committee - Annual Reports |
1954-1962 |
5 | Scholastic Standards Committee - Reports |
1952-1956 |
6 | Scholastic Success - Prediction |
1954 |
7 | Science at the University |
1963 |
8 | Science Development - Biological Chemistry |
1967 |
9 | Science Development - Chemistry |
1947-1967 |
10 | Science Development - Mathematics |
1967 |
11 | Science Development - Physics |
1966-1967 |
12 | Science Development Proposal |
1967 |
13 | Science Development Proposal - Correspondence |
1967-1968 |
14 | Science Development Proposal - Preliminary Drafts |
1967 |
Science Facilities to University CollegeReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 14
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Science Facilities - Grant Proposal |
1966-1967 |
2 | Self-Analysis Reports - Departments |
1955-1956 |
3-6 | Self-Evaluation Report - University College |
1955-1956 |
Social Science Area Committee to Target Range PlansReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 15
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Social Science Area Committee - Minutes |
1960-1961 |
2 | Social Science Research Council - Financial Report |
1952-1953 |
3 | Social Work - Graduate School |
1950-1951 |
4 | Sociology Department |
1955-1967 |
5 | Sociology Department - Criminology Emphasis |
1958 |
6 | Southern Pacific College Program |
1956 |
7 | Speech and Hearing Center - Summary |
1948-1949 |
8 | Speech and Hearing Clinic - Appointment of Director |
1960 |
9 | Speech and Hearing Clinic - Correspondence |
1962 |
10 | Speech Department - Budget |
1948-1949; 1954-1955 |
11-12 | Speech Department - Miscellaneous |
1950-1966 |
13 | Speech Department - Speech Clinic |
1948-1958 |
14 | Special Education |
1954-1955 |
15 | State College of Education |
1962 |
16 | Statistical Information on Faculty Salaries and Budgets |
1954-1958 |
17 | Stewart School |
1957 |
18 | Student Behavior Committee |
1957-1958 |
19 | Student Guidance Center - Annual Reports |
1954-1957 |
20 | Student Organizations |
1950 |
21 | Summer Institute |
1965 |
22 | Summer Institute in Mathematics |
1961 |
23 | Summer School |
1959 |
24 | Summer Session - Student View |
1962 |
25 | T. A. Statistics and Information |
1962-1968 |
26 | T. A. Proposal |
1967-1968 |
27 | Target Range - Plans |
1953 |
Teacher Evaluations to Writer's ConferenceReturn to Top
Container(s): Box 16
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Folder | ||
1 | Teacher Evaluations - Political Science Department
(Folder 1 is restricted.)
1966 |
2 | Teaching and Lab Assistants - Fact Sheets |
1955 |
3 | Teaching Assistants - Study |
1955 |
4 | Teaching Assistants and Fellows |
1966 |
5 | Technological Training Institute |
undated |
6 | Terminal Program and History |
1953-1954 |
7 | Theatre Progress Report |
1948-1950 |
8 | Undergraduate Males Enrolled - Projection of Numbers |
1950-1955 |
9 | University College - Annual Report, Research Projects, etc. |
1954-1957 |
10 | University College - Budget |
1954-1955 |
11 | University College - Budget Requests |
1956-1959 |
12 | University College Policy Committee - Minutes |
1952-1953 |
13 | University Research Committee |
1955-1961 |
14 | University Research Committee - Meeting Minutes |
1961-1963 |
15 | Utah Art Museum - New Site |
1948 |
16 | Utah Conference on Higher Education - Meeting Minutes |
1957 |
17 | Utah Conference on Higher Education - Miscellaneous |
1962 |
18 | Utah Coordinating Council of Higher Education - Instructional Staff and Salaries |
1960-1962 |
19 | Utah Humanities Research Foundation |
1947 |
20 | Utah Planning Conference |
1951 |
21 | Utah Training Center - Annual Report |
1964 |
22 | Veterans Registered at the University |
1950-1951 |
23 |
Western Humanities Review
1958 |
24 |
Western Political Quarterly
1948-1956 |
25 | Wilson, Quintus C. |
1958 |
26 | Writer's Conference |
1950 |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Grading and marking (Students)--Utah--History--Sources
- Universities and colleges--Utah--Salt Lake City--History--Sources
Corporate Names
- University of Utah--Administration
- University of Utah--Archives
- University of Utah--Curricula
- University of Utah--Faculty
- University of Utah. University College
- University of Utah. University College (contributor)