Archives West Finding Aid
Table of Contents
Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers, 1906-2011
Overview of the Collection
- Creator
- Kordesch, K. (Karl), 1922-
- Title
- Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers
- Dates
- 1906-2011 (inclusive)19062011
- Quantity
- 14 linear feet, (36 boxes), (11 gigabytes) : Personal and professional correspondence, research materials, financial records, scientific publications, corporate materials, immigration and employment documentation, photographs, and bibliographic records.
- Collection Number
- MSS Kordesch
- Summary
- Karl Kordesch (1922-2011) was a distinguished Austrian-American chemist widely recognized for his contributions to battery and fuel cell research and technology. Kordesch was jointly responsible for the invention of the alkaline primary dry cell battery, significant developments in fuel cells, and the successful creation and operation of hybrid vehicles. During his career, Kordesch was responsible for more than 100 hundred patents as well as numerous papers, articles, and books on the subject of electrochemistry, effectively revolutionized the battery industry, and pioneered electric/fuel cell vehicles. The Karl and Erna Kordesch papers contain records of much of Karl's research and publishing efforts as well as biographical records, photos, and ephemera documenting the Kordeschs' life in Nazi-occupied Austria and the United States.
- Repository
Oregon State University Libraries, Special Collections and Archives Research Center
Special Collections and Archives Research Center
121 The Valley Library
Oregon State University
Corvallis OR
Telephone: 5417372075
Fax: 5417378674 - Access Restrictions
Restrictions on Access
Permission to examine the Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers will be granted to qualified researchers upon completion of an "Application for Use" form, and contingent upon the researcher's agreement to abide by the rules and policies governing collection use. See the Use of Collections page for more information.
- Additional Reference Guides
Additional Reference Guides
- Languages
- English, German
- Sponsor
Biographical NoteReturn to Top
Karl Kordesch is recognized as a pioneer of battery and fuel cell technology responsible for vastly extending the utility of non-petroleum electrical energy sources through the invention and refinement of electrochemical devices and processes. Through his invention of the alkaline primary battery cell, work with rechargeable batteries, and development of fuel cell/battery hybrid vehicle systems, Karl Kordesch contributed greatly to the reduction of energy waste and the global use of compact, portable energy sources.
Karl was born in Vienna, Austria on March 18, 1922 and Erna Bӧhm was born six months later, on September 8, 1922. After graduating from high school in 1940 Karl began studying at the University of Vienna. In 1941, Karl was conscripted into the German military where he served until the end of World War II in 1945. In 1946, he and Erna were married and he returned to his studies at the University of Vienna. Karl graduated in 1948 with his doctorate in chemistry and worked as a University Assistant at the University of Vienna. In 1953, Karl accepted a position with the U.S. Army Signal Corps through Operation Paperclip, an Office of Strategic Services program designed to supplement American scientific research with Axis personnel in exchange for U.S. citizenship and other benefits. Karl and Erna moved their family to New Jersey where he served with the Signal Corps until 1955 when he joined the Union Carbide Corporation. There, he developed the manganese dioxide-zinc primary cell which became the leading consumer battery worldwide. He also worked extensively with fuel cells, contributing new technology to the Apollo space missions and developing a hydrogen fuel cell/battery system capable of powering his personal vehicle, an Austin A40, efficiently for more than three years.
In 1977, Karl left his position at Union Carbide to return to Austria with Erna where he worked as director of the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry at the Graz University of Technology. There, he continued his research into rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, and more efficient methods for powering vehicles. In 1986, Kordesch founded Battery Technologies Inc., a company responsible for the manufacture of rechargeable batteries sold under Rayovac. Karl also formed the Kordesch & Associates, Inc. consulting firm in 1988. In 1997, Kordesch accepted a position as vice-president of Apollo Energy Systems where he oversaw fuel cell research for use in consumer vehicles. The Kordeschs moved to Eugene, Oregon they lived until Karl's death in 2011. Karl Kordesch was survived by his wife, Erna Kordesch, and his four children.
During his lifetime, Kordesch produced more than one hundred patents, hundreds of articles and papers, and numerous books. He was an active participant in the scientific community, frequently attending and presenting at meetings and symposia, collaborating with colleagues around the globe, and acting as a leader in his field through service as the Secretary General of the International Society for Electrochemisty. His achievements have been recognized through his receipt of the prestigious William Exner Medal, the Vittorio de Nora Gold Medal Award, and the Erwin Schrödinger Prize, among others.
Historical NoteReturn to Top
Content DescriptionReturn to Top
The Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers are comprised of approximately ten linear feet of content documenting Karl's professional career from the late 1940s until his death in 2011 and an additional four linear feet of assorted personal records from both Karl and Erna. The collection contains an extensive record of Karl Kordesch's career including patent records, research notes, documentation of various business ventures, and correspondence, as well as materials regarding Karl's participation in the United States' post-World War II Operation Paperclip. The Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers also include an extensive collection of photographs documenting life in World War II-era Austria and the mid-20th century American Midwest. In addition to its physical holdings, the collection also contains more than 10 gigabytes of electronic documents including correspondence, publications, and digital photographs relating to Karl Kordesch's research.
Use of the CollectionReturn to Top
Preferred Citation
Preferred CitationCourtesy of the Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers, Special Collections & Archives Research Center, Oregon State University Libraries
Administrative InformationReturn to Top
The Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers are arranged by medium, subject, and chronology.
Preservation Note
Materials in fair to very good condition.
Archived electronic records are viewable onsite upon appointment.
Custodial History
Custodial HistoryOwnership of all materials in the Karl and Erna Kordesch Papers were transferred to Erna Kordesch upon Karl Kordesch's death. Erna Kordesch donated all materials to OSU Libraries Special Collection on April 22, 2011. Additional materials created by Catherine Kordesch were donated by on December 28, 2011.
Acquisition Information
Acquisition Information14 linear feet and 7.5 gigabytes of materials were accessioned from Erna Kordesch by OSU Libraries Special Collections on April 22, 2011.
3.5 gigabytes of electronic records were accessioned from Catherine Kordesch by OSU Libraries Special Collections on December 28, 2011.
Future Additions
Future AdditionsNo future additions are anticipated.
Processing Note
Processing NoteFinal arrangement by Trevor Sandgathe.
Selected Publications by Karl Kordesch
Kordesch, Karl . Batteries, Vol. 1: Manganese Dioxide . New York: Marcel Dekker, 1974 . Kordesch, Karl . Batteries, Vol. 2: Lead-Acid Batteries and Electric Vehicles . New York: Marcel Dekker, 1977 . Kordesch, Karl . Brennstoffbatterien . Vienna; New York: Springer, 1984 . Kordesch, Karl and Simader, Günter . Einsatz der Brennstoffzellen-Technologie für die Dezentrale Energienutzung Zweite Endbreicht einer Studie der EVA und TU Graz im Auftrag der Steirischen Elektrizität- und Wasserkraft-AG (STEWAG) . Vienna: EVA, 1998 . Kordesch, Karl and Simader, Günter . Fuel Cells and their Applications . Weinheim; New York: VCH, 1996 . Kordesch, Karl and Kornfeil, Friedrich . Method and Device for Testing Nickel-Cadmium Batteries . Ft. Belvoir, VA: Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center, 1954 . Kordesch, Karl . Versuch zur Aufarbeitung von Gelatine-Hydrolysaten nach den Methoden der Hochvakuumdestillation, Cu-Salz Trennung und Chromatographie. . Vienna: University of Vienna, 1948 .Related Materials
Related Materials
Separated Materials
Separated Materials
Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top
The following section contains a detailed listing of the materials in the collection.
1: Scientific Research Materials, 1950-2011, undatedReturn to Top
Contains research notes, reports, publications, correspondence, visual aids, and patent information pertaining to battery, fuel cell, and electric/hybrid vehicle research. Includes materials created by Karl Kordesch and others involved in the development of non-petroleum based energy sources.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
1: Battery Research 6 boxes
1950-2010; undated | |
Box | ||
1.001 | Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1950-1996 |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1950-1991 |
1.2 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1992-1996 |
1.002 | Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1997-2010; undated |
Folder | ||
2.1 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1997-2010 |
2.2 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.003 | Non-Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1956-2005 |
Folder | ||
3.1 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1956-1993 |
3.2 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1994-1995 |
3.3 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1996-1997 |
3.4 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1998-2005 |
1.004 | Non-Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
undated |
Folder | ||
4.1 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.005 | Assorted Informational and Promotional Materials |
Folder | ||
5.1 | Assorted informational and promotional materials |
undated |
5.2 | Battery Technologies, Inc. informational and promotional materials |
undated |
1.006 | Assorted Scientific Journals |
2000-2010 |
2: Fuel Cell Research 7 boxes
1959-2007; undated | |
Box | ||
1.007 | Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1959-2007 |
Folder | ||
7.1 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1959-1969 |
7.2 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1970-1989 |
7.3 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1993-2000 |
7.4 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
2001-2007 |
1.008 | Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
undated |
Folder | ||
8.1 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.009 | Kordesch Reports to Union Carbide |
1960-1969 |
Folder | ||
9.1 | Quarterly progress reports |
1960-1962 |
9.2 | Monthly reports |
1963-1969 |
1.010 | Non-Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1958-2002 |
Folder | ||
10.1 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1958-1970 |
10.2 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1993-1999 |
10.3 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
2000-2002 |
1.011 | Non-Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1967-2007; undated |
Folder | ||
11.1 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
2003-2007 |
11.2 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
11.3 | Reports from G. R. Drengler |
1967-1969 |
1.012 | Assorted Informational and Promotional Materials |
Folder | ||
12.1 | Assorted informational and promotional materials |
undated |
1.013 | Assorted Scientific Journals |
1963-2006 |
3: Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Research 5 boxes
1964-2010; undated | |
Box | ||
1.014 | Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1970-2007; undated |
Folder | ||
14.1 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1970-2007 |
14.2 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.015 | Non-Kordesch Research Notes, Reports, and Publications |
1964-2007; undated |
Folder | ||
15.1 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
1964-1983 |
15.2 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
2000-2007 |
15.3 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.016 | Electric Auto Corporation/Apollo Energy Systems Internal Documents |
2000-2005 |
Folder | ||
16.1 | Electric Auto Corporation/Apollo Energy Systems internal documents |
2000-2005 |
1.017 | Assorted Informational and Promotional Materials |
Folder | ||
17.1 | Assorted informational and promotional materials |
undated |
17.2 | Materials re: The Electric Vehicle Association of Ohio |
undated |
1.018 | Assorted Scientific Journals |
1992-2010 |
4: Correspondence 1 box
1967-2011; undated | |
Box | ||
1.019 | Correspondence |
1967-2011; undated |
Folder | ||
19.1 | Correspondence re: Battery research |
1987-2010; undated |
19.2 | Correspondence re: Fuel cell research |
1967-2010 |
19.3 | Correspondence re: Electric/hybrid vehicle research |
1967-2007; undated |
19.4 | Assorted correspondence |
2001-2011 |
5: Diagrams, Overhead Slides, and Photographs 1 box
undated | |
Box | ||
1.020 | Assorted Diagrams, Overhead Transparencies, and Photographs |
Folder | ||
20.1 | Assorted visual aids (paper) |
undated |
20.2 | Assorted visual aids (transparencies) |
undated |
20.3 | Assorted visual aids (photographs) |
undated |
6: Patents and Documentation of Invention 1 box
undated | |
Box | ||
1.021 | Patents and Documentation of Invention |
Folder | ||
21.1 | Batteries |
undated |
21.2 | Fuel cells |
undated |
21.3 | Assorted inventions |
undated |
7: Dissertations 1 box
1983-2001 | |
Box | ||
1.022 | Dissertations: Cifrain, Donne, Ghaemi, Hacker |
1995-2001 |
Folder | ||
22.1 | Cifrain, Martin. Thin Carbon-based Electrodes for Alkaline Fuel Cells with Liquid Electrolyte. [Bound] |
2001 |
22.2 | Donne, S.W. High Performance Chemically and Physically Modified Manganese Dioxide. [Bound] |
1996 |
22.3 | Ghaemi, Mehdi. Herstellung elektroaktiver Schichten für die Anwendung in wiederaufladbaren bipoilaren Bruanstein-Zink-Batterien. [1 bound, 1 unbound] |
1995 |
22.4 | Hacker, Viktor. Technologische Übergangsstrategien zur Regenerativen Energiewirtschaft: Der Einsatz von Biomasse in Kombination mit der Brennstoffzelle. [Unbound] |
1998 |
1.023 | Dissertations: Haynes, Koscher, Weingartner |
1983, 1988; undated |
Folder | ||
23.1 | Haynes, A. “Summary of Dissertation Work.” [Bound] |
1988 |
23.2 | Koscher, Gerold. Carbon-based Electrodes for Alkaline Fuel Cell Systems with Various Fuels. [2 partial copies, 1 bound and 1 unbound] |
undated |
23.3 | Weingartner, August. Berechnungen zur Holzvergasung in der Wirbelschicht. [Unbound] |
1983 |
1.024 | Dissertations: Weißenbacher |
1996; undated |
Folder | ||
24.1 | Weißenbacher, Manfred. Das wiederaufladbare alkalische Zink/Braunstein-System: Neue Wege zur Berbessergun des Zyklenlebens. [2 bound copies] |
1996 |
2: "Box Zero"Return to Top
Materials specially collected and housed by Karl Kordesch. Karl designated this group of materials as "Box Zero", indicating that they were of particular scientific and biographical value. Series includes assorted notes, reports, publications, patent information, and correspondence.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
Box | ||
2.001 | Contents of "Box Zero" |
undated |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.2 | Non-Kordesch research notes, reports, and publications |
undated |
1.3 | Assorted patents and related documents |
undated |
1.4 | Assorted documents re: WIF
Documents regarding a World War II-era German flashlight manufacturer.
undated |
1.5 | Assorted correspondence |
undated |
3: Biographical Materials and Photographs, 1906-2010, undatedReturn to Top
Biographical materials relating to members of the Bӧhm, Colnago, Kordesch and Marko families including personal documents and photographs.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
1: Karl Kordesch 3 boxes
undated | |
Box | ||
3.001 | Biographical Materials re: Karl Kordesch |
Folder | ||
1.1 | Identification and citizenship |
undated |
1.2 | Military service and Operation Paperclip |
undated |
1.3 | Educational records |
undated |
1.4 | Financial records |
undated |
1.5 | Legal records |
undated |
1.6 | Medical records |
undated |
1.7 | Travel records |
undated |
3.002 | Biographical Materials re: Karl Kordesch |
Folder | ||
2.1 | Assorted correspondence |
undated |
2.2 | Newspaper and magazine clippings |
undated |
2.3 | Assorted professional contacts |
undated |
2.4 | Résumés and biographies |
undated |
3.003 | Biographical Materials re: Karl Kordesch |
Folder | ||
3.1 | Assorted keepsakes |
undated |
2: Erna Kordesch 1 box
undated | |
Box | ||
3.004 | Biographical Materials re: Erna Kordesch |
Folder | ||
4.1 | Identification and citizenship |
undated |
4.2 | Educational records |
undated |
4.3 | Newspaper clippings |
undated |
4.4 | Personal histories
Birth stories of the four Kordesch children and other events dictated by Erna Kordesch and recorded by Catherine Kordesch.
undated |
4.5 | Assorted correspondence |
undated |
4.6 | Assorted keepsakes |
undated |
3: Kordesch Family 1 box
undated | |
Box | ||
3.005 | Biographical Materials re: The Kordesch Family |
Folder | ||
5.1 | Materials re: Kordesch genealogy |
undated |
5.2 | Assorted Kordesch family postcards |
undated |
5.3 | Assorted Kordesch family keepsakes |
undated |
4: Bӧhm/Colnago Family 1 box
Materials relating to members of the maternal (Colnago) and paternal (Bӧhm) sides of Erna Kordesch's family.
undated | |
Box | ||
3.006 | Biographical Materials re: The Bӧhm/Colnago Family |
Folder | ||
6.1 | Materials re: Bӧhm/Colnago genealogy |
undated |
6.2 | Assorted Bӧhm Family Correspondence |
undated |
6.3 | Correspondence from Erna Kordesch to Bianca Bӧhm |
undated |
6.4 | Assorted correspondence to Bianca Bӧhm |
undated |
6.5 | Assorted correspondence to Erna Colnago |
undated |
6.6 | Assorted Bӧhm family keepsakes |
undated |
5: Photographs 4 boxes
1900s-2000s; undated | |
Box | ||
3.007 | Photographs |
1900s-2000s; undated |
Folder | ||
7.1 | Photographs of Karl Kordesch |
1940s |
7.2 | Photographs of Karl Kordesch |
1950s |
7.3 | Photographs of Karl Kordesch |
1970s |
7.4 | Photographs of Karl Kordesch |
1990s |
7.5 | Photographs of Karl Kordesch |
2000s |
7.6 | Photographs of Erna Kordesch |
1930s |
7.7 | Photographs of Erna Kordesch |
1940s |
7.8 | Photographs of Erna Kordesch |
1950s |
7.9 | Photographs of Erna Kordesch |
1990s |
7.10 | Photographs of Erna Kordesch |
2000s |
7.11 | Photographs of Karl and Erna Kordesch |
1940s |
7.12 | Photographs of Karl and Erna Kordesch |
1970s |
7.13 | Photographs of Karl and Erna Kordesch |
1980s |
7.14 | Photographs of Karl and Erna Kordesch |
1990s |
7.15 | Photographs of Karl and Erna Kordesch |
2000s |
7.16 | Photographs of the Kordesch family |
1940s |
7.17 | Photographs of the Kordesch family |
1950s |
7.18 | Photographs of the Kordesch family |
1960s |
7.19 | Photographs of the Kordesch family |
1970s |
7.20 | Photographs of the Kordesch family |
1990s |
7.21 | Photographs of the Kordesch family |
2000s |
7.22 | Photographs of the Bӧhm/Colnago family |
1900s |
7.23 | Photographs of the Bӧhm/Colnago family |
1910s |
7.24 | Photographs of the Bӧhm/Colnago family |
1920s |
7.25 | Photographs of the Bӧhm/Colnago family |
1930s |
7.26 | Photographs of the Bӧhm/Colnago family |
1940s |
7.27 | Photographs of the Bӧhm/Colnago family |
2000s |
7.28 | Photographs of the Marko family |
undated |
7.29 | Assorted photographs |
1910s |
7.30 | Assorted photographs |
1920s |
7.31 | Assorted photographs |
1930s |
7.32 | Assorted photographs |
1940s |
7.33 | Assorted photographs |
1950s |
7.34 | Assorted photographs |
1960s |
7.35 | Assorted photographs |
1980s |
7.36 | Assorted photographs |
1990s |
7.37 | Assorted photographs |
2000s |
3.008 | Photo Albums |
1926-2002 |
Folder | ||
8.1 | Bӧhm family photo album |
1926-1932 |
8.2 | Kordesch Engagement Book/Photo Album |
1940s |
8.3 | Karl Kordesch's 80th birthday celebration |
2002 |
3.009 | Photo Albums |
1977 |
Folder | ||
9.1 | Union Carbide retirement celebration |
1977 |
3.010 | Assorted Slides and Photographic Negatives |
undated |
4: Electronic RecordsReturn to Top
Preservation copies of electronic records including research data, publications, photographs, personal records, video interviews, and correspondence and physical storage media including flash memory drives, Secure Digital memory cards, compact discs, and floppy disks containing original Kordesch documents. Preservation copies of all electronic records are available onsite for researcher use. Additional processing is forthcoming.
Container(s) | Description | Dates |
1: Digital Media Storage Devices 1 box
Storage devices containing Kordesch electronic records in original state and order.
undated | |
Box | ||
4.001 | Digital Media Storage Devices |
Folder | ||
1.1 | 11 USB flash drives (assorted capacity) |
undated |
1.2 | 2 Secure Digital memory cards |
undated |
1.3 | 9 compact discs |
undated |
1.4 | 1 3.5-inch floppy disk |
undated |
Description | Dates |
Blomen, Leo, ed. Fuel Cell 2000 Proceedings. Switzerland: European Fuel Cell Forum, 2000 . |
Bockris, John O'M., T. Nejat Veziroğlu and Debbie Smith. Solar Hydrogen Energy: The Power to Save the Earth. London: Macdonald & Co., 1991 . |
D'Ans, Jean and Ellen Lax, eds. Taschenbuch für Chemiker und Physiker. Berlin: Springer/Verlag, 1943 . |
Fuel Cell Seminar Organizing Committee. 1998 Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts. 1996 . |
Fuel Cell Seminar Organizing Committee. October 2000 Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts. 2000. 1996 . |
Fuel Cell Seminar Organizing Committee. November 2003 Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts. 2003. 1996 . |
Fuel Cell Seminar Organizing Committee. 2005 Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts. 2005. 1996 . |
Gutmann, G. Electrochemical Engineering: Elekotrochemische Raktoren, Energiespeicher und Energiewandler.. Germany: Universitätsverlag Ulm GmbH, 1996 . |
Himy, Albert Silver-Zinc Battery: Phenomena, Design Principles, Manufacturing and Various Topics. College Park, MD: University Press, 2003 . |
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 51, Nos. 1-2. eds. Dyer, C. K., D. A. J. Rand, and P.T. Moseley, 1994 . |
Kordesch, Karl. "The Electric Automobile". Alternative Energy Sources for the Steel Industry: Proceedings of the Sixth C. C. Furnas Memorial Conference. ed. Julian Szekely. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1977 . |
Kordesch, Karl and Günter Simader. Fuel Cells and Their Applications. Weinheim, Germany: VCH, 1996 . |
Kordesch, Karl. Brennstoffbatterien. Wien, Austria: Springer-Verlag, 1984 . |
Kratzl, Karl. Die Kritik der Unreinen Vernunft: Eine Kantige Angelegenheit in 200 Karikaturen und Anekdoten. Wien, Austria: A. Riegelnik, 1995 . |
National Fuel Cell Coordinating Group. 1982 National Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts. 1982 . |
Rand, D. A. J., R. Woods, & R. M. Dell. Batteries for Electric Vehicles. Somerset, England: Research Studies Press Ltd., 1998 . |
Schwabe, Ina, ed. Batterien und Ladekonzepte. Munich, Germany: Design & Elektronik, 1997 . |
Trumbore, Forrest A. & Dennis R. Turner. The Electrochemical Society: 1902-2002: A Centennial History. Pennington, NJ: ECS, 2002 . |
Westbrook, Michael H. The Electric Car: Development and future of battery, hybrid and fuel-cell cars. London: IET, 2001 . |
Names and SubjectsReturn to Top
Subject Terms
- Battery industry--United States.
- Electric automobiles.
- Fuel cells.
- Hybrid electric vehicles.
- Scientists--United States--Recruiting.
- Storage batteries.
Personal Names
Corporate Names
- Battery Technologies, Inc.
- Operation Paperclip (U.S.)
- Technische Universität Graz.
- Union Carbide Corporation.
- United States. Army. Signal Corps.