Transportation Director's Subject Files, 1999-2008

Overview of the Collection

Seattle (Wash.). Dept. of Transportation
Transportation Director's Subject Files
1999-2008 (inclusive)
20.8 cubic feet, (40 boxes)
Collection Number
Records concerning transportation issues and projects in Seattle.
Seattle Municipal Archives
Seattle Municipal Archives
Office of the City Clerk
City of Seattle
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA
Telephone: 2062337807
Fax: 2063869025
Access Restrictions

Records are open to the public.

Funding for processing this record series was provided through a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Historical NoteReturn to Top

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) was formed by combining transportation planning from the former Strategic Planning Office (SPO) with the former Seattle Transportation Department (SeaTran) to bring a more comprehensive approach to transportation service delivery. A major element of SDOT's creation was the establishment of the Policy, Planning, and Major Project's division, which is charged with transportation system planning and providing increased control and influence over major projects under construction in Seattle.

SDOT is currently organized into eight divisions. The Director's Office, Human Resources, and Communications constitute the Executive management division. The Capital Projects and Roadway Structures division includes the Transportation Capital Improvement Program and operation and maintenance of the city's bridges and other structures. Street Use & Urban Forestry provides permitting for all work including planting, pruning, and removal of trees. Responsibility for long-range transportation planning, and developing transportation policy for the city of Seattle falls to the Policy & Planning division. Initiation of large projects and program development is lead by the Major Projects division. Financial oversight of the department, information systems and administrative support is directed by the Resource Management division. The Street Maintenance division has responsibility for street resurfacing, cleaning and general maintenance and Traffic Management is responsible for operation of the city's street system, and neighborhood and operational programs.

This department has had a long evolution beginning with the Department of Streets and Sewers which was responsible for planning, construction, repair, and cleaning of the City's streets, sidewalks, and sewers. City Council appointed Seattle's first Street Commissioner in 1875. The position came under the jurisdiction of the Board of Public Works in 1890. The position of Superintendent of Streets, Sewers and Parks was established in 1896; authority over parks was removed in 1904. In 1936 the Engineering Department assumed the responsibilities of the Department of Streets and Sewers and the Traffic Department and the Department became the Maintenance Division of the Engineering Department.

An ordinance creating a Department of Transportation was passed in July 1971. The legislation provided for the appointment of the Director of Transportation, specified the duties of the Transit Advisory Board, provided for the Seattle Transit Commission, and transferred all remaining operational aspects to the newly organized department. The Seattle Transportation Department was created in 1997 when the traffic and transportation functions of the Engineering Department were consolidated. By June 2002, SDOT and SPO consolidated to form a newly organized department which absorbed responsibilities for maintenance and operation of streets, bridges, retaining walls and seawalls, and traffic control systems in the City. An ordinance passed in 2004 changed the department's name to Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT).

Content DescriptionReturn to Top

Predominantly files of Director Grace Crunican regarding transportation projects and issues, including the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement, Seattle Monorail Project, South Lake Union area, the Mercer Street corridor, and streetcars. Also documented are regional transportation issues involving Sound Transit, Link Light Rail, ferries, state and federal highways, and a Regional Transportation Investment District. Records include subject files, studies, reports, correspondence, briefing material, trip files, departmental and mayoral meeting agendas

Use of the CollectionReturn to Top

Preferred Citation

[Item and date], Seattle Transportation Director's Subject Files , Record Series 8100-03. Box [number], Folder [number]. Seattle Municipal Archives.

Administrative InformationReturn to Top

Detailed Description of the CollectionReturn to Top

Container(s) Description Dates
Box Folder
1 1 Accountability Agreement 2004
1 2 Accountability Agreement 2004
1 3 Aging Americans 2004
1 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2002
1 5 Alaskan Way Viaduct And Seawall 2002
1 6 Alaskan Way Viaduct And Seawall Options 2002
1 7 Alaskan Way Viaduct And Seawall 2003
1 8 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement 2003
1 9 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement 2003
1 10 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2003
1 11 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2003
1 12 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
1 13 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
1 14 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
1 15 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
1 16 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
1 17 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
2 1 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
2 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
2 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct Construction 2004
2 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct / Seawall - Public Comments 2004
2 5 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004
2 6 Alaskan Way Viaduct - 2030 Materials For Council COW 2004
2 7 Alaskan Way Viaduct and Seawall Replacement Project Briefing Notebook 2005
2 8 Alaskan Way Viaduct Hillside Maintenance 2003-2004
2 9 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Seneca Group 2002
2 10 Alaskan Way Viaduct Washington DC Fly-In 2004
2 11 Alaskan Way Viaduct Washington DC Information 2004
2 12 Alaskan Way Viaduct Emergency Closure and Traffic Plan 2005
2 13 American Public Transportation Association 2003-2004
2 14 Aquatic Ecology 2004
2 15 Aquatics 2004
2 16 Bike 2004
2 17 Bridges 2004
2 18 Budget 2002-2003
2 19 Burke-Gilman Trail, Ballard 2002
2 20 Burlington Northern Santa Fe 2002
2 21 Bus Rapid Transit 2001-2002
2 22 Bus Rapid Transit - Aurora Ave 2002-2004
2 23 Business Meetings, Quarterly 2003
2 24 Business Meetings, Quarterly 2004
2 25 Business Meetings, Quarterly 2004
2 26 Capital Cabinet 2003-2004
2 27 Capital Improvement Program (CIP 2003-2004
2 28 Tim Ceis Meetings 2004
3 1 Citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee 2003-2004
3 2 City Council 2003
3 3 City Council 2004
3 4 City Council - Budget 2003
3 5 City Council Budget Retreat 2004
3 6 City Council Budget Committee Presentation 2005
3 7 City Council Transportation Committee Orientation 2004
3 8 Community Meetings 2002
3 9 Community Meetings - Belltown 2002
3 10 Community Meetings - Bicycle Advisory Board 2002
3 11 Community Meetings - Galer St. Flyover 2002
3 12 Correspondence - To Grace Crunican 2003
3 13 Correspondence - To Grace Crunican 2003
3 14 Correspondence - To Grace Crunican 2004
3 15 Cost Estimate Validation Process 2002
3 16 Costco 4th Ave 2001
3 17 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2003-2004
3 18 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2003-2004
3 19 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2004-2005
3 20 Eastlake Neighborhood Tour 2002
3 21 Economic Vitality Sub-Cabinet 2002
3 22 Environmental 2003
3 23 Environmental 2004
3 24 Federal Transportation Priorities 2003
3 25 Ferries (Incl. Drawings) 2004
3 26 Ferries 2004
3 27 Filipino-American City Employees of Seattle (FACES) Conference 2002-2003
3 28 Finance 2001-2002
3 29 Financial Memo From Daryl R. Grigsby 1999-2001
3 30 Flexcar Car Sharing 2002
4 1 For Your Review and Comment 2002
4 2 Freight Mobility Roundtable 2002-2003
4 3 Gas Tax Proposal 2003
4 4 Growth Management Sub-Cabinet 2004
4 5 HOT Lanes 2004
4 6 HOV 2002-2003
4 7 Initiative 776 2002
4 8 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Duwamish 2000
4 9 Interstate 5 Corridor 2004
4 10 Interstate 90 2003
4 11 King Street Station 2002
4 12 Kudos From Grace 2002
4 13 Labor - Management Leadership Committee 2003
4 14 Labor - Management Leadership Committee 2004
4 15 Lake City Way 2002-2003
4 16 Legislation 2002-2003
4 17 Legislative 2004
4 18 Manufacturing Industrial Council 2002
4 19 Master Builders Association 2002
4 20 Master Builders Association of Seattle, Meetings 2002-2003
4 21 Mayor's Priorities 2002
4 22 Mayor 2003
4 23 Mayor's Office Info 2002-2003
4 24 Mayor 2004
4 25 Mayor Meetings 2004
4 26 Mayor's Green Ribbon Commission 2005
4 27 Mercer Corridor I 2004
4 28 Mercer Corridor I 2003-2004
4 29 Mercer Corridor 2004 2003-2004
4 30 Mercer Corridor 2 2004
5 1 METRO - Bus Rapid Transit 2001-2003
5 2 Monorail 2002
5 3 Monorail 2002
5 4 Monorail - Finance 2003
5 5 Monorail 2003
5 6 Monorail 2004
5 7 Monorail 2004
5 8 Monorail 2004
5 9 Monorail 2004
5 10 Monorail 2004
5 11 Monorail - Mitigation Program 2004
5 12 Monorail 2004
5 13 Monorail 2005
5 14 Monorail Greenline Agreement 2003-2004
5 15 Monorail Greenline Agreement - Draft 2004
5 16 Nisqually Earthquake 2001
5 17 Noise Wall 2004
5 18 Olympic Pipeline 2003
5 19 Organizational Assessment - Bob Wall 2002-2003
5 20 Parking 2002-2004
5 21 Parking 2004
5 22 Parking Management 2002
5 23 Police - Harbor Patrol 2001
5 24 Presentations 2004
5 25 Presentations - Alaskan Way Viaduct, South Lake Union Streetcar 2004
5 26 Princeton Bridge 2002
5 27 Puget Sound Federal Relations Mission To Washington DC Briefing Book 2003
6 1 Puget Sound Regional Council 2003
6 2 Puget Sound Regional Council 2004
6 3 Puget Sound Regional Council 2004
6 4 Puget Sound Regional Council 2004
6 5 Race Relations 2004
6 6 Referendum 51 2002
6 7 Regional Meetings 2002
6 8 Regional Package 2000-2002
6 9 Regional Package 2000-2002
6 10 Regional Transportation Committee 2003
6 11 Regional Transportation Investment District 2003
6 12 Regional Transportation Investment District 2003
6 13 Regional Transportation Investment District - Moving To Solutions 2003
6 14 Regional Transportation Investment District 2004
6 15 Regional Transportation Investment District 2004
6 16 Regional Transportation Investment District 2004
6 17 Regional Transportation Investment District 2003-2004
6 18 Reorganization Planning (SPO) - Written 2002
6 19 SDOT Vision 2002
7 1 SeaShore Transportation Forum 2003
7 2 SeaShore Transportation Forum 2004
7 3 SeaShore Transportation Forum 2004
7 4 Seattle Public Utilities - Drainage 2004
7 5 Seattle Public Utilities - 4% Drainage 2004
7 6 Seattle Public Utilities - 4% Drainage 2004
7 7 Seattle Streetcar Delegation To Portland 2003
7 8 Seattle Urban Forest 2003
7 9 Security 2004
7 10 Sidewalks 2002-2004
7 11 Sodo 2003
7 12 Sound Transit 2002
7 13 Sound Transit 2002
7 14 Sound Transit 2003-2004
7 15 Sound Transit, Light Rail 2003
7 16 Sound Transit 2004
7 17 Sound Transit 2004
7 18 Sound Transit 2004
7 19 Sound Transit Link Light Rail 2003
7 20 South Lake Union 2003
7 21 South Lake Union 2004
7 22 South Lake Union / Mercer Ramps 2000
7 23 South Lake Union Streetcar 2003-2004
7 24 South Lake Union Streetcar 2004
7 25 South Park Bridge 2002-2004
7 26 Speaking Events 2002-2003
7 27 State Route 513 2000-2001
8 1 State Route 519 2002
8 2 State Route 520 2003-2004
8 3 State Route 520 2004
8 4 State Route 520 Bridge Replacement 2004
8 5 Staff Agendas 2002
8 6 Staff Agendas 2003
8 7 Staff Agendas 2003
8 8 Staff Agendas 2003
8 9 Staff Agendas 2004
8 10 Staff Agendas 2004
8 11 Staff Agendas 2004
8 12 Staff Agendas 2004
8 13 Staff Agendas 2004
8 14 Staff Agendas 2004
8 15 Staff Kudos 2002-2004
8 16 Staff Retreat 2001
8 17 Street Maintenance 2003-2004
8 18 Streetcar 2003
8 19 Streetcar 2004
8 20 Streetcar Legislative Intent 2004
8 21 Topoff 2003
8 22 Transition - Mayor-Elect Nickels 2001-2002
8 23 Translake Washington 2001-2002
8 24 Trans-Lake Washington Project 2002
9 1 Transportation and Climate Conference 2004
9 2 "Transportation and the Shape of the City" James R. Ellis Remarks 1965
9 3 Transportation Equity Act 2003
9 4 Transportation Legislative Conference, Washington DC 2003
9 5 Transportation Overview Meetings 2002-2004
9 6 Transportation Strategic Plan 2001
9 7 Trip - Chicago 2004
9 8 Trip - Washington DC 2004
9 9 Trip - Washington DC 2004
9 10 Urban Sustainability 2003
9 11 Utah Street Issues (Includes Drawings) 2004
9 12 West Galer St. Flyover 2000
9 13 Women's Transportation Seminar 2004
9 14 Women's Transportation Seminar 2005
10 1 Environment 2005
10 2 2005 Budget 2004-2005
10 3 2005 Budget 2004
10 4 2005 Budget 2004
10 5 2005 Budget 2003-2005
10 6 2005 Budget 2005
11 1 2006 Budget 2005
11 2 2006 Budget 2005
11 3 Mayor's Office 2004-2005
11 4 Mayor's Office 2005
11 5 Mayor's Office 2004-2005
11 6 Mayor's Office - Tim Ceis Meetings 2004-2005
11 7 City Council 2005
11 8 City Council - Richard Conlin Meetings 2005
12 1 Maintenance 2005
12 2 Ferries 2004-2005
12 3 Accountability 2004-2006
12 4 Public-Private Partnerships 2005
12 5 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2004-2005
12 6 Legislative 2004-2005
12 7 Legislative 2005
12 8 Fremont 2005
12 9 Atlantic Street ca. 2008
12 10 Airport Way 2005
12 11 Monorail 2004-2005
12 12 Ballard Railroad Terminal 2005
12 13 Bridges 2005
13 1 Bikes 2005
13 2 Sound Transit North Link 2004
13 3 Presentations 2005
13 4 Presentations 2004-2005
13 5 Parking Management 2002-2004
13 6 Parking Tax 2001-2002
13 7 Parking Pay Stations 2003-2004
13 8 Permitting 2004-2005
13 9 Port of Seattle 2002-2005
13 10 Traffic 2004-2005
14 1 Rail 2004-2005
14 2 Rail 2004-2005
14 3 San Diego Study Mission 2005
14 4 SeaShore Transportation Forum 2005
14 5 SeaShore Transportation Forum 2005
14 6 SR 519 1998-2005
14 7 SR 519 2003-2004
14 8 Street Use Permits 2004-2005
14 9 Thomas Street Overpass 2006
14 10 Urban Center Wayfinding Project 1999-2000
14 11 Urban Ring 2004-2005
15 1 Sound Transit 2005
15 2 Sound Transit 2004-2005
15 3 Sound Transit 2005
15 4 Staff Meetings 2005
15 5 Staff Meetings 2005
15 6 Swiftsure Lightship Restoration 2003-2005
15 7 Trans-Lake Washington Project 2004
16 1 South Lake Union Streetcar 2005
16 2 Transportation Subcabinet 2004-2005
16 3 West Seattle Swing Bridge 2001-2005
16 4 Federal Transportation Priorities 2006
16 5 Streetcar Grand Opening 2007
16 6 Streetcar Grand Opening 2007
16 7 Strategic Parking Assessment 2005
16 8 Alaskan Way Viaduct Milestones 2006-2007
17 1 Capital Projects 2005-2006
17 2 Regional Transportation Investment District (RTID) 2004-2006
17 3 Regional Transportation Investment District (RTID) 2004
17 4 Utah Street 2004
17 5 Washington Mutual Second Avenue 2004
17 6 Waterfront 2005-2006
17 7 West Marginal Way 2004-2005
17 8 Western Avenue 2006
17 9 Willow Street End 2005
17 10 WSDOT 2002-2006
17 11 Art 2002-2006
17 12 City Council 2006
18 1 Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) 2005
18 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004-2006
18 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Chamber Presentation 2006
18 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Construction Transportation Management Plan 2004-2006
18 5 Consultants 2006-2009
18 6 Construction 2004-2005
18 7 CPRS Design Group Enhancement 2006
18 8 Doug Wright 2003-2006
18 9 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2006-2007
18 10 Feet First 2004-2005
18 11 Green Ribbon Commission 2005
18 12 Harborview 2005
18 13 I-5 2005
18 14 Legislative 2006
18 15 Magnolia Bridge and Piers 90/91 2005-2006
18 16 Mayor's Retreat 2006
18 17 Northgate 2006
18 18 Pedestrians 2005-2006
18 19 Port of Seattle 2006
18 20 Permitting 2002-2005
19 1 Capital Projects and Roadway Structures 2005
19 2 Regional Mobility 2006
19 3 Sidewalks 2004-2006
19 4 Transportation Strategic Plan 2004-2006
19 5 Sodo / South Downtown 2004-2008
19 6 WMBE Staffing 2005
19 7 Transportation Subcabinet 2006
19 8 T-Staff Planning Meeting 2006
19 9 100-Day Agenda 2002
19 10 15th Avenue NW 2003-2005
19 11 Second Avenue Bike Lane 2005-2006
19 12 Accountability 2005-2006
19 13 Annual Business Meeting 2006
19 14 Audits 2004-2005
19 15 Three Amigos 2004-2006
19 16 Bridges 2005-2006
19 17 Consultants 2004-2005
19 18 Chief Sealth Trail 2005
19 19 SR 519 2006
20 1 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
20 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
20 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
20 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2005-2006
20 5 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
20 6 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2005-2006
20 7 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
21 1 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
21 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
21 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
21 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004-2006
21 5 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2005-2006
21 6 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006-2007
21 7 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
21 8 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006
22 1 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Budget 2006
22 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Environmental Impact Statement 2006
22 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Expert Review Panel 2006-2007
22 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Hillside Security 2004
22 5 Burke-Gilman Trail 2002
22 6 Consultants / Three Amigos 2004-2005
22 7 2006 Budget 2005
22 8 Bikes 2005-2006
22 9 BNSF Railroad 2004-2006
22 10 Children's Hospital 2004-2005
22 11 Chip Seal Program 2006
22 12 City Council 2006-2007
22 13 Clean Seattle 2003-2004
23 1 Bridging the Gap 2006
23 2 Bridging the Gap 2003-2006
23 3 Bridging the Gap - Ballot Measures 2006
23 4 Bridging the Gap - Ballot Measures 2006
23 5 Compass Center 2004
23 6 Center City 2002-2003
23 7 Center City 2004-2006
23 8 Center City 2003-2004
24 1 Cascadia 2006
24 2 Mayor's Office - Tim Ceis Meetings 2006
24 3 Rainier Avenue Crosswalks 2003-2004
24 4 Commute Trip Reduction 2004-2006
24 5 DBE Court Ruling 2005
24 6 Downtown Seattle Traffic and Street Improvements 2004
24 7 Downtown Seattle Association 2005-2006
24 8 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2004-2006
24 9 Duwamish Land Use 2002-2005
24 10 E-3 Busway 2002
24 11 Earthquakes 2005
24 12 East Marginal Way 2005-2006
24 13 Emergency Preparedness 2002-2006
24 14 SDOT: Better Place to Work 2006
24 15 Monorail 2003-2005
24 16 Environmental Management Systems 2004
24 17 Environmental 2006
24 18 Ethics 2005-2006
24 19 Ferries 2006
24 20 Freight 2004-2006
24 21 Federal Transit Administration Triennial Review 2005-2006
25 1 Housing Development 2003-2004
25 2 King Street Station 2005-2006
25 3 King Street Station 2002-2006
25 4 Hurricane Katrina 2005
25 5 Alaskan Way Surface-Tunnel Hybrid 2007
25 6 I-5 Corridor 2005
25 7 I-90 2003-2005
25 8 Initiative 933 2006
25 9 Impacts Conference - Sweden 2006
25 10 Interdepartmental Permitting Process 2003
25 11 Brookings Presentation - Mayor's Retreat 2005
25 12 Legislative 2005-2006
25 13 Light Rail 2003-2005
25 14 Madison Street Overpass 2005
25 15 Maple Leaf 2005
25 16 Manufacturing and Maritime Action Plan 2004
25 17 Master Builders 2006
25 18 MLK Way 2003
25 19 Northgate 2004-2005
26 1 Magnolia Bridge 2003-2006
26 2 Mayor's Cabinet Retreats 2002-2003
26 3 Mayor's Office 2006
26 4 Mercer Corridor 2005-2006
26 5 Rail 2004-2005
26 6 Rail 2004-2006
26 7 Green Ribbon Commission / Climate Change 2006
26 8 Neighborhoods 2003-2006
26 9 North Link Light Rail 2004
26 10 Olympic Sculpture Park 2000-2004
26 11 Monorail - OnTrack 2004
27 1 Noise Walls 2004
27 2 Transportation Open Houses 2006
27 3 Pine Street 2004-2006
27 4 Port of Seattle 2004-2006
27 5 Quarterly Business Meetings 2005-2006
27 6 Retreats 2005-2006
27 7 Right of Way 2005-2006
27 8 Sound Transit 2006
27 9 Sound Transit 2006
27 10 Sound Transit 2007
27 11 Sound Transit 2006
27 12 Sound Transit 2006
27 13 Pedestrians 2003-2007
28 1 Race and Social Justice Initiative (RSJI) 2005-2006
28 2 Speeches 2006
28 3 Speeches 2006
28 4 Speeches 2006
28 5 Speeches 2006
28 6 Speeches 2006
28 7 Pedestrians 2006
28 8 Pavement 2005
29 1 Parking 2005-2006
29 2 Parking Meters 2004-2006
29 3 Safeco 2005
29 4 Safety 2003
29 5 SR 519 2005-2006
29 6 SR 519 2006
29 7 SR 519 2004-2006
29 8 SR 519 2003-2005
29 9 SR 519 2003-2006
29 10 Seattle Art Museum Street Use 2005
29 11 Scooters ca. 2006
29 12 SeaShore 2004-2005
29 13 Seattle Housing Authority 2003
29 14 Seattle Transit Plan 2005-2006
29 15 Shoreline 2005
29 16 Shoreline Street Ends 2001
30 1 Service Awards 2005-2006
30 2 Regional Transportation Investment District 2005-2006
30 3 Security 2005
30 4 South Lake Union 2004-2006
30 5 SPD-SDOT Coordination 2004
30 6 Seattle Public Utilities 2005-2007
30 7 Traffic 2004-2006
30 8 Trees 2003-2006
30 9 SR 523 2003
30 10 Alaskan Way Viaduct - TY Lin Report 2005
30 11 Transit Tunnel Closure 2005
30 12 Staff Kudos 2003-2006
30 13 Mayor Meetings 2003
31 1 SR 520 2006
31 2 SR 520 2006
31 3 SR 520 2004-2006
31 4 SR 520 - Presentations 2006
31 5 SR 520 - Pacific Interchange ca. 2006
31 6 Streetcar 2005-2006
31 7 Street Ends 2004-2005
31 8 Transit Now 2006
31 9 Terry Avenue N 2005
31 10 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Expert Review Panel 2006
31 11 Urban Mobility Group 2005-2007
31 12 Terminal 18 2005-2006
32 1 T-Staff Meetings 2005-2006
32 2 T-Staff Meetings 2006
32 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Urban Mobility Plan 2008
32 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Urban Mobility Plan 2008
32 5 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Urban Mobility Plan 2008
32 6 Police Dept. 2007-2008
32 7 Port of Seattle 2006-2007
32 8 Red Light Cameras 2006-2008
33 1 SDOT Properties 2004-2008
33 2 Sound Transit 2007
33 3 Sound Transit 2006-2008
33 4 Sound Transit 2007
33 5 Retreats 2007
33 6 Regional Transportation Investment District (RTID) 2006-2007
33 7 Safety 2004-2008
33 8 School District 2007
33 9 Security 2006-2007
33 10 Service Awards 2007
33 11 Shoreline 2007
33 12 Rainier Corridor Safety Project 2005-2006
33 13 Skybridges 2007
34 1 Starbucks 2006
34 2 Quarterly Business Meetings 2007
34 3 Quarterly Business Meetings 2007-2008
34 4 Sidewalks 2007
34 5 South Lake Union 2007
34 6 Speeches 2007
34 7 Spokane Street Viaduct 2006-2007
34 8 SR 167 2003
34 9 SR 519 2007
34 10 SR 520 2007-2008
34 11 Transit Plan 2007
34 12 Streetcar 2007
34 13 Stone Way 2006-2007
35 1 Third Avenue 2007
35 2 Traffic 2005-2008
35 3 Transportation Funding 2006
35 4 Trees 2007
35 5 T-Staff Meetings 2006-2007
35 6 Transit Tunnel 2007
35 7 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Urban Mobility Plan 2002-2007
35 8 University of Washington 2003-2007
35 9 Urban Canyons 2007
35 10 Urban Street Symposium 2007
35 11 Waterfront Mitigation 2006-2007
35 12 Waterfront Plan 2006-2007
36 1 Urban Partnership 2007
36 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
36 3 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
36 4 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2006-2007
36 5 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2004-2007
36 6 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
36 7 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
36 8 Alaskan Way Viaduct 2007
37 1 Alaskan Way Viaduct - WSDOT Public Disclosure 2007
37 2 Alaskan Way Viaduct - Tunnel 2006-2007
37 3 Audits 2007
37 4 WSDOT 2003-2007
37 5 Budget 2006
37 6 Budget 2006
37 7 Budget 2007
37 8 Aurora Avenue 2006-2007
37 9 Bikes 2006-2007
38 1 Ballard and West Seattle Transit 2006
38 2 Bridging the Gap 2007
38 3 Bridging the Gap - Partnership Proposals 2007
38 4 Bridging the Gap 2006-2007
38 5 BNSF Railroad 2007
38 6 Bridges 2007
38 7 Public-Private Partnerships 2005
38 8 Lake Union Water Taxi 2005
38 9 C735 Light Rail 2007
38 10 Mayor's Office 2007
38 11 Mayor's Office Meetings 2006-2007
38 12 Mayor's Office - Tim Ceis Meetings 2007
38 13 City Council 2007
39 1 Climate 2004-2007
39 2 Climate Action Plan 2006-2008
39 3 Combined Charities 2007
39 4 Construction 2007
39 5 Army Corps of Engineers 2007
39 6 Dearborn 2007
39 7 Downtown Transportation Alliance 2007
39 8 Freight 2007
39 9 Transportation Funding 2006-2007
39 10 Graffiti 2006-2007
39 11 HR Policy 2007-2008
39 12 I-90 2005-2007
39 13 King Street Station 2006-2007
39 14 Passenger Ferry 2003
39 15 Legislative 2007
40 1 City Light 2007
40 2 Claims 2007
40 3 Flexcar 2006
40 4 Center City 2007-2008
40 5 Mercer Corridor 2007
40 6 Northgate 2003-2007
40 7 Parking 2004-2007
40 8 Paving 2006-2007
40 9 Pedestrians 2007
40 10 Transit Shelters 2003-2007
40 11 Permitting 2007-2008
40 12 Permitting 2007
40 13 Kudos 2007
40 14 Federal Transportation Priorities 2002-2004
40 15 Accountability 2007
40 16 West Lake Union 2004-2007
40 17 Transportation Subcabinet 2007