Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim, circa 1540

Overview of the Collection

Slotkin, Stanley
Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim
circa 1540 (inclusive)
.5 cubic feet, (1 leaf/2 pages)  :  vellum, double-sided manuscript  ;  22.5 x 34 in.; 570 x 860 mm
Collection Number
The Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim consists of one vellum leaf from a 16th century choir book containing portions of a Roman Catholic Mass. The manuscript contains five lines of Latin text with two decorated initials. The music consists of square notations on red 5-line staves.
Lane Community College Archives
4000 East 30th Avenue
Eugene, OR
Telephone: 5414635466
Access Restrictions

There are no access restrictions. The collection is open for research.


Content DescriptionReturn to Top

The Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim is a one-leaf (two-page) handwritten manuscript that was once part of a large 16th century choir book. The music (square notes) and Latin text contains parts of two antiphons, chants in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic mass. The manuscript contains five lines of Latin text with two decorated initials in red, blue, and green. The music consists of square notations on red 5-line staves.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Restrictions on Use

There are no restrictions on use.

Preferred Citation

Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim, circa 1540 (M-006) Lane Community College Archives, Eugene, Oregon.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top


Manuscript consists of one item/leaf.

Related Materials

Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim Online Exhibit and Study Guide See: Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim

Acquisition Information

The provenance is unclear - the manuscript was given to the Lane Community College Library most likely in the 1970s. A notation on the manuscript reads: "From the library of Stanley Slotkin, Founder of Abbey Rents, circa 1540." The Library transferred the manuscript to the Archives in March 2005, accession 2005-014.

Processing Note

The records were processed by Elizabeth Uhlig in 2010.

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

The following section contains descriptions of the materials in the collection.

Container(s) Description Dates
1 Choir Book Manuscript: Istorum est enim circa 1540