Roy E. Huffman Papers, 1923-1990

Overview of the Collection

Roy E. Huffman Papers
1923-1990 (inclusive)
11.60 linear feet, (29 boxes)
Collection Number
The Roy E. Huffman Papers consist of materials are mostly typewritten with some handwritten notes and letters, and include photocopies or reprints of previously published materials, reports, speeches and presentations; plans, programs, schedules, studies, and numerous papers related to his professional positions at MSU ; numerous research notes and unfinished manuscript pages with bibliographical materials and citations; personal and professional correspondence; and clippings from newspapers and journals. Subjects are wide ranging but can be characterized into several categories: a) files on topics of general interest or research interest; b) files related to specific organizations, conferences, symposia or programs both professional and governmental (these may have correspondence and attachments included); c) files related to the research and publication of Roy Huffman's writings; d) files related to Montana State University (Montana State College before 1962) which may be by subject; by department; by specific positions Huffman held during his career; by committee, program, institutional or branch names; by faculty, students or individuals; or as miscellaneous items. e) correspondence: alphabetical files of a professional or personal nature maintained by Huffman plus individually named correspondence files of colleagues intimately involved with his research and writing as well as politicians and selected projects or organizations.
Montana State University Library, Merrill G. Burlingame Special Collections
Montana State University-Bozeman Library
Merrill G Burlingame Special Collections
P.O. Box 173320
Bozeman, MT
Telephone: 4069944242
Fax: 4069942851
Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research without restrictions.


Historical NoteReturn to Top

Roy E. Huffman was born April 12, 1916 and raised on a wheat farm in Chouteau County, Montana. He attended rural schools and graduated from Highwood High School in 1932. He married Menga Herzog in 1939 and had three children. He received his B.S. in Agricultural Economics from Montana State College in 1938, his M.S. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Maryland in 1939 and his PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1952. He began his career as an Agricultural Economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture during 1939-1942. In 1942 he started his work at Montana State College as an Instructor in Agricultural Economics. After serving in the U.S. Navy in World War II from 1943-1946 he returned to Montana State College as an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics and Economics,1946-1950; Associate Professor from 1950-1953; and from 1953 to 1958 he was Professor and Head of the Department of Agricultural Economic and Rural Sociology: Economics and Sociology. In 1958 he became the Dean of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station. In 1965 he was appointed as the first Vice President for Research. He served in that capacity until his retirement in 1976. Concurrent with the Vice Presidency he was Executive Director, Endowment and Research Foundation (1965-1976); Director, Montana University Joint Water Resources Research Center (1965-1969, 1973-1974); and Acting Dean of Graduate Studies (1975-1976). Roy Huffman was a prolific writer with over 100 titles to his credit including the book Irrigation Development and Public Water Policy (Ronald Press, 1953) and research bulletins, journal papers, magazine articles, conference papers and monographs. He promoted the modernization of agriculture through wise land use, water conservation, irrigation and farm management techniques. He was a member of the American Agricultural Economics Assn., Western Agricultural Economics Assn., Agricultural History Society, American Association of University Professors, Soil Conservation Society of America, and several honor societies. Among many awards, he received the Montana State University Blue and Gold Award for Distinguished Service in 1975. Outside the university he has served as a consultant to federal, state and private agencies, notably the Missouri River Basin Planning and Columbia Basin Consulting Boards of the U.S. Dept. of Interior; he was a member of numerous governmental and professional councils and committees including the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges; and participated as a speaker or presenter of papers at many conferences and proceedings in both academic and commercial arenas. After his retirement in 1976, he was appointed a member of the Montana Board of Natural Resources and Conservation by Governor Thomas L. Judge and served from 1977-1981. An active member of the greater community, he promoted tours of Russia and China for People to People, was active with the Museum of the Rockies and local civic projects. Dr. Roy E. Huffman died at age 78 on November 10, 1994.

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Roy Huffman's collected and created papers were organized by him in alphabetical files by subject. Except for a few duplicated files, the papers are arranged as Roy Huffman kept them with loose papers and untitled files placed within the alphabetic sequence. The materials are mostly typewritten with some handwritten notes and letters, and include photocopies or reprints of previously published materials, reports, speeches and presentations; plans, programs, schedules, studies, and numerous papers related to his professional positions at MSU; numerous research notes and unfinished manuscript pages with bibliographical materials and citations; personal and professional correspondence; and clippings from newspapers and journals. Subjects are wide ranging but can be characterized into several categories: a) files on topics of general interest or research interest; b) files related to specific organizations, conferences, symposia or programs both professional and governmental (these may have correspondence and attachments included); c) files related to the research and publication of Roy Huffman's writings; d) files related to Montana State University (Montana State College before 1962) which may be by subject; by department; by specific positions Huffman held during his career; by committee, program, institutional or branch names; by faculty, students or individuals; or as miscellaneous items. e) correspondence: alphabetical files of a professional or personal nature maintained by Huffman plus individually named correspondence files of colleagues intimately involved with his research and writing as well as politicians and selected projects or organizations. Representation of government agencies including the Federal Farm Security Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Energy Research and Development Administration, National Science Foundation, and regional entities such as the Missouri River Basin Commission and Columbia River Basin Inter-Agency Committee, Great Plains Agricultural Council, Montana Experiment Stations and Extension Service, and the Water Resources Research Center. Publications and publishers include Big Sky Books of the Endowment and Research Foundation of MSU, the Ronald Press and various journal publications. Representative files for professional and academic interests include the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, American Agricultural Economics Assn., Western Agricultural Economics Assn., Agricultural History Society, American Association of University Professors, Soil Conservation Society of America, Sigma Xi and others. China (People to People), Russia, Saudi Arabia (agricultural projects), and other countries have individual files. Several untitled files containing research notes, citations and a large rough draft manuscript were combined with research note files with the name Omnibus.

In 1970, both Merrill G. Burlingame and Elmer Starch wrote Roy Huffman about a proposed manuscript Huffman had been working on. The work began in the mid-60s as a book on Fairway Farms and the influence of that program. Margarita "Rita" McDonald assisted with the research and rough draft materials. It apparently evolved into a larger project to produce a book about the influence on farming by the Montana State College Agriculture Department and the Montana experience which resulted in changes in land use, farm techniques, irrigation, family farms and government assistance across the nation. Individuals of note present in files are Governor Tim Babcock, Hugo G. Eck, Nicholas Helburn, Governor Thomas L. Judge, Maurice M. Kelso, Carl F. Kraenzel, Senator Mike Mansfield, Margarita "Rita" McDonald; MSU Presidents: Leon Johnson, Carl W. McIntosh, Roland R. Renne, William J. Tietz, Jr.; Mont H. Saunderson, Elmer A. Starch, Carl F. Taeusch and M. L. Wilson. Roy Huffman's diverse interests are also reflected in files for the Museum of the Rockies, conservation and reclamation issues, arts and humanities, political and legislative issues, energy and water policies, and some personal memento and joke files.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Acquisition Information

Professional and personal papers created or collected by Roy E. Huffman were donated to Montana State University on August 19, 1996 by his wife Menga Huffman. Any papers related to Huffman's work on the Montana Board of Natural Resources and Conservation were removed and integrated into Collection 2094, Montana Board of Natural Resources and Conservation Records, 1976-1981.

Processing Note

This collection was processed 2009 May 18

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Agricultural change: news clippings and articles
1 2 Agricultural Economics course: Economic development and environmental values
1 3 Agricultural Economics course: Economics of irrigated agriculture
1 4 Agricultural Economics course: Economics of irrigated agriculture - Billings class
1 5 Agricultural Economics course: Farm and ranch management
1 6 Agricultural Economics course: Rural society
1 7 Agricultural Economics Department correspondence: 1942-1943
1 8 Agricultural Economics Department correspondence: 1945-1946
1 9 Agricultural Economics Department correspondence: 1946-1953
1 10 Agricultural History Society
1 11 Agricultural Marketing Service
1 12 "Agriculture in the Great Plains, 1876-1930" (Symposium) 1976 June
1 13 Alpha Gamma Rho
1 14 American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
1 15 American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
1 16 American Association of University Professors - Committee on Salaries and Promotions
1 17 American Farm Economic Association (AFEA)
1 18 American Farm Economic Association Awards
2 1 American Indian National Bank
2 2 Archeology/Anthropology - Davis, Les
2 3 Archeology/Anthropology - Lahren, Larry
2 4 Arts and Humanities
2 5 Assassination - John F. Kennedy
2 6 Australia - New Zealand
2 7 AVCO Corporation
2 8 Babcock, Governor Tim
2 9 Big Sky - Gallatin Canyon Study
2 10 Big Sky Books
2 11 Big Sky Books - Copyrights
2 12 Big Sky Books - title(proposed): Bolton, Redant, Phillip D
2 13 Big Sky Books - title: Community Development in Montana: resources, methods, case studies, Lassey, Wm. & Williams Anne S., Ed. 1970
2 14 Big Sky Books - title: Failure on the Plains: a rancher's view of the public lands problem, Fulton, Dan 1982
2 15 Big Sky Books - title: Fishes of Montana, Brown, Dr. C.J.D. 1971
2 16 Big Sky Books - title: From the St. Croix to the Potomac: reflections of a bureaucrat, Johnson, Sherman E. 1974
2 17 Big Sky Books - title: Homesteading in Montana, 1911-1923 : life in the Blue Mountain country, Bell, Edward J. 1975
2 18 Big Sky Books - title: Montana as it Was, 1876: a centennial overview, Malone, Michael P. & Roeder, Richard E 1976
2 19 Big Sky Books - title: The Montana Frontier (reprint), Burlingame, Merrill G. 1980
2 20 Big Sky Books - title: Montana in Maps, 1974, Taylor, Robert L., et al 1974
2 21 Big Sky Books - title: A Poet Goes to War, Martin, Earl E. 1970
2 22 Big Sky Books - title: The Social Cost of Space in the Yonland, Kraenzel, Carl F. 1980
2 23 Board of Regents
2 24 Bonneville project - correspondence
2 25 Bonneville project - manuscript
2 26 Bonneville project - requests for materials
3 1 Bookstore
3 2 Campus unrest
3 3 Campus unrest - Myers case
3 4 Course changes in catalog
3 5 Center for Advanced Studies
3 6 Center for Industrial Development
3 7 Center for Planning and Development
3 8 Center for Political Economy and Natural Resources
3 9 Cereal crop research
3 10 Chambers of Commerce
3 11 Coal development
3 12 Coal Research Laboratory and Energy Fellowship Act 1975
3 13 Coal severance tax
3 14 Coal slurry pipeline
3 15 Colegio Cesar Chavez, lawsuit about accreditation 1977
3 16 Columbia Basin
3 17 Columbia Basin - correspondence 1960-1963
4 1 Columbia Basin Consulting Board - financial papers
4 2 Columbia Basin Consulting Board - reports 1945-1960
4 3 Columbia Basin Consulting Board - reports 1961
4 4 Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee
4 5 Columbia Basin news clippings
4 6 Columbia Basin Research Committee
4 7 Commencement address, Highwood High School 1972
4 8 Commissioner of Higher Education
4 9 Community Planning (proposed interdisciplinary Masters Degree)
4 10 Community Planning - engineers
4 11 Conservation education
4 12 Conservation Education Committee
4 13 Constitutional Convention
4 14 Constitutional Convention Film
4 15 Consultant assignments
5 1 Cooperative Extension
5 2 Cooperative State Research Service - research review
5 3 Cost Study' correspondence
5 4 Cost Study' manuscript: "Farm Organization and Production Requirements in Selected Irrigated Areas"
5 5 Cost Study' materials
5 6 D.A. Davidson letter
5 7 Dakota Farmer correspondence and article manuscript
5 8 Dean of Agriculture
5 9 Dean of Agriculture congratulatory letters
5 10 Dean of Science
5 11 "Development and Population: Alternative Futures for the West" (conference) 1973 August 1-3
5 12 District Court
5 13 Draft horses - assorted articles
5 14 Dryland' correspondence
5 15 Dryland' manuscript: "Production Costs on Selected Dryland Grain Farms"
5 16 Dryland' materials
6 1 Eck, Hugo G. - Coronary Column concept and the film "Tiger by the Tail" about it
6 2 Economics and environment research and article clippings
6 3 Education - miscellaneous clippings
6 4 Educational television
6 5 Endowment and Research Foundation (MSU)
6 6 Endowment and Research Foundation (MSU): fund- raising
6 7 Energy - miscellaneous clippings
6 8 Energy policy - clippings
6 9 Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) conference 1975 November 3-4
6 10 Energy Research Center
6 11 England - Scotland
7 1 Environmental conflicts - miscellaneous clippings, articles
7 2 Environmental Protection Agency - proposal for investigation
7 3 Environmental Quality Council
7 4 Environmental seminars - MSU
7 5 Environmental studies
7 6 Environmental Task Force - based out of Bozeman and MSU
7 7 Experiment Station research
7 8 Faculty - general
7 9 Faculty in Agriculture, primarily about Little International program
7 10 Faculty Policy Advisory Committee 1945-1957
7 11 Family farms - miscellaneous articles
7 12 Family farms and the community - articles and research notes
7 13 Farm forums - programs
7 14 Farm Policy Forum articles and correspondence
7 15 Farm programs - miscellaneous clippings
7 16 Farm Security Administration - Roy Huffman papers
7 17 Farm Security Administration humor
7 18 Federal Reserve Bank of Minnesota
7 19 Federation of Rocky Mountain States, Inc.
8 1 Feed - wheat study
8 2 Fertilizer research
8 3 Food and USDA - article
8 4 Foreign trade - expansion program
8 5 Forest Service
8 6 Forestry Research Advisory Committee
8 7 Franklin Delano Roosevelt articles
8 8 Fulton, Dan A. - correspondence and assorted attachments
8 9 Fulton gift books - appraisals and inventory
8 10 Gallatin National Life Insurance Company
8 11 Glacier Park meeting: Missouri and Columbia Basins Inter-Agency Committees
8 12 Graduate Division - Montana State College 1948-1953
8 13 Graduate Division - Graduate Council, agendas and courses
8 14 Grand Canyon Symposium (Human condition relative to survival) 1970 June 14-18
8 15 "Great Decisions...., 1958", Foreign Policy Association promotion and publications 1958
8 16 Great Plains Agricultural Conference and associated papers 1955 May 31 - June 2
9 1 Great Plains Agricultural Council 1948-1965
9 2 Great Plains Project 1964-1965
9 3 Guam, University position
9 4 Helburn, Nicholas - research proposal with assorted correspondence
9 5 Highwood - Bobcat spring scrimmage
9 6 Highwood Farm Loan Association
9 7 Hokkaido University Seminar 1982 October 21
9 8 Homesteading - newspaper clippings
9 9 Honorary degrees - committee correspondence and vitae of candidates
9 10 Hoover Commission
9 11 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, A-B
9 12 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, C-F
9 13 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, G-H
9 14 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, G-H
9 15 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, L-O
10 1 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, P-S
10 2 Huffman, Roy E. - professional and personal correspondence files, T-Z
10 3 Huffman Building
10 4 Huffman Essay Award
10 5 Huntley, Chet and the Big Sky project - articles
10 6 Indian Bank study
10 7 Indian policy
10 8 Indians - Native American Studies Center
10 9 Indirect benefits of irrigation correspondence
10 10 Indirect benefits of irrigation materials
10 11 Industrial development
10 12 Institute of Applied Research
10 13 Institutional economics
10 14 Institutional seminar at MSU 1966 August 2-5
10 15 Inter-cultural Studies - Mexico
11 1 International Cooperation Center
11 2 International Rural Development Conference 1964 July 27-28
11 3 Investment in human resources
11 4 Irrigation research
11 5 Japan - assorted articles
11 6 Jaycees
11 7 Johnson, Leon H., President Montana State University
11 8 Johnstone, William A -Stadium Campaign 1968
11 9 Journal of Farm Economics
11 10 Judge, Governor Thomas L
11 11 Kellogg Foundation - Kellogg Extension Education Project
11 12 Kellogg Foundation - proposal for Montana Center for Economic Development at MSU
11 13 Kelso, Maurice M
11 14 Kiwanis Club - Bozeman
11 15 Kraenzel, Carl F
11 16 Land Grant Colleges
11 17 Land Grant Colleges - centennial publications and articles
11 18 Land Grant University concept
11 19 Land Grant University meetings
11 20 Land use - articles
11 21 Legal education - articles
12 1 Legislative Council (Montana)
12 2 Legislative Fiscal Analyst
12 3 Legislature and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station System 1961
12 4 Letters to Editors
12 5 Low-income farms - bibliography
12 6 Lower Marias Development
12 7 Lower Marias Irrigation Development Study - correspondence
12 8 Lower Marias Irrigation Development Study - manuscript
12 9 Lower Marias Irrigation Development Study - materials
12 10 Mansfield, Senator Mike
12 11 Maps (assorted - mostly Montana)
12 12 Maryland, University of (Masters Degree and job offer)
12 13 Master Plan - Division of Agriculture
12 14 McIntosh, President Carl W., Montana State University
12 15 Minor Civil Divisions of Montana, Map
13 1-2 Missouri Basin Consulting
13 3 Missouri Basin development and program
13 4 Missouri Basin Interagency Committee meeting 1968 July 27-28
13 5 Missouri Basin Research Committee
13 6 Missouri Basin Survey Commission - correspondence
13 7 Missouri Basin Survey Commission - materials
13 8 Montana Academy of Sciences
13 9 Montana Annual Review of Public Affairs - proposal
13 10 Montana Committee for the Humanities
13 11 Montana Conservation Council
14 1 Montana Energy Advisory Council
14 2 Montana Farmer Stockman - correspondence and proposed Huffman articles
14 3 Montana Historical Society
14 4 Montana - miscellaneous magazines
14 5 Montana State University - administration
14 6 Montana State University - alumni
14 7 Montana State University - Alumni Speech
14 8 Montana State University - Blue and Gold Award
14 9 Montana State University - Challenge Project
14 10 Montana State University - faculty
14 11 Montana State University - financial
14 12 Montana State University - new degrees
14 13 Montana State University - research
14 14 Montana State University - research press coverage
14 15 Montana State University - retirement
14 16 Montana State University - role and scope
14 17 Montana State University - 75th anniversary symposia
14 18 Montana State University - students
14 19 Montana State University - travel vouchers 1968-1976
14 20 Montana Water Congress
14 21 Montana Water Development Association
14 22 Museum of the Rockies
14 23 Museum of the Rockies - Homestead Project
14 24 Museum of the Rockies - Kirk Hill Nature Area
14 25 Museum of the Rockies - newspaper clippings
15 1 National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
15 2 National Forests
15 3 National Science Foundation paper on wind energy
15 4 National Science Foundation proposed grant
15 5 National seminar on "Implications of Agricultural Adjustments"
15 6 NATO Senior Fellowships in Science
15 7 Natural resources
15 8 Natural Resources Journal - correspondence and proposed Huffman articles
15 9 New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts consulting assignment
15 10 Newspaper clippings, reprint articles and clipped articles not in specific files
15 11 Northern Plains Resource Council
15 12 Northern Plains Soil and Water Research Center - Sidney, Montana
15 13 Northern Tier Pipeline news clippings
15 14 Northern Rockies Foundation - Jerry Calvert proposal
15 15 Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools - Accreditation Team
15 16 Northwest Franchises, Inc (business venture)
16 1 "Omnibus" - suggested outline
16 2 "Omnibus" - Section 1 citations
16 3 "Omnibus" - Section 2 citations
16 4 "Omnibus" - Section 3 citations
16 5 "Omnibus" - Section 4 citations
16 6 "Omnibus" - Section 5 citations
16 7 "Omnibus" - Section 5A citations
16 8 "Omnibus" - Section 8 citations
16 9-11 "Omnibus" notes - p 1-234
16 12 "Omnibus" - National Archives citations and notes not included in section 1
16 13 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Legal descriptions
16 14 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Cloverleaf - summary
17 1 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Comanche - summary
17 2 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Richland - summary
17 3 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Rosebud - summary
17 4 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Wiota and Taiyan - summary
17 5 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms: Yanktonai - summary
17 6 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms - Elmer Starch memo 1965
17 7 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms - Elmer Starch miscellaneous suggestions
Folder phonograph-record
Recordings 1-10 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms - Elmer Starch recordings
Box Folder
17 8 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms - Rita McDonald interviews for Dr. Huffman
17 9 "Omnibus" research - Fairway Farms - Rita McDonald follow-up research
17 10 "Omnibus" research - M.L. Wilson (paper by Merrill Burlingame)
18 1-4 "Omnibus" - untitled rough draft manuscript, pp 1-359
18 5 Oregon Graduate Center evaluation by Northwest Assn. of Schools and Colleges
18 6 Orth, John C. - application forms and vita
18 7 Outlook conference papers
18 8 Over-the-Hill Administrative Council (informal social club)
18 9 Overhead costs (research programs)
18 10 Paradise Dam
18 11 Patents
18 12 Peace Corp - Columbia
18 13 Penn, Raymond J.
19 1 People and property rights
19 2 People to People - China 1981
19 3 People to People - registrations and deposits
19 4 People to People - responses
19 5 Personal memorabilia and papers - commencement announcements, calendar, etc.
19 6 Planning Seminar 1972
19 7 Population statistics
19 8 Preliminary and progress reports - Buford, Trenton grazing area
19 9 President of Montana State Univ - Roy E. Huffman - application, vita, endorsements 1969
19 10 Presidential Search Committee (MSU) 1976-1977
19 11 Presidential Search Committee (MSU) 1976-1977
20 1 Production potentials (Montana agriculture)
20 2 Programs of conferences, conventions, seminars, etc.
20 3 Public Affairs Forum 1973 November 19-20
20 4 Public Land Law Review - conference presentation manuscript and correspondence
20 5 Public land trades and sales - newspaper clippings
20 6 Public service
20 7 Publication requests 1946-1951
20 8 Publishers - correspondence
20 9 Pullman meeting - Washington State University - Department of Architecture 1972
20 10 Range Management - Annual meeting 1966
20 11 Reclamation - meeting 1966 January
20 12 Reclamation, Bureau of - correspondence and attachments 1945-1961
20 13 Reclamation Association - Montana
20 14 Reclamation Association - National
20 15 Reclamation - Strip mined lands
20 16 Registrar and Treasurer, Montana State University 1946-1952
21 1 Renne, Roland R. (President's Office), Montana State University 1945-1952
21 2 Reprints of speeches, presentations and papers for conferences, etc. by Roy E. Huffman
21 3-4 Reprints of speeches, presentations and papers by colleagues and peers of Huffman
21 5 Research (general) - loose handwritten notes
21 6 Research (general) - bibliographies
21 7 Research (general) - miscellaneous clippings of interest
21 8-9 Research (general) - reprinted articles, speeches, etc.
22 1 Research (general) - university bulletins, circulars, etc.
22 2 Research brochure for Montana State University research programs - topic offerings
22 3 Research by Department (MSU)
22 4 Research clippings on MSU and educational research problems
22 5 Research fellowship proposal 1977-1978
22 6 Research Foundation (MSU) 1947-1966
22 7 Research ideas
22 8 Research Park
22 9 Research reports 1943-1947
22 10 Resource allocation, Arlie House Conference notes
22 11 Retirement correspondence 1976-1977
22 12 River Press - Fort Benton
22 13 Rocky Mountain Institute for Policy Research 1975 July
22 14 Ronald Press Co. - correspondence with attachments
22 15 Ronald Press Co. - royalty statements
22 16 Rural Institutions Seminar 1965-1966
22 17 Rural Progress Conferences 1952 March - February
23 1 Russia: everything related to trip 1978
23 2 Sagebrush Rebellion, newspaper and article clippings
23 3 Saline seep
23 4-7 Saudi Arabia agricultural projects
23 8 Saunderson, Mont H.
23 9 Science and Technology Governor's Committee
23 10 Secretary of Agriculture requested report for Montana on "War Production Goals and Their Attainment" 1942 June
23 11 Seminars on science and technology
24 1 Sheridan, Richard G.: typed manuscript and alternate introduction of "Water, Water Everywhere but?: a study of the politico-administrative aspects of water development in Montana" 1968
24 2 Sigma Xi Club
24 3 Small watersheds
24 4 Social Security correspondence re James L. Huffman (father)
24 5 Sodbusting - newspaper clippings
24 6 Soil Bank
24 7 Spring seminar - "Economic development and environmental values" 1972
24 8 Staff seminars 1953
24 9 Starch, Elmer A., correspondence 1967-1971
25 1 Starch, Elmer A., correspondence 1972-1977
25 2 Starch, Elmer A., correspondence 1978-1982
25 3-13 Starch, Elmer A., rough draft of "Great Plains Renaissance: Essays" by Elmer A. Starch; edited by Thomas R. Wessell, chapters 1-10
25 13 Starch, Elmer A. - draft manuscript of 50 articles for "A Saga of the Sage" by Starch, parts of which were published as "Great Plains renaissance: essays"
26 1 State Water Board 1946-1951
26 2 Statistics - miscellaneous for Montana 1970s-1980s
26 3 Sugar beet correspondence 1948
26 4 Sugar beet materials
26 5 Swine growers conference 1964 February 18
26 6 Taeusch, Carl F. (Chief of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration), copies of correspondence about Northern Great Plains School 1939-1940
26 7 Taxation and taxes
26 8 Teacher Retirement System 1940s-1950s
26 9 Tenure in Water research project 1953
26 10 Tietz, President William J., Jr., correspondence
26 11 Tillage - newspaper clippings and article reprints
26 12 Tree ring studies
26 13 Tribune articles (financing university education) 1972
26 14 Types of farming - U.S. maps 1930, 1949
26 15 University Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) 1965-1973
26 16 Unused manuscripts - University of California Department of Agricultural Economics
26 17 Upper Missouri Water Users Assn - correspondence 1968-1969
26 18 USDA: "Historical Album of Agriculture"
26 19 USDA Task Force on Rural Development and Family Living 1967-1978
26 20 Valley Authorities (Tennessee, Missouri, Columbia) 1944-1950s
27 1 Vice President for Research, correspondence 1965-1976
27 2 Water Board - correspondence 1951, 1953
27 3 Water Board research proposal 1967
27 4 Water Center 1964-1975
27 5 Water - Citizens' Conferences 1967 September 8-28
27 6 Water conferences information and articles
27 7 Water issues - newspaper clippings and articles
27 8 Water Law course - Mock Water Adjudication 1982 Spring
27 9 Water Law Symposium
27 10 Water Resources Policy Commission (Federal) 1950-1951
27 11 Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) minutes
27 12 Water Resources Research Center (WRRC) research proposal
27 13 Water Resources Research Institutes 1964-1966
27 14 Water rights, newspaper clippings
27 15 Water Use in Montana, Historical Society Symposium 1976 November 4-6
27 16 Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA) 1955-1971
27 17 Western Farm Economics Association 1946-1966
28 1 Western Interstate Water Conferences 1965
28 2 Western Interstate Water Conference 1969
28 3 Western States Water Council 1972
28 4 Western Water Resources Committee 1951-1954
28 5 Western Wildlands Journal article
28 6 Wiley Research Awards 1979
28 7 Wilson, M.L. - papers, correspondence and reprinted articles
28 8 Wilson, M.L. - Wilson Chair of Agricultural Economics, MSU
28 9 Wilson, M.L. - Wilson Distinguished Lecture Series
28 10 Wilson, M.L. - Wilson Symposium - correspondence, arrangements, papers 1967 July 25-27
28 11 Wilson, M.L. - Wilson Symposium - preliminary manuscript #1 1967
29 1 Wilson, M.L. - Wilson Symposium - preliminary manuscript #2 1967
29 2 Wind energy - Fred Davison
29 3 Wind Reel (Curt Phillips) - development, correspondence, patent and legal papers
29 4 Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin correspondence, papers for PhD program, 1949-1952
29 5-8 Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Press - papers and draft copy of thesis
29 9 Worrall, Ted E.J. - correspondence on acquiring his Farm Machine Library for MSU
29 10 "Yearbook of Agriculture, 1955" - correspondence, manuscript and related papers 1955
29 11 Yellowstone water reservations - personal papers and correspondence