Citywide Planning Projects Records, 1975-1999

Overview of the Collection

Seattle (Wash.). Planning Dept.
Citywide Planning Projects Records
1975-1999 (inclusive)
1983-1994 (bulk)
5.0 cubic feet, (7 boxes)
Collection Number
Planning files concerning general zoning, environmental and other issues.
Seattle Municipal Archives
Seattle Municipal Archives
Office of the City Clerk
City of Seattle
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2062337807
Fax: 2063869025
Access Restrictions

Records are open to the public.

Funding for processing this record series was provided through a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

In 1974, the Office of Policy Planning (OPP) was established within the Executive Department with the purpose of centralizing and systematizing the planning of Seattle's physical and social development. This organization was formed from the Office of Executive Policy (OEP), to which was transferred policy functions from a number of offices and departments, including Grants Management from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Planning and Programming and Economic Development Programs from DCD, and all Comprehensive Policy Plan development efforts heretofore undertaken by individual City departments. OPP was designed with two principal divisions, Policy Management and Policy Development. The Law and Justice Planning division was added in 1975, and tasked with crime analysis and preventative planning. In 1975 the OEP's Intergovernmental Affairs Office was also incorporated into the OPP's Intergovernmental Relations Division.

In 1979, the OPP was converted into the Office of Policy and Evaluation (OPE), once again under the purview of the Executive Department. The new office's mandate was to oversee City planning, evaluation, and policy development activities. The main structural alterations were the removal of the Law and Justice Planning and Intergovernmental Affairs divisions and their subsequent elevation to Office-level positions within the same department. In addition, significant responsibilities and staff assets related to planning were transferred to DCD, including economic data analysis, housing, and citizen participation. The OPE was organized into three divisions: Policy Coordination and Management, Growth Management (changed to Special Policy Development Projects in 1980), and Urban Development and Issues (changed to Policy Analysis and Evaluation in 1980).

In 1982, the Land Use and Transportation Project (LUTP) was formed from those assets of the Office of Policy and Evaluation relating to planning and policy development for land use, transit and transportation, housing, and related economic development. Among the LUTP's duties was the generation of the Comprehensive Land Use Policies Plan, a comprehensive set of policy guidelines begun in 1978 and finally completed in 1986.

In 1986 the LUTP was consolidated into a new organization, the Office for Long-Range Planning (OLP). This new entity would be part of a general Planning Program within the Executive Department, along with the newly-formed Office of Strategic Human Services Planning (OSHSP), which would be responsible for human services needs assessment and related policy planning. In addition to LUTP's existing functions, the OLP was tasked with coordinating City policy for physical development, the environment and transportation; establishing a centralized planning database, and conducting long-range planning on issues deemed high-priority by the Mayor and the City Council. By 1989, the OLP was also assigned the job of administering effective City participation in regional planning initiatives, on topics like hazardous waste disposal and public transit.

In 1992 the Office of Long-Range Planning and Office of Strategic Human Services Planning were combined to create the new Planning Department, marking the first point since 1969 that planning and policy development for the City fell outside the direct control of the Executive Department. In addition to cultivating policy on land use, transportation, housing, the environment, human services, and urban design, the Planning Department's stated mission included the pursuit of local/regional planning collaboration as well as the evaluation of city policies for compliance with Washington's Growth Management Act and Seattle's Comprehensive Plan Framework Policies. The department was segmented into four divisions: Comprehensive Planning, Urban Research, Strategic and Special Projects, and Administrative. In 1995 the Planning Department and Office of Management and Budget were brought together to create the Office of Management and Planning.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Planning files of the Office of Policy Planning, Office of Policy and Evaluation, Land Use and Transportation Project, Office For Long-Range Planning and Planning Department. Records concern land use and zoning-related policy issues, including comprehensive plans, industrial areas policy, mobile home parks, multi-family zoning, neighborhood commercial areas, hazardous waste and other environmental topics. Also included are subject files.

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item and date], Seattle Citywide Planning Projects Records, Record Series 6310-04. Box [number], Folder [number]. Seattle Municipal Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Accessory Use Ordinance (Zoning) 1981
1 2 Add - A - Rental 1981-1982
1 3 Air Quality 1988-1991
1 4 Air Quality - Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency 1990-1991
1 5 Air Quality - Wood Smoke 1990
1 6 Cedar River Secondary Use Study 1987-1989
1 7 Combined Sewer Over Flow Plan (METRO) 1986-1989
1 8 Comprehensive Plan - Background Papers Phase 1990
1 9 Comprehensive Plan - Background Papers Phase 1990
1 10 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memos, City Council 1992-1994
1 11 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memos, Mayor 1992-1993
1 12 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Ballard 1994
1 13 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Central Area 1994
1 14 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Delridge 1994
1 15 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Eastlake 1994
1 16 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Fremont 1994
1 17 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Georgetown 1994
1 18 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Highland Park 1994
1 19 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Lake City 1994
1 20 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Laurelhurst 1994
1 21 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Magnolia 1994
1 22 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Maple Leaf 1994
1 23 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Meadowbrook 1994
1 24 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Pigeon Point 1994
1 25 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Pioneer Square 1994
1 26 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Queen Anne 1994
1 27 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Rainier Beach 1994
1 28 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - South Lake Union / Eastlake 1994
1 29 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - University District 1994
1 30 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Victory Heights 1994
1 31 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Wallingford 1994
1 32 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - Wedgwood 1994
1 33 Comprehensive Plan - Briefing Memo - West Seattle 1994
1 34 Comprehensive Plan - Framework Policies 1992
1 35 Comprehensive Plan - Greenwood Urban Village 1993
1 36 Comprehensive Plan - Mayor's Recommended Comprehensive Plan, Toward a Sustainable Seattle 1994
1 37 Comprehensive Plan - Neighborhood Visioning Project (Vision Seattle) 1992
1 38 Comprehensive Plan - Parks Dept. 1991-1992
1 39 Comprehensive Plan - Press Releases 1994
1 40 Comprehensive Plan - Public Participation Strategy and Implementation 1994
1 41 Comprehensive Plan - Summary of City Council Changes in the Mayor's Recommended Comprehensive Plan 1994
1 42 Comprehensive Plan - UW Arboretum Master Plan 1977-1978
1 43 Comprehensive Plan - Urban Village, Electronic Town Meeting 1992
1 44 Comprehensive Plan - Urban Village Workshop 1993
1 45 Design Review Advisory Committee 1991-1992
1 46 Design Review, Background Information 1989-1990
1 47 Earth Day 1990
1 48 Environmental - Mayor's Briefing Memos 1993-1994
1 49 Environmental - Planning Dept. Memos 1993-1994
1 50 Environmental Policy Committee - Agendas, Minutes 1993-1994
1 51 Environmental Policy Committee - Meeting Notes 1993
1 52 Hazardous Waste - Underground Storage Tanks 1988-1989
1 53 Household Hazardous Waste - Surveys 1987
1 54 Household Hazardous Waste - Demonstration of Permanent Collection Facility, Correspondence 1988-1989
1 55 Household Hazardous Waste - Demonstration of Permanent Collection Facility, Contract 1988
1 56 Household Hazardous Waste - Demonstration of Permanent Collection Facility, Progress Reports 1988
1 57 Household Hazardous Waste - Demonstration of Permanent Collection Facility, Work Plan and Budget undated
2 1 Household Hazardous Waste - Evaluation of Collection Facility, Paint Recycling 1990
2 2 Household Hazardous Waste - Evaluation of Collection Facility, Paint Recycling Progress Report 1989
2 3 Household Hazardous Waste - Evaluation of Collection Facility, Paint Recycling Work Plan undated
2 4 Household Hazardous Waste - Program Evaluation Correspondence 1990
2 5 Household Hazardous Waste - Urban Consortium Grant Correspondence 1990
2 6 Household Hazardous Waste - Urban Consortium Grant Year 12 Application 1990
2 7 Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan - Adoption, Ordinance 1990
2 8 Local Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan, Adoption 1989
2 9 Local Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan, Correspondence 1987-1991
2 10 Local Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan, Correspondence 1988-1989
2 11 Local Household Hazardous Waste Management Plan, Correspondence with Ecology 1988-1990
2 12 Heliports and Helistops 1989
2 13 Housing - Demolition 1988-1989
2 14 Housing - Housing Preservation Ordinance 1988
2 15 Housing - King County Affordable Housing 1987-1990
2 16 Housing - King County Housing Levy 1990
2 17 Housing - Other Housing Issues 1989-1990
2 18 Housing - Residential Preference Study 1994
2 19 Industrial Areas Policy - Background Reports 1982
2 20 Industrial Areas Policy - Background Reports 1984-1985
2 21 Industrial Areas Policy - Briefing Memos, Mayor 1985
2 22 Industrial Areas Policy - Citizen Participation 1985
2 23 Industrial Areas Policy - Definitions, Industrial Use 1985-1986
2 24 Industrial Areas Policy - High Tech Zones 1985-1986
2 25 Industrial Areas Policy - Housing 1984-1985
2 26 Industrial Areas Policy - Interdepartmental or Interagency Review 1985
2 27 Industrial Areas Policy - Manufacturing and Industrial Area Land Use Policies 1982-1984
2 28 Industrial Areas Policy - Mapping, Rezone Area undated
2 29 Industrial Areas Policy - Policy Development 1985-1986
2 30 Industrial Areas Policy - Port of Seattle, Fishermans Terminal, Harbor Development 1985
2 30 Industrial Areas Policy - Public Comments 1985-1986
2 31 Industrial Areas Policy - Studies and Surveys 1984-1985
2 32 Industrial Areas Policy - Technical Advisory Committee 1985
2 33 Industrial Areas Policy - Transportation, Parking and Loading 1985
2 34 Industrial Areas Policy - Transportation, Street Use 1985
2 35 Mobile Home Parks - Background 1978-1991
2 36 Mobile Home Parks - Citizen Responses 1991
2 37 Mobile Home Parks - Citizen Responses 1990-1991
2 38 Mobile Home Parks - City Correspondence 1991
2 39 Mobile Home Parks - City Correspondence 1990
3 1 Mobile Home Parks - Consultant 1991
3 2 Mobile Home Parks - Mayor's Recommended Policy and Code 1990
3 3 Mobile Home Parks - Ordinances 1991
3 4 Mobile Home Parks - Press Clippings 1985-1990
3 5 Mobile Home Parks - SEPA DEIS 1991
3 6 Mobile Homes 1989-1991
3 7 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Alternative 2 1989
3 8 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Briefing Memos, Council 1988-1989
3 9 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Briefing Memos, Mayor 1989
3 10 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Design Review / Design Departure 1989-1990
3 11 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Field Survey 1989
3 12 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Parking Study 1989-1991
3 13 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Parking Study 1988-1989
3 14 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Public Meetings 1988-1989
3 15 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Scope of Work / Schedule 1988-1989
3 16 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - SEPA Addendum 1988-1989
3 17 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - SEPA DEIS Comments 1988-1989
3 18 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - SEPA DEIS Scoping 1989
3 19 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - SEPA FEIS 1989
3 20 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - FEIS Comments 1989
3 21 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Technical Advisory Committee 1988
3 22 Multi-Family Land Use Policies - Technical Products 1988-1989
3 23 Multi-Family Remapping - Background 1988
3 24 Multi-Family Remapping - Council Resolution 1988
3 25 Multi-Family Remapping - I--90 Remapping 1990
3 26 Multi-Family Remapping - I--90 Remapping 1991
3 27 Multi-Family Remapping - I--90 Remapping, Background 1990
3 28 Multi-Family Remapping - I-90, Correspondence 1990-1991
3 29 Multi-Family Remapping - I-90, Mayor's Briefing Memos 1990
3 30 Multi-Family Remapping - I-90, Mayor's Recommendations 1990
3 31 Multi-Family Remapping - I-90, Notification 1991
3 32 Multi-Family Remapping - I-90 Workshop 1990
3 33 Multi-Family Remapping - Legislative Correspondence 1988-1992
3 34 Multi-Family Remapping - Legislative, Mayor Recommendations 1989-1990
3 35 Multi-Family Remapping - Mid-Seattle Correspondence 1989-1990
3 36 Multi-Family Remapping - Mid-Seattle Council Adoption 1990
3 37 Multi-Family Remapping - Mid-Seattle, Mayor's Briefing Memos 1989-1990
3 38 Multi-Family Remapping - Mid-Seattle, Notification 1989
4 1 Multi-Family Remapping - North Seattle Correspondence 1990-1991
4 2 Multi-Family Remapping - North Seattle, Mayor's Briefing Memos 1989
4 3 Multi-Family Remapping - North Seattle, Notification 1989
4 4 Multi-Family Remapping - Queen Anne Committee Report 1990
4 5 Multi-Family Remapping - Queen Anne Correspondence 1989-1991
4 6 Multi-Family Remapping - Queen Anne, Ordinances 1988-1990
4 7 Multi-Family Remapping - Queen Anne, Staff Reports 1990
4 8 Multi-Family Remapping - Southeast Seattle, Correspondence 1990
4 9 Multi-Family Remapping - Southeast Seattle, Mayor's Briefing Memos 1990
4 10 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Mid-Seattle and Queen Anne 1982-1989
4 11 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - North Seattle 1989
4 12 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Queen Anne 1990
4 13 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 1 1990-1991
4 14 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 2 1990-1991
4 15 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 3 1991
4 16 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 4 1991
4 17 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 5 1991
4 18 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 6 1991
4 19 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 7 1991
4 20 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 8 1991-1992
4 21 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 8A 1991-1992
4 22 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 9 1991
4 23 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 10 1991
4 24 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 11 1990-1992
4 25 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 12 1991
4 26 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 13 1991
4 27 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 14 1991
4 28 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 15 1991
4 29 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 16 1990-1992
4 30 Multi-Family Remapping Cases - Southeast Case 17 1991
4 31 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Background, Studies 1982-1983
4 32 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Briefing Memos, Council 1981-1984
4 33 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Briefing Memos, Mayor 1982-1984
4 34 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Consultant Contract 1982-1983
4 35 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Consultant Products 1983
4 36 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Correspondence 1983-1984
4 37 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Correspondence, Mayor 1984-1987
4 38 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Departmental Review 1984
4 39 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Housing 1984
4 40 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - Prototypes 1982-1983
4 41 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - SEPA DEIS Comments 1983-1987
4 42 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - SEPA DEIS Scoping 1981
4 43 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Land Use Policies - SEPA FEIS 1983-1984
4 44 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Mapping Issues 1986
4 45 Growth Management Planning Council 1992
4 46 Growth Management Planning Council 1991-1992
5 1 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Remapping 1983
5 2 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Remapping 1984
5 3 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Remapping 1985
5 4 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Remapping 1985
5 5 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Remapping 1986
5 6 Neighborhood Commercial Areas Remapping Final Recommendations 1986
6 1 Seattle 2000 (Goals For) 1983
6 2 Seattle Environmental Priorities Project 1990-1994
6 3 Seattle Environmental Priorities Project - Mayor 1990-1992
6 4 Seattle Environmental Priorities Project - Policy Advisory Committee 1990-1992
6 5 Seattle Environmental Priorities Project - Technical Advisory Committee 1990-1991
6 6 Seattle Environmental Priorities Project - Workplan 1990-1991
6 7 Telecommunication Study - Appendix, Bibliography 1987-1988
6 8 Telecommunication Study - NIER Measurements / Standards 1983-1989
6 9 Telecommunication Study - Policy, Regulations, Comments 1988
6 10 Telecommunication Study - Visual Impacts (Includes Photographs) 1987
6 11 Transportation Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Matrix 1999
6 12 Water Quality Best Management Practices Manual - Literature, Contacts 1988-1989
6 13 Water Quality Best Management Practices Manual - Working Memos 1989
6 14 Waterways Use 1975-1981
7 1 Comprehensive Plan 1991-1994
7 2 Comprehensive Plan - Framework Policies 1991-1992
7 3 Comprehensive Plan - Housing 1992-1994
7 4 Comprehensive Plan - Land Use 1993
7 5 Comprehensive Plan - Transportation 1993-1994
7 6 Comprehensive Plan - Parks and Open Space 1992-1993
7 7 Comprehensive Plan - Capital Facilities 1993
7 8 Comprehensive Plan - Urban Villages 1992-1993
7 9 Work Program and Planning Agenda 1992