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Table of Contents
The William E. Stafford Archives, Series 5, Sub-Series 1: Video Footage of William Stafford, 1966-2011
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Stafford, William, 1914-1993
- Title
- The William E. Stafford Archives, Series 5, Sub-Series 1: Video Footage of William Stafford
- Dates
- 1966-2011 (inclusive)19662011
- Quantity
- 4 cubic feet, (3 boxes)
- Collection Number
- OLPb111STA
- Summary
- William Stafford (1914-1993) was one of the most prolific and important American poets of the last half of the twentieth century. This subseries of the collection includes includes film reels, VHS recordings, BETA recordings, and digital footage of Stafford reading his poetry. The Index to the entire Stafford Archives can be found at:
- Repository
Lewis & Clark College, Special Collections and Archives
Aubrey R. Watzek Library
615 S. Palatine Hill Rd.
Portland, OR
Telephone: 5037687758
Fax: 5037687282 - Access Restrictions
This collection has no restrictions and is open for research.
- Languages
- English
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
William Stafford (1914-1993) was one of the most prolific and important American poets of the last half of the twentieth century. Among his many credentials, Stafford served as consultant in poetry at the Library of Congress, and received the National Book Award for his poetry collection Traveling through the Dark (1963). During his lifetime, Stafford wrote over sixty books of poetry that still resonate with both scholars and general readers. Stafford’s perspectives on peace, the environment, and education serve as some of the most articulate and engaging dialogues by a modern American writer about three of the most important issues of the second half of the twentieth century with lasting impacts on future generations. Howard Zinn, one America’s most iconic modern historians, was keenly aware of Stafford’s insight into modern American culture. Zinn claimed, “William Stafford’s prose and poetry, wise and eloquent, speak directly to the violence of our time, and to our hope for a different world” (from cover of Every War Has Two Losers).
The William Stafford Archives, donated to Lewis & Clark College by the Stafford family in 2008, contain the private papers, publications, photographs, recordings, and teaching materials of the poet William Stafford. The Lewis & Clark College Special Collections actively add to this collection by acquiring unique Stafford related materials.
Stafford wrote every day of his life from 1950 to 1993. These 20,000 pages of daily writings form a complete record of the poet’s mostly early morning meditations, including poem drafts, dream records, aphorisms, and other visits to the unconscious, recorded on separate sheets of yellow or white paper or when traveling, often in spiral-bound reporters’ steno pads. The archive also includes typescripts of poems submitted for publication and for use in readings. Stafford listed where he submitted each poem, and whether it was accepted for publication on the typescript. Each of his published collections, large and small, is represented by its gathering of documentary copies (typescripts), called by Stafford a “put-together.” Unpublished poems, poems published in journals, and reading copies of published poems were also gathered, in a virtually complete record from 1937 to 1993, totaling about 7,000 items. The collection also includes copies of all known Stafford books and translations. Stafford saved correspondence received, with an indication of the date of reply, and sometimes a copy of the reply, from the early 1960s to August 1993. Estimated at 100,000 sheets, the collected correspondence contains some full exchanges of correspondence initiated by WS. One such exchange is the correspondence with Marvin Bell on their sequence Segues. In addition to many photographs of and relating to William Stafford, the archive includes an estimated 20,000 photographs and negatives taken and developed by Stafford of fellow poets, family, friends, and Lewis & Clark College faculty. The archive provides documentation of Stafford's teaching career, including more than one thousand index cards, some dating from research at Iowa, others from later. These were much used in preparing for classes, workshops, and lectures. The files also contain scattered notes for workshops and lectures. The archive also includes course syllabi, and faculty documents relating to Stafford's teaching years at Lewis & Clark College.
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
Includes film reels, VHS recordings, BETA recordings, and digital footage of Stafford reading his poetry.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Restrictions on Use
Permission to publish, exhibit, broadcast, or quote from materials in the Watzek Library Archives & Special Collections requires written permission of the Head of Archives & Special Collections.
Preferred Citation
The William Stafford Archives, Lewis & Clark College Aubrey Watzek Library Archives & Special Collections, Portland, Oregon.
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
Container(s) | Description | Dates | |
Box | item | ||
1 | 1.1 | Research notes on Stafford video footage held
in other libraries |
2011 |
1 | 1.2 | William Stafford Reading at Eastern Oregon
College 1 DVD
1966 |
1 | 1.3 | William Stafford and Richard Hugo. Rogue
Community College 2 VHS tapes
1975 |
1 | 1.4 | “William Stafford: An Oregon Message,” film by
Richard Blakesee, Tom Chamberlin, and Susan Shadburne. Oregon Arts
Foundation 2 VHS tapes
1976 |
1 | 1.5 | William Stafford reads thirty poems, three
interviews. Recorded during the filming of “An Oregon Message.” 2 DVDs
1976 |
1 | 1.6 | “Richard Hugo, Lower Columbia College
Reading,” Longview, Washington. 1 VHS tape
January 1982 |
1 | 1.7 | “William Stafford, Lower Columbia College
Reading,” Longview, Washington. 1 VHS tape
January 1983 |
1 | 1.8 | “The Snookum’s Tongue: Conversations in the
Literary Arts.” Tim Barnes interviewing William Stafford. Produced by Ilka
Kuznik, Kuznik-Barnes Productions 1 DVD
May 16, 1983 |
1 | 1.9 | “William Stafford at James Madison
University,” Harrisonburg, Virginia 1 VHS tape
April 1, 1987 |
1 | 1.10 | “R’s Poetica #19.” Eastern Oregon College, La
Grande, OR 1 DVD
April 7, 1987 |
1 | 1.11 | “The Power of the Word, with Bill Moyers: The
Simple Acts of Life.” Interviews Robert Bly, Galway Kinnell, Sharron Olds,
Octavio Paz, and William Stafford. PBS program 1 VHS tape
1989 |
1 | 1.12 | William Stafford: What the River Says.” A
Portrait by Vincent Wixon and Michael Markee. Included viewer’s guide. 29
min. Contemporary American Poets Series. Includes TTTD productions sale
pamphlet, “The Poetry of William Stafford.” 4 VHS tapes in 2 editions
1989 |
1 | 1.13 | “William Stafford Forest Service Staff
Development.” Lee Stetson, host. Cispus Environmental Learning Center, near
Randle, WA. WS’s topic is “Where Do Things [Writing] Come From?” 1 VHS tape
June 6, 1990 |
1 | 1.14 | “William Stafford Poetry Reading, Tom McBride,
at Beloit 1 VHS tape
December 1990 |
1 | 1.15 | “The Heart of Aging.” William Stafford reads
and discusses fifteen poems from Stories That Could Be True. Produced and
directed by Ron Ellis, dept of English, UW-Whitewater 2 VHS tapes
1991 |
1 | 1.16 | Senior Community Video Project. Recording of a
panel discussion on aging. WS comments and lists what rights seniors should
think carefully about before giving away; and “Do Not Go Gentle, #3 Media
and Aging.” WS talks at 22:16. 1 VHS and one mini DV tape
1991 |
1 | 1.17 | “Stafford 2, Rough cut 4.” 38:38 1 VHS tape
1991 |
2 | 2.1 | Raw tapes for “A Literary Friendship,” by
Haydn Reiss 15 VHS tapes
March 24, 1992. “David’s House,” TAPE #1; April 24, 1992. “David’s House,”
TAPE #2; Unknown date. “David’s House,” TAPE #3; Unknown date. “Stafford
Interview,” TAPE #7; Unknown date. “Stafford at Book Center,” TAPES #8, 8-A;
Unknown date. “Bly-Stafford,” TAPES #12-14, 16; Unknown date. “Bly-Stafford
walk in woods by Stafford’s house/beauty shots woods,” TAPE #17; Unknown
date. “Bly-Stafford,” TAPES #18-20, 22.
1992 |
2 | 2.2 | “The Life of the Poem.” Video by Mike Markee
and Vincent Wixon. 29 min. Includes viewer’s guide. 1 VHS tape
1992 |
2 | 2.3 | “About Books.” Dick Lukes interviews WS at
Salem Public Library about how he began writing, when he was first
published, and his latest book My Name Is William Tell. Portland, OR. Shown
(on ch. 25, Salem?) 9/13/93 and 9/20/93. Also “About Books #96 – William
Stafford (In Memoriam). Shown on ch. 25, Salem, during the week of 8/28/94. 1 VHS tape
March 27, 1993 |
2 | 2.4 | “William Stafford and Robert Bly: A Literary
Friendship,” film by Haydn Reiss. 58 min. 3 VHS tapes in 2 editions
1994 |
2 | 2.5 | “The Darkness Around Us, an evening of poems
by William Stafford,” read by Robert Bly, Gioia Timpanelli and Thomas
Svoboda at Agnes Flanagan Chapel, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR. 1 VHS tape and 1 printed program
January 20, 1994 |
2 | 2.6 | “Remembering William Stafford, with special
guest Dorothy Stafford,” live at the Café Carpe, Ft. Atkinson, WI. 1 DVD
July 26, 1996 |
2 | 2.7 | “The Dream of Now.” Performance at Oregon
Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, OR, by Cavani String Quartet. Todd Barton,
composer. 1 VHS tape
August 12, 1996 |
2 | 2.8 | “The Methow River Poems.” A video by Mike
Markee, TTTD productions. Read by Garrison Keillor, Naomi Shihab Nye, and
William Stafford, music by Todd Barton. 2 VHS tapes
1997 |
2 | 2.9 | “There Is A Thread,” Oregon Donor Program.
13:20. Joe Marks, Film and Video Production, 3728 SW 55th Drive, Portland,
OR 2 VHS tapes
1999 |
2 | 2.10 | “William Stafford Archive Gathering.” 1 VHS tape
March 9, 2002 |
2 | 2.11 | “William Stafford Archive Gathering #2 Mike
Markee.” 1 VHS tape
March 9, 2002 |
2 | 2.12 | “Stafford Gathering #2 at Lewis & Clark
College: Tape 1.” 1 VHS tape
October 12, 2002 |
2 | 2.13 | “Stafford Gathering #2 at Lewis & Clark
College: Tape 2.” 1 VHS tape
October 12, 2002 |
2 | 2.14 | “William Stafford: Life and Poems,” A
collection of three video works: “What the River Says” (by Mike Markee and
Vince Wixon, 1989), “The Life of the Poem” (by Mike Markee and Vince Wixon,
1992), and “The Methow River Poems” (by Mike Markee, 1997). TTTD
Productions 1 DVD
2004 |
2 | 2.15 | Videotape of lecture “William Stafford and the
Inner Life of Writing,” Washington College, Robert Stewart. 1 VHS tape
April 11, 2005 |
2 | 2.16 | “In Our Midst.” Fred Marchant, Suffolk
University, Boston 1 DVD
2005 |
2 | 2.17 | Fred Marchant, Suffolk University,
Boston 1 DVD
April 15, 2008 |
2 | 2.18 | “How the Ink Feels: A celebratory final
exhibition of poetry broadsides assembled by the Friends of William
Stafford, June 5, 2008-July 13, 2008.” 2 DVDs
2008 |
2 | 2.19 | Two Stories by Kim Stafford: “Journey to My
Father,” and “William Stafford Changes a Few Words.” 1 DVD
July 7, 2009 |
2 | 2.20 | “An Oregon Message: The Poetry of William
Stafford, with Anne Gerety and Tom Hill.” Includes three interviews (45-min)
and 30 poems read by Mr. Stafford. Film by Richard Blakeslee, Tom
Chamberlin, and Susan Shadburne. Project director, Gary Young, Oregon Arts
Foundation. with interviews from December, 1975 2 DVDs
1991 |
2 | 2.21 | “Stafford Birthday Celebration Poetry
Reading.” 1 DVD
DVD does not play
2009 |
2 | 2.22 | “Every War Has Two Losers,” a film by Haydn
Reiss. Commentaries by Peter Coyote, Linda Hunt, Alice Walker, Naomi Shihab
Nye, Coleman Barks, W.S. Merwin, Maxine Hong Kingston, Robert Bly, John
Gorka, Michael Meade 1 DVD
2009 |
2 | 2.23 | “Art in a Time of War.” Michael Werner,
University of Oregon, School of Journalism 1 DVD
2010 |
2 | 2.24 | “William and Kim Stafford reading together on
3/4” video tape,” reading and talking about their poetry. Marketed by T.L.
Elliott, Cascade Photographics. Individual recordings of the two marketed
Flier present, videos not purchased.
undated |
3 | 3.1 | “Onstage At Quartz Mountain,” Oklahoma Summer
Arts Institute 16mm film
1978 |
3 | 3.2 | “What Good Is Poetry?” 16mm film
1979 |
3 | 3.3 | “The First American Poetry Disc, Volume II:
Contemporary American Poetry,” selected and edited by Sander Zulauf, County
College of Morris, NJ 1 laserdisc
1987 |
3 | 3.4 | “The Writer and His World: William Stafford.” 16mm film
undated |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Pacifism--Poetry.
- Pacifism--United States.
- Poetry -- Authorship.
- Poetry -- Study and teaching.
- Poetry--20th century.
- Poets, American--20th century.
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Conscientious objectors -- United States.
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Geographical Names
Other Creators
Personal Names